Quite a line-up.
No clue on Earl; saw half an episode of The Office – but I’ve seen and enjoyed many of GA and ER. I’m waiting for Keith – saw your earlier comment on outing Anderson, is that in today’s show? (It first comes at 8pm here.)
We don’t have a TV. It’s amazing what a conversation stopper that is. “Did you see [insert subject or series name here]?” – “No, we don’t have a television” [Silence].
Earlier today, a speech pathologist, who has been regularly checking up on Andrew since he came home, gave him a formal assessment. He had to answer questions by pointing to pictures in a book. One of her questions was “what do you look at to watch cartoons?” He couldn’t identify the picture because we don’t watch t.v.
OOh, doesn’t that just make your blood freeze in your veins? I still can’t think of my kids being hit on. Thankfully at 25, 22, 19 and 17 it’ll be a few years before that happens. 😉
It’s my favorite night for TV!
Me too!
So what’s on?
Earl, The Office, Grey’s Anatomy and ER. Yay!
Quite a line-up.
No clue on Earl; saw half an episode of The Office – but I’ve seen and enjoyed many of GA and ER. I’m waiting for Keith – saw your earlier comment on outing Anderson, is that in today’s show? (It first comes at 8pm here.)
We don’t have a TV. It’s amazing what a conversation stopper that is. “Did you see [insert subject or series name here]?” – “No, we don’t have a television” [Silence].
Earlier today, a speech pathologist, who has been regularly checking up on Andrew since he came home, gave him a formal assessment. He had to answer questions by pointing to pictures in a book. One of her questions was “what do you look at to watch cartoons?” He couldn’t identify the picture because we don’t watch t.v.
That poor, poor child. How will he ever know who paris hilton is?
He’s cute…she’ll hit on him!
OOh, doesn’t that just make your blood freeze in your veins? I still can’t think of my kids being hit on. Thankfully at 25, 22, 19 and 17 it’ll be a few years before that happens. 😉
Especially the 25 year old – almost monk/nun-like I’m sure!
i’ll bet Andrew gets cuter by the day. I love the age he is now…they’re like curious little puppies.
He is a curious little puppy. He’s a funny little guy – full of personality and trying to talk up a storm.
Andi and I will be happy to loan you volumes 1 & 2 of Rocky and Bullwinkle to rectify Andrew’s cultural depravation. 🙂
I have a bunch of Rocky and Bullwinkle tapes. I love those guys!
I’m off to sleep – see you later.