I suffer from clinical depression and sometimes even when you are working with doctors and therapist it can get away from you. This is one of the reason we need universal health care that include equal parity for mental health. We also need better understanding about these issues so that people who are suffering from them are not afraid to reach out to others.
Here are just a few facts about depression:
Depression is a treatable illness involving an imbalance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. It is not a character flaw or a sign of personal weakness. You can’t make yourself well by trying to “snap out of it.” Although it can run in families, you can’t catch it from someone else. The direct causes of the illness are unclear, however it is known that body chemistry can bring on a depressive disorder, due to experiencing a traumatic event, hormonal changes, altered health habits, the presence of another illness or substance abuse.
* Prolonged sadness or unexplained crying spells
* Significant changes in appetite and sleep patterns
* Irritability, anger, worry, agitation, anxiety
* Pessimism, indifference
* Loss of energy, persistent lethargy
* Feelings of guilt, worthlessness
* Inability to concentrate, indecisiveness
* Inability to take pleasure in former interests, social withdrawal
* Unexplained aches and pains
* Recurring thoughts of death or suicide
Who Gets Depression?
* Major depressive disorder affects approximately 14.8 million American adults, or about 6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year. (Archives of General Psychiatry, 2005 Jun;62(6):617-27)
* While major depressive disorder can develop at any age, the median age at onset is 32. (U.S. Census Bureau Population Estimates by Demographic Characteristics, 2005)
* Major depressive disorder is more prevalent in women than in men. (Journal of the American Medical Association, 2003; Jun 18;289(23):3095-105.)
* As many as one in 33 children and one in eight adolescents have clinical depression. (Center for Mental Health Services, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 1996)
* People with depression are four times as likely to develop a heart attack than those without a history of the illness. After a heart attack they are at a significantly increased risk of death or second heart attack. (National Institute of Mental Health, 1998)
Economic Impact of Depression
* Major Depressive Disorder is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for ages 15-44. (World Health Organization, 2004)
Major depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide among persons five and older. (World Health Organization, “Global Burden of Disease,” 1996)
* Depression’s annual toll on U.S. businesses amounts to about $70 billion in medical expenditures, lost productivity and other costs. Depression accounts for close to $12 billion in lost workdays each year. Additionally, more than $11 billion in other costs accrue from decreased productivity due to symptoms that sap energy, affect work habits, cause problems with concentration, memory, and decision-making. (The Wall Street Journal, 2001, National Institute of Mental Health, 1999)
* Depression ranks among the top three workplace issues, following only family crisis and stress. (Employee Assistance Professionals Association Survey, 1996)
Depression and Suicide
* Depression is the cause of over two-thirds of the 30,000 reported suicides in the U.S. each year. (White House Conference on Mental Health, 1999)
* For every two homicides committed in the United States, there are three suicides.
* The suicide rate for older adults is more than 50% higher than the rate for the nation as a whole. Up to two-thirds of older adult suicides are attributed to untreated or misdiagnosed depression. (American Society on Aging, 1998)
* Untreated depression is the number one risk for suicide among youth. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in 15 to 24 year olds and the fourth leading cause of death in 10 to 14 year olds. Young males age 15 to 24 are at highest risk for suicide, with a ratio of males to females at 7:1. (American Association of Suicidology, 1996)
* The death rate from suicide (11.3 per 100,000 population) remains higher than the death rate for chronic liver disease, Alzheimer’s, homicide, arteriosclerosis or hypertension. (Deaths: Final Data for 1998, Center for Disease Control)
I suffer from this disease and have been having problems for the last few months. What a lot of the studies do not tell is that you get to the point where everyday activities and life can be completely destroyed or neglected. With this latest episode, I have exhausted my medical leave and lost my job, my car has been reposed, and I will be with out utilities in the next day or so and homeless in two weeks. What will happen is anyone’s guess at this point but if you know someone who is suffering or showing symptoms of depression please do not let them slip away from you. It is treatable and there are medications that can help.
I am worried about you. One the one hand the information in this diary is very, very important. On the other hand, it is secondary to the situation you are in.
I don’t know much about how social services work, but is there anything available to you to get you through this crisis? Do you have a personal support system available to you? Most importantly, is your depression under control?
Is there anything we can do?
I’m with Kahli here. And although I’m not in a position to offer any tangible nuts and bolts help, I am a decent listener despite my recent bellicose attitude. In other words, you’re always welcome to email me if it would help in any small way.
I understand.
Hi, my Dear – you know that I know exactly what you are talking about and am here if you want to talk and/or email.
You do so much for others and now is the time for you to ask for help. What about your family? Can you come home for awhile and at least have a secure place to live while you get yourself together again?
Thank you for this diary, refinish!
I’m afraid I’m too familiar with this issue as well.
I’m so sorry to hear about this, dear refinish. I can’t say that I share your experience – only been there once in my life. It sounds to me like money may be a problem. Would an order from your website help?
I remember one time when Susanhu posted a request for funds to help send her daughter on a trip, and Soj once posted a diary when she was running out of money to live in Romania. Both accepted contributions through paypal, and received much help from this community.
