the FDA is trying again to restrict alternative therapies and supplements. Now I don’t want to go to a regular doc and get loaded up with at least three or four prescriptions, so I go to an acupuncturist who also may give me some supplements as needed and I go to a pilates instructor trying to undo decades of misuse of my great body.
Those are now at risk. If you, like me, want to have the freedom to choose your therapies, please comment to FDA and talk to your reps.
Update [2007-4-30 14:39:12 by glitterscale]: link is now fixed.
Here is a link for the info on this:
FDA Guidance
I know that you don’t really even want to think about this but this goes beyond what we think about in supplement abuse. Do you really want to have to get a prescription for vitamins?
your link doesn’t work (typo “vhttp” at beginning).
I generally disagree, I think “get a prescription for vitamins” is exaggerating the effect of these proposals. Actually in some ways that might be an improvement – my M.D. recommended a supplement, which if it were a prescribed drug would have cost me $3 through the insurance, but instead cost $20 at the supermarket.
I don’t understand why it’s bad to have the FDA regulate supplements so that the consumer knows they’re safe and at least sometimes effective. In most areas, an unregulated “free” market acts to screw consumers.
It sounds like they’re just making the labels accurate. What’s on the label really has to be in the product.
I would include a ‘none’ category in the poll…
Supplements and vitamins are a billions of dollars a year industry with no regulation whatsoever which is completely wrong. You only have to read various consumer groups who test vitamins/supplements to know that over 50% of the time what is on the label is not in them and not only that but many times other ingredients are in there that should never be such as high doses of lead found in some children’s vitamins for shits sake.
Taking vitamins/supplements today is basically a crap shoot as to whether what is on the label is actually true…or even if the varying claims made about supplements/vitamins have any basis in fact.
However, I reiterate, I don’t see that my going to a doc and getting 3, 4 or 5 prescriptions which may or may not work together is any LESS of a crap shoot. And just because something is prescribed doesn’t make it great.
Also, this area also inhibits the pilates, acupuncture etc. Which I DO enjoy.
I agree with you completely and alternative health practices should be integrated into the medical system-absolutely. This shouldn’t be an either or type thing. It should be about what works best for the patient.