Froggy Bottom Happy Hour.
Drink enough beer and you can be this happy.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Waterslides to the left.
Waterslides to the left.
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Welcome one and all. Come in and have a beer.
I’m up shit creek with another psycho boss. What’s new in the slacking department?
Same old stuff here MM. I really hate to hear you’ve got another psycho boss. Hopefully it isn’t as bad as the last place.
I forgot to say I love your frog pictures. 🙂
Thanks, I feel I have become somewhat of an afficianado of frog pictures. Among my many accomplishments.
Hard to come up with a standard for comparing psycho bosses. They always threaten the very foundations of our financial existence. But,, hey who needs money? Naps are free, right?
I’ve had bosses before that I wanted to tell em where to go and just leave. But you’re right on the financial existence. The only thing you can do is just start looking again and hopefully find a decent place to work.
As far as naps, if they weren’t free I wouldn’t be doing them. 🙂
Yup, I’m looking [HARD]!
I have no doubt you’ll find a good place. Plus I think the odds are with you on finding a good working environment. Just keep looking.
Thanks FM, encouragement gratefully accepted!
Oh no! If I remember correctly it’s more like piss creek isn’t it?
Hi SN.
How’re things on the home front?
That was my last job! The guy who pissed in my drinking water finally got fired last January, much too late to do me any good.
Now I am up shit creek with a malignant narcissist in charge. I blame myself for some unknown failure to find myself yet again in an intolerable job situation.
Just trying to take responsibility.
Narcissists are hard to spot right away as they can be very charming at first and it’s only apparent later that they are the center of the universe.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with being a little narcissistic. I mean I’m the greatest thing since sliced bread. 🙂
Move over FM, I’m the greatest thing since the Hoover vacuum cleaner!
LOL I likt it. 🙂
Hi FM and MM.
It cold and damp at the moment, but looks to be a beautiful day ahead. Which means I have no excuse for not getting outside and marking out the new fence we are putting in.
Unfortunately, the only boss I have is myself, and all to often she doesn’t get me sufficiently motivated (especially when it comes to getting out of my pajamas).
Hi keres.
There’s always an excuse for not digging post holes if you look for it. A day in PJ’s sounds nice to me.
your whole LIFE is lived in pjs.
Hah little you know. I don’t own PJ’s. The last pair I had was years ago when I had my by-pass surgery.
Hi Keres. Often wondered how I would do with myself as my only boss….. 🙂
At the moment I’m alternating bucketing water from the bath tub to the washing machine (so I can have a hot bath and get out of my pjs) with sanding the joints between drywall panels while I wait for the bucket to drip dry a bit (otherwise I get water all over the floor).
It’s all very complicated and requires much supervision. 😉
Why does it sound like fun to me?
On days like today, when my back isn’t completely out of whack – it ain’t half bad.
Now excuse me while I start a load of laundry so that I can get the clothes on (and hopefully off) the line before the predicted showers later today.
We’ll take any extra rain you can spare here in Southern California with least rainfall in recorded history.
Glad your back is feeling okay. 🙂
I didn’t know it but here in AL we’re in drought conditions too. I wouldn’t have known it from everything so green around here. But there is a no burning warning out everywhere.
I just went and looked at the weather report, and the “showers” have been bumped to tomorrow afternoon.
We’re have the third worst drought in Tasmania’s history, and just to make things even more fun the lakes that power our state’s hydro-electricity system are at 20% of capacity.
At times like these I’m glad that our water is gravity feed (the “header” tank is up the hill from the house) and our heater is a wood stove. If the power goes out at least we’ll have water and heat and the wood stove to cook on.
There’s something to be said for going the way you are. When power is out here it’s like we’re lost. We’ll still have water, but during the summer without AC it’s bad. We’ve got two fire places in this house, but haven’t used them in years. It plays real havoc with FMom’s asthma.,1,2323982.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
“The driest periods of the last century — the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and the droughts of the 1950s — may become the norm in the Southwest United States within decades because of global warming, according to a study released Thursday.”
Fun, fun, fun!
I’ve never understood how people expect the aquifer to last with the populations booming out there.
Not to mention how the atmosphere is supposed to survive endless streams of gaseous filth being poured into it.
Is the human race dumb or something?
IMHO I’m amazed we’ve gotten this far.
And we were fruitful and multiplied!!! Go figure.
I’ve come to the conclusion that once you get older that you become a pessimist concerning the state and affairs of the world.
Or it could have been when I was younger, I just didn’t give a damn. 🙂
Nice while it lasted, but pretty much over, IMHO. I think it’s one reason why I like the films of the 1930s. Folks could smoke and drink and pollute the atmosphere with abandon and somehow you can’t blame them. It was all fun and they just didn’t know any better.