I know it goes against the American cult of individualism, but ten years of disability have taught me that there is no shame in asking for help when you need it, we’re all crippled in some way.
Tell you what, I’m not gonna wait for a reply, just going there to make an order. That’s the best I can do for you now. I hope you can get by with a little help from your friends. With love you can keep body and soul together.
We also need better understanding about these issues so that people who are suffering from them are not afraid to reach out to others.
What will happen is anyone’s guess at this point but if you know someone who is suffering or showing symptoms of depression please do not let them slip away from you.
RF – you’ve reached – thank you very, very much, so no slipping away.
Utilities going to be turned off – car is repossessed – out of your house in two weeks – no job – sure seems to me you need some rainy day funds sent your way as you are in a flippin’ torrential downpour!
Please check your e-mail.
What can we do? Homlessness is not an option. Texas froggies is there anyone out there who can help?
I am e-mailing you in a little bit.
Thank you all. There is a link on my podcast page where donations can be made to paypal.
Hi Refinish, sorry to hear about your current situation. I too have suffered from depression, severely for 10 years minimum, thankfully I seem to be over or past it now and maintained for at least 10 years. It helps that I am in a secure and loving family with little worry about finances, (thanks to my family’s help and the particular situation I am in, such as not paying rent and so on).
I am sharing a little of that security with you today, wish I could manage more…If there is anything more that I can do, or as others say if you need to talk, please email me.
I wish you the very best RF and my thought will be with you as they are right now. Much love and hugs!!!!!
Thank you!!!!!
You’re Welcome!!!!
Say have you checked into social services in your area, don’t know where you are but here in Ca. we have many food giveaway programs, there are assistance places that help with utilities and rent,with small grants. I think they are connected with utility companies. Also we have small town clinics that are free to those who can not afford to pay, including dental.
I had to avail myself more than once of all these services which in some cases saved me from worse possibilities.
At one place we have locally called SOS (Save OurSelves) in their food givaaway office they put out tons of bread everyday, including lots of the gourmet bread (like kalamata Olive) and you can take as much as you want. They also pack a big bag of an assortment of food that will last 2-3 days.
Help there too for shelter living.
Also churches in our area have both feeding programs and will sometimes deliver emergency food and you don’t have to be a member.
Here, in our phone book there is a section on social services where you can find many listings and referrals. Ask questions of services if you call anyone and often they can tell you about services that are not well known. You might be able to do some of this on computer.
Again the best to you and hugs!!!
I am checking into it and contacting some of the local groups.
Refinish, I am sorry to hear about your situation. Someone very close to me is currently being treated for depression, if that is the right term, a process that will be ongoing.
Is there anyone you can turn to for temporary help? Please don’t just “slip away”.
refinish, sorry to hear about your circumstances. Thank you for reaching out. I have sent a little thru your podcast donation link. I hope it will help and I wish it could be more.
Know that we all love you here and are holding you in our thoughts and hearts.
Hugs and love
Hugs and more hugs refinish. So sorry to hear about your situation and strongly agree about the healthcare system. Hang in there, get well, and bounce back.
The best description I’ve come up with is this.
When something bad happens and you get depressed for a little while, that’s normal.
When you get depressed and then look for a reason to justify it, that’s clinical.
… in sending healing thoughts refinish. I’m not sure what I can do, but I’m here if you ever need to talk … please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I hope for the best for you refinish69.
Thank you. I would answer each individually but….. my emotions are not at their best as you might imagine. The love and support of this community means more than any of you will ever know.
Hi RF. Do me a big favor and contact this group:
Front Steps
500 E. 7th Street
Austin , TX 78701
(512) 305-4100 (phone)
(512) 476-7243 (fax)
Here’s a blurb from their site: Through shelter and permanent-housing programs, skills development, employment resources and more, Front Steps supports low-income workers, disabled and homeless individuals and their families to find lasting and affordable housing.
If they are not the ones to help you, they can probably put you in touch with the someone who can.
If I was closer, I’ve drive you myself – but I can’t so call ’em, or better yet take the bus and go there.
Thank you!!!!! I will contact them tomorrow
I’m holding you to that promise, and I will be very cross with you if you don’t. 😉
Depression: been there, done that, own the T-shirt.
It’s a time to lean on others. There’s no shame in needing help, especially since the most helpful folks are the ones who’ve usually been there as well, and are just giving back some of what they got.
I will I promise and I am a man of my word.
And I admire you for struggling through how you are feeling in order to connect with other people. It’s a very brave thing to do.
And thanks to keres for the digging up the info.
refinish69, I think you might find that most of us have been through rough bouts of depression – it isn’t fun, but talking about it can help if for no other reason than it makes one realize that they’re not in that deep black hole alone. I was there for decades, went into therapy several times without much luck and only clawed my way out when the SRIs became available. Mr. Blue was severely depressed until he was finally diagnosed with sleep apnea. Depression hurts – I hope that despite our dysfunctional health care system that you can get the help you need. Sending warm thoughts your way in hopes that they might help.
Hi refinish69. Thank you for sharing your blues with us. I think it helps to spread the load, especially among those who care for you. Besides, you’re my favorite Texan! Seriously, I’m keeping good thoughts for you. Keep those LOL’s coming our way;-)