Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington (CREW) has some pretty big news.
In a startling new revelation, CREW has also learned through two confidential sources that the Executive Office of the President (EOP) has lost over five million emails generated between March 2003 and October 2005. The White House counsel’s office was advised of these problems in 2005 and CREW has been told that the White House was given a plan of action to recover these emails, but to date nothing has been done to rectify this significant loss of records.
Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW, said today, “It’s clear that the White House has been willfully violating the law, the only question now is to what extent? The ever changing excuses offered by the administration – that they didn’t want to violate the Hatch Act, that staff wasn’t clear on the law – are patently ridiculous. Very convenient that embarrassing – and potentially incriminating – emails have gone missing. It’s the Nixon White House all over again.”
Read the whole thing.
Once again, we have a case of gross criminality that will only be considered criminal if Congress defines it as criminal. How would they do that? By bringing charges against those responsible, and by impeaching this administration from top to bottom. Is there such a thing as obstruction of justice that is SO FRIGGIN’ HUGE that it can’t even be considered obstruction of justice? Destroying over two years of records? This administration is so over-the-top criminal that it is hard to deal with.
Surely it must be Microsoft’s fault. /snark
I think CREW’s site is down – I can’t open it.
Same here. Too much traffic, or something evil and menacing?
Same here but I thought it was my I’ve been having trouble this morning.
The criminal snowball continues to roll. How much bigger does it have to get before the Democrats bring down the hammer on this whole rotten mess?
Leahy is right. The “dog ate my homework” excuse is just not going to work here. That is, if it is not allowed to work. This stuff is just spewing out more and more every day. It’s impossible to keep track of every corruptible instance ginned up by this Keystone Kops outfit. The dam has to break at some point along the way.
From Think Progress:
Lies. Everything is lies. They say something in the morning and by the afternoon there is information out there and documented which contradicts what they said just a few hours earlier. It is absolutely out of control. This level of criminality is unprecedented. Is there anyone at any level of this administration who is without blemish?
I’m beginning to think not.
I’d say the short answer to that is a big NO….to get hired on with this crew you have to be some sort of twisted authoritarian nut job to start with…starting with hiring so many whacko religious(so called) nuts.
Is there anyone at any level of this administration who is without blemish?
I think Bush has a dog. ; )
and I bet if you looked into it you’d find even he managed to vote twice at the last election. 😉
And if they follow their usual modus operandi for criminal behavior, they’ll fully admit that they did it and dare the other branches of government to do something about it. The question is whether they’ll be met with crickets as they have in the past.
See also recommended diary:
When will Fitzgerald start demanding any Emails that very likely will be in the RNC Email systems, because guys like Rove used that system about 95% of the time, and would be useful in prosecuting the fuck out of these lying traitors?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
the month (3/3) we invaded Iraq up to the month when Iraqi certified their new constitution (10/05)
strange coincidence.
Dana Perino was like a deer in the headlights at this afternoons press gaggle. From Think Progress (emphasis mine):
Incredible!! Absolutely incredible!! I am, amazingly, speechless here.
Right so five million emails have gone missing, I can think of a couple of ways that that could be completely legitimate, but it would be a bit of a stretch,involving multiple pieces of Hardware failing simultaneously, and operators ignoring the warning messages, and we would have seen some IT department staff kicked rather spectacularly out of the door for a fuck up of that magnitude.
now five million emails sounds like a lot, but over three years that’s only about 5,000 a day and about 10 Gb of storage space (that’s an extremely rough figure pulled out of nowhere in case anyone wants to argue with it, and could easily be off by a factor of ten depending on the proportion of attatchments in the emails)
How many people are employed by the executive office of the President? and is this different to the number of people employed at the white house? you would assume that the Secret Service wouldn’t be included as they would have their own email system, likewise a variety of other staff can be rationally excluded. So how many people actually get onto the server to get their email lost?
Pardon me for being pedantic, but “lost” usually refers to something or someone that goes missing by accident. “I lost my subway fare, anyone have an extra token”?
“I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque and now I’m lost in the desert.”
“Lost” suggests an unintentional nature.
There is NOTHING unintentional about these 5,000,000 missing emails. Nothing unintentional at all.
I’ll bet the good folks over at NSA could resurrect those…and nothing ever completely disappears, unless of course, the servers have been smashed and are now sleeping with the fishes.
Abu, aka: [Fredo in Bushspeak™] Gonzales shouldn’t be getting on any small air or water craft.
Let’s see what all those forensic computer experts at the fbi, etc, can come up with, shall we….mr Leahy?
Use this and this and problem solved.
All employees of the Executive Branch have to receive training on the Hatch Act, and I believe a signed document testifies to one’s completion of that training. If staff were not aware of the Hatch Act, then they should not have been in the White House’s employ. And is not a violation of the Hatch Act an impeachable offense, given that it is a violation of the law?
But impeachment is off the table :0(
Not my table. ITMFA!
It is the centerpeice of my table.
Send your table to Congress!!!