I’ve been told I don’t fully explain myself and why my thinking is far removed from “mainstream”. It started after an ex-patriot assignment and later business school. Nothing gives you a revelation of yourself quite like removal from you own culture. Business school gave me the hobby of researching far out stuff through the net. Religions,metaphysical,globalization,technology, anything really, it’s a continuing education era.
Why do many and diverse religions and prophets point to calamities and the year 2012? What is the purpose of the mysterious Georgia Guidestones and the ominous message written in 12 languages.
What is the Hegelian Dialectic? Who was Leo Strauss.
Problem,Reaction,Solution. But, it’s always been a part of my personality to give the rasberry to “the rules” and all that formed a new worldview.
I submit that there is a new counter working for the far left. His power and youthful stamina is far greater the Carl Rove ever was or will be. Karma is like that, the forces of nature have to balance out at some point. So if we apply hegelian dialectic and our PRS to the last week the results are astounding.
The left gets to advance political correctness in the Imus affair to untold new heights. Not to mention Imus’s other work supporting the mercury-autism link. Lord knows you can’t have people questioning the medical establishment. Plus Imus flatlined all “coverage” of Rosie ODonnel and Bill ORielly and their feud on 911 truth.
Directly on the heels of that we have Virginia. The advancement of the second “left” goal of nobody but nobody has guns. In addition this two hours delay. Masterfully done. Ya, and the planes flew around for how long before the last one hit the Pentagon? Plus the other meme “How could we have known”? “What could we possibly do about this”.
Well, swat teams drills in schools, cameras in every hallway, gun confiscation.
And the last thing. What was with the flood of the most bizarre and cryptic spam emails this last weekend? A call for internet “filters”. Yes, more and more censorship, yes, we must make society far more Orwellian than it is today.
It’s the very same stuff the Georgia Guidestones say not to do.
I looked at that Georgia guidestone stuff. Interesting, but man, I’m glad most of us don’t have the resources to build permanent granite monuments to our thoughts.
But wait – the government’s got enough money, let’s use that to build something that will crush everybody else.
We’re lucky that the bits and bytes we’re using are more fleeting. Though no less permanent as poor Mr. Rove is discovering. It’s not in your face, but still all there – you just gotta look for it.
Check out a link.
Do a Google search on Strategic Communications Laboratories. Now that is the high tech version of the guidestones.