Cheney is working hard on winning the first annual Booman Tribune Whiny Ass Titty Baby Emeritus Award. The man either needs a straitjacket or a pacifier.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’m feeling generous…how ’bout we give him both and send him on his way?
Watched MSNBC and saw footage of Sen.Durbin stating how the White House was lying about pre-war intelligence..compared to what they were being told on the Sen. Intelligence Committee. (The aluminum tubes)
I expect Sen. Durbin to start impeachment proceedings of at Dick Cheney, removal from office of the Sec.of.State.
Or I guess Sen. Durbin could offer his resignation as it appears part of the Iraq debacle is on his hands for not telling the American public earlier.
Because I’m tired, I reserve the right to change my opinion.
Yeah, I have to agree that it is horrifying how many people who had a lot of influence just kept their mouths shut. GRRR!
because of this creep and his puppet.
Watching Bill Moyers and Jon Stewart tonight on Moyers’ Friday night show on PBS. Priceless watching.
What is the prize for the award? An all-expenses paid trip to Gitmo?
They say that insanity is repeating the same behavior and expecting different results…
Cheney is a dangerous snake. Reading his words, he’s not dumb and ignorant like Chimpy; he means to propagate the propaganda. He really means it! Chimpy just does what he’s told, and when he’s not told, he rambles on like a 10-day drunk.
Evil propaganda snake = Cheney
Chimpy isn’t dumb. It’s part of the act.
problem is he and Bush may try to take us all out on there way out
With all the lies and incompetence and deceit and resignations (passing the buck really) and the terrible consequences of all this for America, is there anyone that believes Bush and his remaining cadre of fools when they say anything??????????? I sure hope not.
I see the George Tenet is the latest potential scapegoat to try and show the ugly, lying underbelly of this sorry-sick administration. Imagine that, another one saying what we all should have known. Now when this clown presidential adviser Dan Bartlett gets up and denies everything Tenet says, can/does anyone not psychologically impaired believe this adviser to fools A-hole?? It is getting embarrassing-annoying to see this sick but deadly game continue to play out!