Back in January Nancy Pelosi created a new select (non-permanent) committee to handle ‘Energy Independence and Global Warming’. Here are the members.
Committee Chair
Rep. Edward J. Markey (DEM-MA-7th)Ranking Member
Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner (REP-WI-5th)Democrats (9)
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (DEM-OR-3rd)
Rep. Jay Inslee (DEM-WA-1st)
Rep. John Larson (DEM-CT-1st)
Rep. Hilda Solis (DEM-CA-32nd)
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (DEM-SD-At-Large)
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (DEM-MO-5th)
Rep. John Hall (DEM-NY-19th)
Rep. Gerald McNerney (DEM-CA-11th)Republicans (6)
Rep. John Shadegg (REP-AZ-3rd)
Rep. Greg Walden (REP-OR-2nd)
Rep. John Sullivan (REP-OK-1st)
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (REP-TN-7th)
Rep. Candice Miller (REP-MI-10th)
Yesterday, the committee held hearings to “delve into some of the more severe impacts we could face if solutions are not enacted today to cut the heat-trapping emissions causing global warming.” And to “explore the potential “tipping point” of global warming emissions in the atmosphere and what the consequences could be for human health, storms and other impacts if we pass this point. The committee…also look[ed] for solutions to avoid these possible impacts.”
I’m comforted to know that netroots’ champions Jerry McNerney and John Hall have assignments on the committee, although I also note that the committee does not ‘have legislative jurisdiction, but will help develop information that will help us give these issues the legislative priority they demand.’ In other words, this committee is going to serve in a strictly advisory capacity for the other committees (Energy and Commerce, Natural Resources, Science, Transportation) that have jurisdiction over environmental policy.
I encourage anyone that has an interest in global warming issues to follow the work of Rep. Markey’s committee and, if you have anything to offer, contact Maj. Staff Dir. David Moulton – (202) 225-4012.
As Nancy Pelosi said when she created the committee:
We hope to have legislation on global warming and energy independence through the committees by July 4th, so that this year, Independence Day is also ‘Energy Independence Day.’
“The science of global warming and its impact is overwhelming and unequivocal. We already have many of the technology and techniques that we need to reduce global warming pollution, and American ingenuity will supply the rest. With this new Select Committee, we demonstrate the priority we are giving to confront this most serious challenge.
“Now is time to act; the future of our country, indeed our entire planet, is at stake.”
What are you doing to conserve energy and other precious resources?
Hey, Boo: Does your Bro still not believe in Global Warming?
Huh? As far as I am aware, both my brothers accept the word of the scientific community and always have.
I’m sure Marsha Blackburn’s contribution will be no less constructive than Nero’s firefighting efforts.
Earth Day I bundled up the gang and we took a trip down to the local Ace Hardware to buy our share of energy saving light bulbs…well the guy only had 2 on the shelf and when I mentioned that it was after all Earth Day, he made the smug remark that he’d have to go home and dig some dirt to celebrate…sigh.
On a more positive note, I have to go to a huge convention of vendors showing their wares in Las Vegas – I ordered up my new Cafe Press Alternative Energy Tshirt in bright kelly green and thought I’d see what kind of a response I got from the manufacturers themselves. I tried to get a KISS Tshirt, readily identifiable and all that, we’ll see how the GE boys react.