Crossposted from Town Called Dobson & My Left Wing
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I always know what the Democrats are doing right by looking at what the GOP Noise Machine complains about. These days it seems to be Nancy Pelosi. She must scare them to death because EVERYTHING is her fault.
So goes to the Middle East and repeats the Bush policy on terrorism AND she does it with Republicans in tow. That was akin to treason and some letters to the editors to US newspapers even want her impeached and arrested on the grounds that she violated the Logan Act.
And the airplane thing won’t die down and the points about her security goes out the window since the GOP thinks killing Democrats (Or Blacks for that matter) is OK.
But what really must stick in their craw is the fact that Pelosi polls in the 60-70% range these days. That would be twice Bush’s ratings.
Which brings me to the millions of missing emails. happened to get our hands on one of those emails. It is reprinted below.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: Condi, Power User
> To:
> Subject: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Nancy Pelosi
> Its not really new, Your mom gave me one of her old ones.
>>> —– Original Message —–
>>> From: W
>>> To:
>>> Subject: re: re: re: re: re: re: Nancy Pelosi
>>> You got a new whip?
>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>> From: Condi, Power User
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: re: re: re: re: re: Nancy Pelosi
>>>> I love it when you talk dirty! Can I bring my new whip?
>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>> From: Dick Motherfucking Cheney
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: re: re: re: re: Nancy Pelosi
>>>>> You wusses better chill your ass out and get your fucking shit together.
>>>>> If
>>>>> you don’t I will line each and every one of you and start the dick
>>>>> clipping
>>>>> and Karl, you ain’t got much left so watch your damn step.
>>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>>> From: Big Al
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: re: re: re: Nancy Pelosi
>>>>>> Maybe he will then stop beating me.
>>>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>>>> From: Rove
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Subject: re: re: Nancy Pelosi
>>>>>>> Suck it up sir! Cheney will beat your ass again.
>>>>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>>>>> From: W
>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>> Subject: re: Nancy Pelosi
>>>>>>>> I agree! She made me cry this morning.
>>>>>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>>>>>> From: Rove
>>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Nancy Pelosi
>>>>>>>>> Nancy Plelosi Sucks!
MSM Topics Blacklist-Congress too!
There is of course more.