Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
Newcomers & Lurkers Especially Welcomed
Newcomers & Lurkers Especially Welcomed
This is an semi-hosted cafe.
Everyone join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
This is Thursday isn’t it? If not, the beer is still free.
hah! you almost got a phone call. π
I haven’t been not around that long have I?
You know whenever you’re not around it feels like a long time.
Speaking of…where’s RF? Hope he’s okay…his depression was lurking.
Yeah I know, I’ve been worried about him. Hopefully he’ll start feeling better and drop in.
How’s the family? Brother and new baby both doing okay?
Hi Andi.
Brother is doing better. He says they are coming out this weekend, but I doubt it. New baby is fine. Talked to my oldest daughter today and I’m going to be a grandfather again. She just found out, so I’m not sure of the delivery date.
She’s less than a month pregnant – due date early Dec.
She told me she thought 8 weeks, but she’s seeing the doctor on Wed.
ok, i was just guessing. π
Sometimes I really wonder if you are the dreaded “X”. π
She’s way nicer than I am.
Really? How long have you two known each other? π
Gee SN, I didn’t mean to insult you and you run away. π
Wouldn’t you be scared shitless if I knew your X? There are so many things I could ask her about.
Not really. I think the biggest thing she could say is I didn’t make enough money for her. That did seem to be one of the things she fussed about the most.
Well congrats gramps.
Thanks Andi.
I wonder if it’s a boy, if I could get them to give him the nickname of little FMan. π
Slacker, Jr.
That’ll do too. π
Well a small miracle happened today. My brother called a friend that does lawns and asked him to drop by and finish ours. He did a good job, plus he did the weed eating down by the pond. Only problem is he didn’t have a leaf catcher, so I’ll have to go out and do that.
let strangers deal with the snakes.
That’s always been my thought. I would love to have keres as a neighbor. I could just point and run inside while she took care of it. π
like you think since she’d want to show you what she’d found and make sure you knew all the nifty minutiae about it.
That definitely wouldn’t work. She could write a paper on it and that’s about as close to a snake as I want to get.
We had a few snow geese pass through ND about 4 weeks ago. This bunch is part of a flock I estimated at 50,000 that was settling in for the night about a 1/2 mile off the road, about 4 miles south of Mayville, ND
Helllooooo NDD.
Haven’t seen you in awhile. That’s is some picture. I can’t imagine that many bird in the sky.
So how have you been doing?
I’ve been doin’ fine, especially now that I’ve survived this nasty cold that’s been goin’ around here.
We’ve got 75F here today, no humidity to speak of, but it feels like 85 to me. It almost seems like we jumped from bizzards directly to summer, as we did have our last blizzard on April 3.
Seems that the way it’s going with a lot of people. Jumping from winter to summer.
though I have to say I’m very happy never to have seen that many birds hanging around here.
hmmm? Did that Afred Hitchcock movie leave an impression with ya? π
is the huge amount of messy crap that geese leave.
Ok, yeah, I’ve also seen quite a collection of those little tootsie rolls around the lakes in some golf courses. Some of the courses even employ dogs to chase them off.
The Pack says that it is obscene to put employ and dogs in the same sentence.
Especially to any chihuahuas who may be lurking in the neighborhood.
Actually, todas de los perros in question all raised a willing paw when “volunteers” were requested for goose chasing.
I hope this clarifies things for the Pack:)
Ah well, that’s different — so long as it’s just for fun.
I hope you had an umbrella! π
Great pic, NDD
umbrella, ha ha! Well, the sky was filled with Vs for about 45 minutes as they bunched up about a 1/2 mile east of me, so, luckily I survived unscathed π
Manny just gave me a million dollar idea. An umbrella with the top that looks like bird poo. Caption: Is it real or is it a Poo-brella.
oh, that sky!
Gotta run and get dinner ready.
See ya’ll later.