Left wing PC gone wild. I can understand the falling like a stone unpopularity of Bush and the neo-con bunch. I would like nothing better than to see Faux News relegated to the trash bin of tabloid TV.
I do stop at the left’s concept of PC and as with all “media” it’s not about what you want.
“Our job is not to give people what they want but what we decide they ought to have.”—Richard Salant, former president of CBS News
Three days after Nov 7 I received the let down of galactic proportions in a thank you letter from Nancy Pelosi. She laid out the platform.
An anti-terror bill? A blank check to the building of an ideal Orwellian police state and full endorsement fo Bush’s global war of terror? Oh, you don’t see it that way?
Both the right and the left advance their respective agendas and both are destructive. The division in this country will reach epic proportions with no middle ground and this I believe this is by design.
Out of all the things of greater importance the lock onto Imus was blatantly co-ordinated. That and the following Duke affair. Scripted. Words of Mass Division.
Imus was needed to take the focus from Rosie and Bill O. Just simply can’t have them talking about 911 truth.
Second, the increasing unpopularity and outright delusional hypocrisy of the right spurs fears it might affect somebody’s pocketbook. Hence a shift to conventional left wing paradigms. Diversity.
Ya, diversity isn’t about getting alone with one another, Diversity is about forcing people to do things against their will. It’s about increasing government control. It’s about advancing the concept of HATE CRIME.
Feminists. Really did you get everything you wanted out of the feminist “movement”? Is your pay really “equal”? Are your “opportunities” equal? Does society itself consider you really as an equal entity in a completely egalitarian society? Or did it just mean both persons in a relationship today HAVE to work just to get by.
In short after five years of neo-cons telling us what and how we should think should we now just shift left?
I think not.
Nigga,mic,spic,wap,ho,kike,fag,polock,sandnigga, don’t matter to me. I’m an equal opportunity bigot. I want to return to those innocent childhood days when we looked at things with wonderous curiousity and sought only to know about the differences. But somebody keeps telling me what I should think,feel and say. That’s what gets the blood boiling.
Just like Nov 7. No they are not going to restore the Consitution. No they are not going to stop spying on you. No they are not going to indict anybody but underlings. No, they are not going to fix the economy.
They are just going to shift to destructive memes in a left leaning format.
And that may turn out far more destructive than the last five years.
Ya, I know, I’m history!
I still find redstate far too retarded!
I don’t think you should feel this way.
I oppose hate crimes legislation, not because I don’t want people protected from hate crimes, but because I think assault should be charged as assault, and battery as battery, and terroristic threats as terroristic threats, and that sentencing can be done with mitigating and aggravating factors included…as the law stands today.
A lot of people I respect disagree with me. So it goes.
I also am very down on efforts to regulate language, especially on campuses.
But, having said that…
The way to oppose hate speech is not to forbid it, but to condemn it and to try to get respectable people to disassociate themselves from it. That is what was accomplished in Imus’s case. I see no problem. I didn’t really care if he got fired. In my initial post I only advocated that people not listen to him. What I wanted was for people to be too embarrassed to go on his show. That people were too embarrassed to advertise on his show is fine with me. That he got fired? It wasn’t necessary. There are many worse actors. But he should not have had the same respectable guests going on his show.
It’s not political correctness, it’s how you fight back against bigotry. It brings a high price.
Exactly. What happened to Imus wasn’t censorship, it wasn’t “political correctness*,” it was a perfect example of the Free Market in action. Imus was an asshole, and the people who collectively felt it was unacceptable to them to have that type of assholery on the radio contacted the people who paid for Imus to be an on-air asshole and convinced them that continuing to support Imus’ assholery would cost them customers. The sponsors determined that the value of the customers to be lost was more significant than the value of the customers to be kept, and changed their business model to reflect the new reality.
This is the EXACT “invisible hand” so beloved of Corporatofascisti and Reichwing bloviators.
So, as always, their faith in the value of their ideology stretches as far as “results they find comfortable” and not one iota farther.
They’re starting to notice that there are more peasants than plutocrats out here and it scares them.
As it should.
*whatever the fuck that means. It seems to me that it’s a rightwing dogwhistle to demean something that I was taught to regard as “common courtesy” and got smacked for not practicing.