Al Kamen’s In the Loop column in today’s Washington Post has two bits of information about our craptacular Secretary of State. The first piece says that she is going to get blasted in George Tenet’s upcoming tell-all-that-serves-Tenet book.

The drums have begun sounding for the long-awaited book by former CIA director George Tenet, in which he gives his take on pre-9/11 days and on Saddam’s huge cache of weapons of mass destruction.

And the drums are saying that Tenet is not going to get too many Christmas cards from Vice President Cheney’s office after they read “At the Center of the Storm.” Folks from down the river at the Pentagon, including former deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz– a guy who’s already going through a rough patch — and former defense undersecretary Douglas Feith, might also get some heartburn.

Former secretary of state Colin Powell comes out fine. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who was President Bush’s key adviser in engineering the Iraq invasion, doesn’t come out so fine. Not fine at all.

The second part deals with rumors that Ms. Rice might get her butt shit-canned before Bush’s term of office is over.

Meanwhile, Rice, still working the conservative-talk-show circuit, last week addressed the rumors that she would leave her job as secretary before the end of the Bush era to run for office and to make way for her deputy, John Negroponte, to take over the department.

Rice told host Michael Medved that “I understand American politics very badly. I’ve always said I’m much better at understanding international politics than American politics. I just know that I’ve got a job to do for the rest of this president’s term. That’s what I’m concentrating on. . . . I haven’t thought much about it myself. I’m thinking more about these days how to get other people to hold elections that are free and fair around the world.”

If Ms. Rice is much better at understanding international politics (say, for example, in Iraq) than she is at understanding American politics…

Well…I guess there’s little chance that could run a successful campaign for public office here.

Bush’s three bestest friends (Rice, Gonzales, and Miers) are all incompetent and malevolent buffoons. And then there is that Rove dude…that lost five millions emails. Heckuva job. What a crew!!