Promoted by Steven D. I added the YouTube embed.
Crossposted from Town Called Dobson & My Left Wing
This is a head-shaker. Imus gets canned for calling some college women basketball players “nappy-headed hos” and yet Rush Limbaugh plays “Barack The Magic Negro” on his show and he is still on the air?
How is that even possible?
To hear the song yourself, hit this YouTube link.
It is a parody by Paul Shanklin impersonating Al Sharpton and based on the Peter, Paul, and Mary hit song “Puff, the Magic Dragon”. I am really at a loss of words. I heard it for the first time yesterday on the radio and was sickened.
Again, how is this man on the air?
Disgusting. And where is the outcry about this?
you have a link showing it played on Rush?
Check the YouTube-link (+ yr email).
i have 646 emails, but I don’t see anything new from you.
I also watched the YouTube and didn’t see any evidence that it actually aired on Rush, nor any idea who put together the video.
True, it could be doctored.
Sent to
(from the account in my kos-profile)
Just to be clear, the audio is from Rush’s show. I have no clue who did the video slide show.
There are several video versions of it on YouTube (link) but the song is the same as what is playing on Limbaugh.
Will a MediaMatters link do?
Apparently it aired on March 27th.
my bad. Apparently Rush used the term magic negro 27 times during the broadcast…I got confused for a second.
Thanks, I couldn’t lay my hands on the MM link.
This is an awesome opportunity for the Obama campaign. Since skin color is one thing that is quite obvious about Mr.O, reminding folks of it does little to hurt hit and provides him with an opportunity to ‘rise above’ (aka do nothing). Besides entertaining racists, Rush did nothing for his ‘side’ but gave an opportunity for a defining moment in Mr.O’s campaign.
As an early Obamaniac, I give a Tip O’ the Hat to Rush for proving that no publicity is bad publicity once again.
Again, how is this man on the air?
Possibly because he’s been saying stuff no less (and often more) offensive for the last fifteen years, and neither his audience nor his advertisers cater to folks like us, so neither he nor they give much of a fuck what we think.
Limbaugh’s audience is a lot more focused than the random selection of rabble that listened to Imus. The bulk of them aren’t turning a blind eye to racism, nor are they apathetic about it; they are actively, aggressively racist. In the Limbaughverse, black people are shiftless welfare recipients who can only be distracted from trading food stamps for crack by the lure of basketball, fornication, and armed robbery.
If “Barack the Magic Negro” is shocking to you, I can only guess you seldom if ever listen to Limbaugh’s show. Frankly, the open racism in this case is not nearly as noxious as the constant slimy insinuation and transparent use of code words that is the norm on the show. Wait till you hear what he has to say about women, gays, and hispanics.
Yes, it’s been a problem for a while. That’s why Limbaugh could never keep a TV gig. Of course, this is the same man who claimed the VT killer, Cho was a liberal, so liberals are responsible for the murders there.
This is so upsetting. Attack, criticize, decry anyone’s policy or actions. That is fine. But this lack of respect for other human beings, individual and collective, is permeating our airwaves and poisoning our hearts and minds.
I turned of Air America yesterday when Randi started ranting about how Karl Rove is gay and Matt Drudge is his lover.
1) Being gay is not a bad thing. 2)Who Rove is sleeping with is the least of our problems. 3)There is no proof that Rove and Drudge are an item.
who has a posted copy of the lyrics?
I’m sure Rush has a copyrighted version on his website somewhere.