It’s been almost seven years we’ve been living under the Bush regime. And I’ve been angry on almost every single day. There was a period during the summer of 2001 when I was somewhat resigned to the outrage in Florida during the election. I was a Bradley man anyway and pretty actively detested Al Gore. So, I might have been okay if Bush had actually governed like a typical Republican.

After 9/11, I rallied around the flag a bit and I was supportive of our foreign policy until the 2002 State of the Union speech where ‘axis-of-evil’ was unveiled. That’s when I knew that we were going to invade Iraq and that there was absolutely nothing that could be done to prevent it.

Ever since that day I have been unable to pursue any other activity but political activity. I have been obsessed. It’s hard, though, to decide which day, of all the days of the Bush administration, pissed me off the most.

I’ll just throw out a few. The one that stands out the strongest was the day Mohamed ElBaradei announced that the Niger documents were forgeries. I remember just sitting on my couch, hanging my head in shame for my country.

Another day was the day that Duncan Hunter excused torture at Guantanamo Bay because the recipients of torture were fed orange-glazed chicken and rice pilaf.

Another day was when the Bush administration revealed that, far from apologizing and discontinuing illegal electronic surveillance of American citizens, they intended to run their 2006 midterm election strategy on the necessity of such unconstitutional measures to keep the country safe.

There have been so many days.

But today rivals them all. The testimony in the Pat Tillman hearings has me seething.

If you had to pick the day on which you were the most pissed off, what day would it be?