Like the Titanic the Bush Administration is foundering. The latest rat heading overboard is former CIA chief George Tenet, who abandons for good the Bush Administration’s Ship of Fools and enters the water as another former administration official prepared to come clean on how the Bushies tried and generally succeeded in cooking the intelligence. Oh yeah. He’s selling a book.
You probably cannot tell but I am outraged by this Johnny-come-lately jerk off who will assuage his guilt by dishing the dirt on what the Bush Administration really knew as he rakes in book royalties. My friend, Brent Budowsky, also is not a happy camper.
Tenet will start spilling his guts Sunday night on Sixty Minutes, which kicks off his publicity tour to hawk his book. But we don’t have to wait till Sunday because David Ignatius offered an early preview last Sunday during an interview with Chris Matthews. Ignatius said that the book is:
going be very tough. George
Tenet has been doing a slow burn ever since he left the CIA. He’s been
angrier and angrier as he saw himself being essentially made the fall
guy on WMD in Iraq. And he’s gonna come back saying he and his agency,
the CIA, were pushed, again and again, by Cheney and Cheney’s people to
give him the answers that they wanted. And he’s got chapter and verse
on that.”
He added: “He will tell a story that I think will make
people’s hair curl. But he’s been waiting a long time to tell
this….And he’ll also say—this is a very important part of
this—that, on the question of what would happen in Iraq after the
invasion, the CIA pretty consistently warned, ‘You have trouble ahead.
You will not be able to unite this country. Sunnis and Shiites are
gonna be ‘at daggers.
Sorry George. Too little and way too damn late. You had ample opportunity to blow the whistle on the Bush bullshit but you played ball. I do not give a damn whether you did or did not say the case for war was a “slam dunk”. You signed off on Colin Powell’s presentation to the United Nations. You, more than any other U.S. Government senior official, were in the unique position to know that the Secretary of State was selling a pack of lies. And you sat behind him nodding affirmatively like a bobblehead doll.
You were asleep at the switch in January of 2003 as the Bush Administration pushed and cajoled analysts and managers to let them make the bogus claim that Iraq was on the verge of getting its hands on uranium. You said nothing until your July 11, 2003 statement, which concluded with the following:
Portions of the State of the Union speech draft came to the CIA for
comment shortly before the speech was given. Various parts were shared
with cognizant elements of the Agency for review. Although the
documents related to the alleged Niger-Iraqi uranium deal had not yet
been determined to be forgeries, officials who were reviewing the draft
remarks on uranium raised several concerns about the fragmentary nature
of the intelligence with National Security Council colleagues. Some of
the language was changed. From what we know now, Agency officials in
the end concurred that the text in the speech was factually correct —
i.e. that the British government report said that Iraq sought uranium
from Africa. This should not have been the test for clearing a
Presidential address. This did not rise to the level of certainty which
should be required for Presidential speeches, and CIA should have
ensured that it was removed.
You were the Alberto Gonzalez of the intelligence community–a grotesque mixture of stupidity, incompetence shielded by a genial personality. Decisions were made, you were in charge, but you have no idea how decisions were made even though you were in charge. Curiously, if Ignatius is correct, you focus your anger on the likes of Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, and Condi Rice but you leave George W. out of the line of fire. If that is true you are a genuine coward.
This is not a case of Monday morning quarterbacking. You demonstrated in October of 2002 that you understood the game when you called the White House and stopped the President from using a speech in Cincinnati to make the case that Iraq was buying uranium. Somewhere between October 2002 and January 2003 you rolled over and decided to play ball.
You could have gone to Senator Rockefeller or Senator Daschle or Congresswoman Harman or any number of legislators and briefed them on the truth. But you remained quiet. By your silence you helped build the case for war. You betrayed the CIA officers who collected the intelligence that made it clear that Saddam did not pose an imminent threat. You betrayed the analysts who tried to withstand the pressure applied by Cheney and Rumsfeld. You betrayed the CIA itself by allowing active duty employees like Michael Scheur to write books critical of Bush, which contributed to the perception that the CIA was a politicized gang eager to embarrass the Bush Administration.
Most importantly and tragically, you betrayed your country. Instead of resigning in protest you provided the Bush Administration the pretext of respectability and became the scapegoat for their misdeeds. Your silence contributed to the willingness of the public to support the disastrous war in Iraq which has killed more than 3000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
So now you are going to correct the record with your book? Not so fast George. Why don’t you start by returning the Medal of Freedom hung around your neck by George W. in December 2004? Bush claimed you received the award because you:
pivotal roles in great events, and [your] efforts have made our country
more secure and advanced the cause of human liberty.
The reality of Iraq demonstrates that fruits of your efforts have in fact made our country less secure. The damage to the credibility of the CIA is serious but can eventually be repaired. The U.S. soldiers who died or have been maimed in the streets of Fallujah and Baghdad cannot be fixed. The dead have passed into history. Many of the wounded will live the rest of their lives missing limbs, blinded, mentally disabled, and physically disfigured. I second Brent Budowsky’s suggestion–if you have any shred of decency left you should dedicate the proceeds of your book to the veterans and their families who are paying the price for your failure to speak up when you could have made a difference. That would be the decent thing to do.
makes you want to tell someone to digitize Tenet’s book in PDF so it can be down loaded or read for free, or maybe, someone could podcast a reading of the book…that way the Public Library won’t have to purchase his book
The Bush Junta has brought out the worst in many once-trustworthy individuals like Tenet.
It’s really quite shocking how quickly human beings slide into anarchic behavior, once we realize no one is minding the store.
Mr J- I am really glad to see you let george is getting a large serving of your anger and you can count me in as a true supporter.
However, there is a problem and it is probably should be considered as part of the big 08 picture. Ya see, there is something that has to be said and it has never been clearer than whathas been served up by the SCOTUSA! just in the past two days.See, this is what comes from losing the election folks (and Mr Johnson.) This is what I have been screaming for the past god knows how many years. JUST LOOK AT WHAT THE FUCKING PRESIDENT IS BRINGING ALONG WITH HIM AND WHAT HE CAN DO TO THE SUPREME COURT!
So, Mr Johnson, george doesn,t deserve that medal, but the scumbag living in the wh can’t have anything left in political capital that he can use to support anything, including the bloody dog catcher in Crawford!!!! Screw tenet but push the contents so that no more religious zealots can be appointed to anything.
Excellent commentary – thank you
I am curious to what he has to say. He has kept quiet for a long time. And he is not the first to say this is all Cheney. The more stuff comes out, things are going to be alot dirtier and worse than anyone imagined. What will get uncovered will be ugly.
Great Diary Larry. I’m so fucking tired of people like Tenet who could have come out with the truth in the beginning rather than at the end of Bush’s debacle in Iraq. Tenet’s book now is just the tirade of a toady. Hey George, what do you think of Joe Wilson, Richard Clarke, Gen. Shinseki and others who spoke up when their words meant something and they suffered for the truth. Publishing this book now just shows you to be an obsequious fuckwad trying to cash in on your years of sucking up. Colin Powell, you suck too; do the lives of the thousands of American boys and girls you swore to protect keep you up at night because you were too cowardly to resign when Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the neo-con incompetents in the Pentagon took our country down the shitter and you knew it? How about you Tommy Franks? How do you sleep now that you’ve seen that by sucking up to Rumsfeld and his bullshit theories you accomplished just the exact kind of result in Iraq that you most feared? Sleep tight all you slithering cowards who didn’t Man Up when it counted and who put career ahead of principle and integrity.