Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington (CREW) has some pretty big news.

In a startling new revelation, CREW has also learned through two confidential sources that the Executive Office of the President (EOP) has lost over five million emails generated between March 2003 and October 2005. The White House counsel’s office was advised of these problems in 2005 and CREW has been told that the White House was given a plan of action to recover these emails, but to date nothing has been done to rectify this significant loss of records.

Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW, said today, “It’s clear that the White House has been willfully violating the law, the only question now is to what extent? The ever changing excuses offered by the administration – that they didn’t want to violate the Hatch Act, that staff wasn’t clear on the law – are patently ridiculous. Very convenient that embarrassing – and potentially incriminating – emails have gone missing. It’s the Nixon White House all over again.”

Read the whole thing.

Once again, we have a case of gross criminality that will only be considered criminal if Congress defines it as criminal. How would they do that? By bringing charges against those responsible, and by impeaching this administration from top to bottom. Is there such a thing as obstruction of justice that is SO FRIGGIN’ HUGE that it can’t even be considered obstruction of justice? Destroying over two years of records? This administration is so over-the-top criminal that it is hard to deal with.