I have been a utopian since reading Edward Bellamy’s “Looking Backward” a long, long time ago. When I was forty or so, it occurred to me that if I turned everything my father believed around by 180 degrees, I had collective image psychology, a reasonable explanation for today’s human behavior. It’s simple. We become the species we think we are. Since we don’t think much of “human nature” we don’t think much of ourselves and act accordingly. Hierarchy results when some strive to prove themselves different from that despised mass. You can find the theory in detail on my site at http://www.egalite.com

I wrote a book about the theory deemed so uncommercial, I cannot get an agent, let alone a publisher, so I self published it. In the last five or so years I sold three or four copies. I suppose the theory boils down to the thought of death makes us so crazy we collectively decide there is a God and a heaven. We kill those who express doubt. Since everyone happily worships in the church of their choice, persuading them religion is the problem in that it casts us as sinners and lowers collective esteem makes for a tough sell. I’m new to blogging. It’s interesting, but I doubt bloggers are ready for a new faith in humanity, current events notwithstanding, to replace the old faith in God.