Call me immoral, but I really do think Dick Cheney still has one honorable option left. It would save us the spectacle of impeachment or, alternatively, the shame of letting his insanity go unpunished.
“Cheney’s deputy press secretary, Megan McGinn, said she couldn’t comment on Kucinich’s email because she hadn’t seen it,” wrote Sabrina Eaton at the Plain Dealer’s blog Openers.
She added, “Asked whether Cheney had done anything he could be impeached for, McGinn replied: ‘The vice president has had nearly 40 years of government service and has done so in an honorable fashion.'”
No…he has not served in an honorable fashion. He is the worst public servant in the history of this country, bar none, and he should do something about it.
He should fall on his sword, literally.
Call me a prude, but “You should go kill yourself” is probably one of the worst things I can think of to tell someone despite their past.
Cheney told a member of the Senate to “go fuck yourself”?
I’ll settle for a stepping down due to “health reasons” — but won’t go as far as to send Lynne and Dick a microwave oven for their anniversary… 😉
Mr. Cheney is responsible for the deaths of thousands, and that doesn’t include the previous wars he’s been involved in.
I have no sympathy for Mr. Cheney, and telling him to pull a Dwyer is actually about the kindest thing i CAN say.
hundreds of thousands.
Wow. I never knew about Dwyer til now. That’s a bit too heavy for me at the moment.
Had to take a second there and I still say I wouldn’t wish that even on Cheney. Throw the bastard in jail, let him rot there, but Iraq + VT for the last few days has not made me more agreeable to any violence. Sorry.
Apart from the fact that this is the sort of rhetoric that we rightly condemn the Ann Coulters of the world for, I want to fight Cheney to the pain.
If you’ve ever seen The Princess Bride, you can probably work out what I mean. If not, I mean that I want to see him (and his puppets and associates) removed from office, arrested, tried, convicted and then spend long, long lives as objects of scorn and derision among the American people. I want the names of Bush and Cheney to be remembered with the same contempt we have historically reserved for figures like Benedict Arnold. I want them to be an example to my grandchildren’s grandchildren of the consqueneces you face when you try to hijack an entire country.
I’m not going to get my wish, but I will settle for whatever part of it $DEITY-DU-JOUR grants me.
with the Princess Bride:
I respect your opinion. I also think it is important that you do not anticipate your wishes coming true. I share your wishes and your prognostication.
I am old fashioned about notions of honor. I do not think there is anything wrong with taking ownership of your own dishonor and sparing people the painful and difficult and, oftentimes, expensive responsibility for punishing you.
In most cases resignation is sufficient. In other cases a little jail time is required. In this case, those hardly seem sufficient to the task (not that I would complain). All I know is what I would do in his position. And there isn’t any question about what I would do.
Fair enough, I guess, but I have to say you’re a braver man than I am to put yourself into that reptilian mind, even for a fraction of a second.
Have you ever been close to anyone who committed suicide? Do you have any idea of the suffering it causes to the ones it leaves behind?
There is NOTHING honorable about suicide. You are playing into a myth of redemption by violence — the same damn thinking that landed us in this war. Suicide does not solve the problems it is believed to solve by those who take that step, and Cheney’s suicide in no way would constitute justice for his many wrongdoings.
This diary is offensive and unethical. I call on you to take it down and apologize.
My best friend took a lethal dose of heroin, placed a plastic bag over his head, and suffocated himself. And he did it in his parents house with the door to his room locked. I know all about what it does when someone commits suicide.
I also understand why many people will find this post offensive or objectionable. And I respect that. I’m glad a healthy percentage of people feel that way.
I happen to believe that people that do horrible, inexcusable things…things that cannot be adequately punished…can take justice into their own hands as a way of sparing any further pain and suffering.
This young man that went on a shooting spree in Virginia was wise to end his life rather than force us to prosecute him, or force people to stand in judgment over whether he should be executed by the state. All the families of the victims are much better off that they do not have to worry about mistrials or decide upon whether he should get the death penalty.
Imagine that man using his trial to make political commentary or otherwise justify what he has done.
I understand that I made an impolitic posting. But I am beyond my patience with the carnage that has issued from the sick mind of this man. The idea of him retiring to his canned quail hunts disgusts almost as much as the prospect of this country having to go through the process of disciplining him (with all the disgusting divisiveness that it would/will involve).
Sometimes there is a more honorable way to put an end to a nightmare that you are responsible for.
But let me put this another way. Perhaps it is grossly out of line for me to suggest this. But it is what I would do in his position, and therefore, I look at it from my own point of view.
between you and cheney is that you have a personal code of honor, ethics, as it were….as do most of us here.
the same cannot be said of cheney, bush, nor any of the facilitators of the actions during this [mis] administrations reign.
l will not wish death to any living thing, but l reserve the privilege of deeming some as appropriate and well earned demises.
I don’t wish death on anyone, despite how it might seem.
Some people see suicide as the act of a coward. Sometimes it is. But sometimes it is not.
Remember when the president said that the 9/11 hijackers were cowards? I agreed with Bill Maher. I didn’t think they were cowards. I thought they were sick, disturbed, evil, sociopathic…etc. But not lacking in courage.
Let me give you a non-political, non-military example.
Let’s say that you discovered that you had terminal cancer and you had no health insurance. And let’s say that you could take an aggressive course of treatment that would keep you alive for a year or so. Would you consider ending your life in order to save your loved ones from the expense of keeping you alive? (And I know life insurance throws a wrench in this analogy, so you don’t have that either).
In some cases, the courage to end your life for the greater good of humanity is a noble act…at least in my opinion.
My mistake, if I made one, is to presume to offer an opinion on something that should remain the personal decision of the person facing the consequences of their own delusions. I probably should have kept my mouth shut on the subject. But I didn’t. It’s what I think.
my point was that these people will not do the honorable thing. sepaku is not in their vocabulary.
they have no moral grounding, no sense of honor, right and wrong, they have no ethics, they have no compassion.
were they all to die tomorrow, l would not grieve.
that said, l’d rather they spend the balance of their lives, artificially in cheney’s case, imprisoned.
an outcome that is most unlikely
Sepaku is an interesting practice. In general, I think of it as akin to ostracism in Ancient Greece.
It basically takes a good idea and makes it into something incapable of nuance. In ancient greece you could win five battles in a row and then lose one and they’d kick you out of the city. Kind of dumb, if you ask me (or Alcibiades).
Nevertheless, if you make a decision that turns out to be a total disaster that causes hundreds of thousands of people to die, costs trillions of dollars, and cannot be fixed by anyone…
Set honour in one eye and death i’ the other,
And I will look on both indifferently
julius caesar: shakespeare
Somehow Dwyer’s Wiki was missing Filter’s wiki reference to Dwyer:,_Nice_Shot