Hey I like the films of the 30’s and 40’s too. I think the age of innocence is never over, it just takes different forms. Look at the 1890’s and then the 1920, and the 60’s, etc. The age of innocence is for the young. I think also, that one thing that breaks the innocences of so many now of days is the instant connections we have. You’ll hear about some unspeakable crime or horror and people automatically think the world has gotten worse than it has ever been. I don’t think so. It’s just we find out about it instantly and we’re bombarded with it constantly. A century ago it took time for news to travel.
Oh, you cock-eyed optimist, you!
But, overall, I agree, not only about instant communication, but the way media preys on the lowest common denominator of morbid curiosity….
But, hey, FM, you must be tired after writing all that.
Still awake?
Yep still awake, but not for long. I just noticed it’s past my bed time.
I agree about the media and the common denominator.
Don’t let the bedbugs bite!
Was that a fast dinner or hasn’t happened yet? Wierd about AL, I guess green at the beginning of summer could turn brown fast. Even my jade is dying at the beginning of summer… it’s really bad here and not looking forward to fire season.
Yep it was fast. Got Fmom to eat a little turkey and then she wanted fudgesickels. The fudgesickel war is still on here, and I’m getting sick of them.
I took some pictures last summer of the pond out back and you could see how low it was from no rain. This summer everything will turn brown.
I love rain and it sounds like a slow painful death to me.
Maybe I’ll get out my rain dances and dust them off!
I like the sprinkles, but lately we have had bad thunderstorms. Around here you’re never sure when a tornado will hit.
Hope your back hold out and take it easy with those post holes keres.
I’ve hired a power auger and a local bloke (and friend) to do most of the heavy stuff. Mostly, I’ll be making sure that everything is just so, and supervising.
As a kid we had fences on the farm. I used to hate to have to use the post hole digger. I’ve only used a power auger once. I was taking dirt sample to analyse for lead content. Once hell of a lot easier than a post hole digger.
Now supervising is the job to have. 🙂
Hate to run, but I’ve got to start dinner.
Back in a minute.
Hi FM,
That reminds me I’m hungry as well.
Back in a bit.
Good evening, everyone (and good morning to keres)!
I see sun!! It’s been a while.
Weekend forecast is great and curly and I will take the asklets to the Berkshires this weekend (we canceled last time due to bad weather).
Hello ask.
I’ll answer ya down here. I hope you, curly and the asklets have a good time.
Where’s SN? I can’t believe the beginning of Grey’s Anatomy!
How is everyone? Are you still enjoying your camera, mythmother?
I can’t stand Izzy. If George blows his relationship with Callie because of her I’ll be pissed. And I told mr. nature they were talking about izzy’s daughter before when they first walked up. I have esp.
OK I asked earlier, but I just flipped to the channel, but what’s going on with Izzy?
The daughter she gave up for adoption at birth is in the hospital with leukemia.
So why is she getting an epi?
I think it was drawing bone marrow, but that’s usually from the hip. I missed a few minutes – but she woudl be donating marrow for a transplant.
Yep I thought bone marrow was from the hip.
Hi CG.
What happened on Grey’s Anatomy?
Sorry, I got up in the show…but SN filled you all in, anyway.
Now about this goofy October Road show…do you think it’ll even last 3 more episodes?
Don’t know on the new show. I switched channels. 🙂
No, it’s too complicated. But i do like that redhead from that 70s show.
I didn’t know she was on the new show. But, then again, I never watched the 70’s show.
She’s a blonde on the new show.
What’s with the weird guy with the baseball bat?
Time to change the channel, I think.
That’s probably the reason I didn’t recognize her when I was flipping by.
Past my bedtime, so I’ll say good night.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
Just got home from erranding and dinner — figured I’d treat myself on the spouse’s first day back officially on the road. (He can get his own damn dinner on the way home.) Savoring the peace and quiet — haven’t turned on the radio or TV yet, and I might wait for a bit.
Doing some research on USB turntables since I’m inspired by ask’s purchase…I might make that my fee for doing our taxes (hey, I’m still cheaper than H&R Blockhead!).
So much for blessed peace and quiet — upstairs neighbors are home and they’ve got their TV on. sigh
MM, sorry to hear about the Boss from Hell Part Deux…I can count the number of “normal” bosses I’ve had on one hand; I think some sort of delusions of grandeur is part of the job description that never gets posted. 🙁
Anyway, off to accomplish something…or maybe just hang out on the Internets for a bit…
Hi Cali
I must have missed about ask’s turntable. I need to get one myself.
As far as the upstairs neighbor’s tv. If you can hear that, I shudder to think what else you can hear. 🙂
You probably don’t remember what that sounds like anyway.
Better as in ‘where the hell is the mute button?’
That depends on your definition of better
oh god was that annoying.