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Question for everyone:
What was something you learned at your first paying job?
What was something you learned at your first paying job?
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My answer to the question: I learned how to count to 12 and seal plastic wrap with a hot iron. Ahhhh, the good ole days at El Porvenir Tortilla Factory.
Hello Manny and welcome Expumoso!
The answer to your question is I learned to pace myself. The first paying job I can remember is working in the hay fields for a neighbor. If you didn’t pace yourself, you were in for a very long day of picking up hay bales.
BTW back in those days I got paid $5.00 a day. Talk about having more brawn than brains. 🙂
Hi FM. No wonder your back acts up on you every once in awhile. I prescribe plenty of slacking to make sure it doesn’t give out on you
I learned long ago that pictching hay was not one of my life long ambitions. I actually think that was one of the things that put me on the road to slackdom.
Learned that in those cold Mid-west Winters when unloading trucks that it was warmer in the meat freezer than outside carrying the boxes to the freezer.
I learned several things.
Hi stormkite.
I agree with all 5 of your observations. Numbers 2 and 3 I’ve had some experience with. 🙂
hiya stormkite, i’m sure your feet thank you for being so fashionable 🙂
Just learned that a former jr. high classmate of one of the Nature Boys was killed in Al-Anbar province in Iraq on Monday.
Think about this: five years ago he was in jr. high.
Hi SN.
That’s horrible and such a waste.
I’m sorry, SN. Barely into adulthood, already dead, and for what?
effing terrible.
i have three very close friends that are preparing to return to the combat zone next month due to George’s surge. Thinking about it turns my stomach into knots.
Sorry to hear it, SN. Hope the Nature Boy and his classmates reach out to each other.
I learned that I really need to find away around this working for a living thing.
Heh. I learned that managers frequently lack common sense.
I’m pushing for extreme slacking to go professional. If I can get backers to finance it, then I can slack for a living.
I learned that I should be playing (and winning) the lottery.
Hey get in line buddy. I’m first! 🙂
We should all learn on somebody else’s bank account.
That and it’s impossible for a parent to treat a child fairly as an employee. Some are too soft, and some go overboard trying to be fair.
Hi hens teeth.
I think balancing a check book and just normal financial responsibility should be taught in high school. So many kids go out unprepared for what they’re going to run into.
Skills for everyday life would be a great idea for a class.
that’s basically what i do for a living now (balancing check books). funny how it sucks the energy out of me to do it for myself. 🙂
your comment on nepotism reminds me of a recent episode of Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel where the captain rode his son pretty hard.
I used to hate to balance the check book until I got Quicken. I remember getting the monthly statement and it taking hours to get everything straightened out.
same here but with Quick Books and Quick Books Payroll..
that if a four-year has blue lips but says she’s not cold, believe the lips.
I learned how to stock groceries.
I learned: if you don’t let the boss hit on you, and you tell him off for hitting on your female co-workers (some of whom are your friends from high school), that you get fired even if the owner thinks you are his best worker.
how to bathe the body of a dead old man so his family could come to view him. I think I win for worst first job.
Did this help shape you’re sunny disposition? 🙂
Fine, I see how it is. 😛
this was my second job. I’m still in the medical profession but on a different aspect.
Hello Everyone,
I learned that jr high girls can be real b____es. I lasted 1 day.
hi judiper, jr high was tough on everyone I think.
Hormones Gone Wild seems like an appropriate chapter title 🙂
I was a car hop at the A&W. I learned that customers can think it’s funny to flash a 16 year old trying to hook that tray to the car window! (OK, now I’ve revealed my age!) And I learned that no matter how much you make, you are broke the day before payday.
who’s lurking?
Not lurking, but doing one more tour of blogland before heading to bed. Alas, the night is still young there … 🙂
makin’ the late rounds, eh? I know how that goes. The night is not as young as I would like (or perhaps I’m talking about me?), so I’m fading faster than a geezer at the stroke of 8pm 🙂
You mean Andi and FM … 🙂
Well, the tour has ended … and off to bed I go.
Enjoy the rest of your night … and sweat dreams when you head to bed.