photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Good morning! I finally have internet (it just came back within the last hour or so) and power…maybe I should go see if the cable and telephone are back on yet.
How are you this morning? Please tell me better weather is headed my way…we had 6 inches of rain/snow since Sunday morning.
Power to the (Cabin) People!
It’s still cool here but it’s been sunny for two days so it looks promising for you.
Good to see you both have power … (I’m feeling déjà vu 😉
Morning Olivia.
Still got snow?
Yep. We do. 🙂
Ah beautiful snow. You’re so lucky. 🙂
For a switch, we never lost power, just the phone.
But I do like having it back.
Got it. 🙂
Good morning Andi and CG.
WOO HOO! I see power and internet has been returned to ya’ll.
We’re supposed to go up to 80 F today. Summer is knocking at the door down here.
It’s supposed to be 70 today but 54 tomorrow so I don’t think we’re quite there yet.
I know people are complaining of the snow, but I know what’s coming in Jul and Aug down here. I’ll take all the cold weather for as long as it lasts.
Unlike last summer, at least I know our air conditioner is in good working order and we won’t have to go through some really hot days without it.
BTW if Olivia is reading this, ya better have yours checked out so you won’t have to go through what you went through last year. 🙂
We didn’t get any snow so I can’t complain about that — I’m bummed because the freezing weather killed off the redbud and dogwood blossoms and seems to have put most of the leafing out in hiatus.
Sorry you’re bummed out. We seem to have everything budding down here. Over the weekend we had a lot of leaves, pine cones, etc. coming down from the winds. There is one big limb from a pine tree that came down too. I’ve got to drag that out to the street sooner or later, with the later being in the front running.
I’ve already had to use the AC down here twice before.
Of course, it’s later; nothing could more unslackerly than sooner.
I wonder if I could use the excuse that the limb falling is nature taking it’s couse, and it should be left where it fell. It makes perfect sense to me, but I don’t think the neighbors would agree.
It’s called the cold North.
I’m off to start the day. George is whinning to go out and FMom is awake.
Hope everyone has a good day in the pond.
Anybody lurking?
Sort of…trying to make up for yesterday’s lost work time. How are you?
hi CG, me too – can’t ya tell? 😉
Not too bad here, just experiencing some spring fever that leaves me with an uncontrollable urge to be outside rather than a windowless cubicell.
Isn’t it like 110 degrees there? Spring, my ass.
not yet! today it’s mid-60s with a light breeze. I don’t plan on cooking any eggs on the sidewalk for at least another two weeks.
I wish we had weather here that resulted in uncontrollable spring fever urges..instead, I’m looking out the window at cold gray skies.
Nice sig line, btw.
it was a cloudy day yesterday but the “storm” that rolled through town missed my neighborhood completely. With our weird weather it could be raining across the street with nuthin’ falling on your head. Ask the Fs, they got to see that phenomenon while waiting for our dinner table one night.
Thx on the sig line 🙂
I’m still thinking about them making salsa at the table. Now I’m hungry.
Me too, but I changed my lunch hour to 1pm so have an hour and a half to wait. I guess now’s as good a time as any to munch on some homemade chocolate/walnut fudge that I got for Chocolate Jesus Day O:-)
If you go to lunch late, does that mean you have time to go to the Guadalajara Grill because the lunch time rush will be over because that would definitely be worth waiting for.
I’d rather go after work so I can have a drink or 27 😉
Drinks are okay but I’d be going for good food whenever I can get it.
Did someone mention 27 drinks. 🙂
Hiya Manny.
I guess I missed everybody for the early afternoon session.
I’ll just go have 27 drinks.
The rain, she is diagonal!
We needed a good soak, and it looks like we are getting one.
As long as it lets up by the weekend. I’m reserved a post hole auger from a rental company, and lined up some help to put in fence posts.