Here are some good blogs that are covering the Senate races for 2008. Depending on how things go, we might pick up one or two seats, or we might pick up ten or more.

Jeff Sessions Sack Sessions
Mitch McConnell Ditch Mitch KY
Wayne Allard (retiring) Square State (CO)
Susan Collins Turn Maine Blue
Pete Domenici New Mexico FBIHOP
Norm Coleman Minnesota Campaign Report
John Cornyn Texas Kaos
Lamar Alexander Democracy for Tennessee
Gordon Smith Blue Oregon
John Sununu Blue Hampshire
Jim Inhofe Blue Oklahoma
Larry Craig 43rd State Blues (ID)

If you know of other good local blogs that are covering 2008 Senate races, put a link to them in the comments.

Senate2008 Guru is a great all around collection site for news on the various races.

Some of the recent news:

Joe Lieberman endorsed Susan Collins.
John Warner only raised $500.00 in the first quarter of this year. And Schumer is courting Mark Warner to run for the seat.
Veteran Larry LaRocco is getting in the Idaho race.
Alabama Agricultural Commissioner Ron Sparks might take on Jeff Sessions.
Rep. Brad Miller is thinking about a run against Liddy Dole.
Tom Udall didn’t raise any money in the first quarter, but still has more cash than Domenici. Will he run? If not, who will?

What are you hearing?