Bush went to Tipp City, Ohio yesterday to chat with ordinary American people about pretty much whatever was on their minds. He discussed ‘chicken-plucking factories’, his wife, death, polls that go ‘poof’, and Iraq. On each point, Bush struggled with the english language. But, here is his deep thinking on the catastrophe in Iraq.

As he has before, Bush told the story about how his first presidential decision was to pick a rug for the Oval Office, a task he quickly cast to his wife. He told her to make sure the rug reflected optimism “because you can’t make decisions unless you’re optimistic that the decisions you make will lead to a better tomorrow.”

Later, when he talked about his hope for succeeding in Iraq, Bush said, “Remember the rug?”

Laura picked out a rug with a big sunburst. See? Optimistic. Like her husband, who finds spiritual strength in difficult times by talking to his Father in heaven…and contemplating his office rug.

Maybe this rug will remain friends with Bush even after his wife and dog leave him.

In other news, Dennis Kucinich is introducing articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney. No word on the charges yet. It will go nowhere and only force all the Dems to call the idea silly. I like Kucinich’s spunk but he should realize that we have to develop the case and evidence, and that he is about the worst messenger possible for convincing ‘serious’ people about the need to remove Cheney from office.