With the Froggy Bottom Cafe going into retirement, are there any suggestions for creating something new? I could change the World/Open thread into a Cafe/Lounge and have it automatically refresh at midnight or something. Other ideas?
And, thank you to all the people that have tirelessly maintained the cafe for the last two years.
Anything else on your mind? Want a marmotini?
seriously, you could offer a hire to Gonzo or any of the soon to be resigned persons – host a discussion – inside perspective on any scandal of the day. There’ll be plenty…we can’t keep a good count.
This from Murray Waas datelined today and just posted in Monday News Bucket (H/T: Atrios)
go take a read.
Secret Order By Gonzales Delegated Extraordinary Powers To Aides
and even the redraft is quite damaging to “I just can’t recall” defense.
That one brings back fond memories…
Ooh, I’ll take one of those.
I’ll have mine sans marmot please. I get enough Albert hair in my food as it is.
Luna is power napping in the shade of some plants out front and Albert just raced from the laundry room to our room, where he is probably under the bed (he loves “forts”).
I’ve got a bit of a allergy related hacking cough going, but other than that it looks like it going to be a beautiful day.
Details. Would like more details about FBC going into retirement. First I’ve heard about it. Why is this happening? I’ve noticed that a handful of individuals have maintained it, God bless them for their generosity!
we and it just kinda ran outta steam.
okie dokie, AndiF. I can understand that and thanks for your incredible contribution and those of your fellow cafe hosters! Just wonder why there wasn’t more of an effort to recruit new hosts into the effort before flushing the whole thing down the toilet? I admit that I haven’t been on the job lately due to health reasons, and I apologize for whatever I may have missed because of that. I’m sure there are other major trends that in all my ignorance I am hopelessly unaware of.
I had a request for people interested in hosting a cafe to email me as part of the cafe for weeks and no one did.
There’s nothing for you or anybody else to apologize for. The cafe was a great place full of great people.
sorry i missed the hosting email and that i was knocked out of commission for so long by the CTS situation. in my earlier formative days i would have loved to be on the cafe hosting team. you are the best of the best, AF!
Aw shucks, thanks. Actually I’m mostly mediocre but I excel at it. 😉
I was just thinking, too, that it would have made a difference if the cafe had stayed on the recommended list, even if it meant creating one more “recommended slot” so the cafe wouldn’t be bumping diaries.
If the cafe had been terminally scrolling away when I first came on board I would never have known about it and I think that a lot of the newcomers maybe never got onto the cafe because they only knew in it’s terminally scrolling away incarnation.
Just a thought, you know!
BooMan – Are you talking about the Froggy Bottom in Washington DC, in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood near GW? (I hope not – it was one of my favorite places to grab lunch in our nation’s capital.)
I’m talking about this.
I hope that the wonderful people who kept the cafes opened, know what a wonderful place people could go to, to give, reminders, advice, show their surprises to others [ like the Friday curled ice photos] because of their endeavors. I thank you all. I do believe that it was a wonderful part of the tribes existence & allowed people to talk about a variety of subjects & not having to stick to the specific subject of a diary.
Personally, I thought it was a great part of this blog, but if, for whatever reasons, it was retired or shut down due to personal conflicts, that would be a shame.
I have no answers on what should be done, but any kind of “clubhouse, watercooler, coffeeshop, ect. I would support at least in as much as I `ve participated before, as minimally as that may have been.
just tiredness and low participation.
But I think the idea of the “auto” cafe is a really good one.
Second this. The cafe was always lovely and those who maintained it so long have my thanks.
Something automatic would relieve those who have been taking responsibility all this time. I was always amazed how early the timestamps were for the opening time. Thanks to all those who hosted.
and as others from the group have stated there will be the occasional cafe for old times sake but not a daily thing.
I completely forgot about the regional threads.
Thanks especially to the hosts whose efforts made the FBCs possible. And another thanks to all who posted there, for both the laughs and the learnings.
I certainly hope to run into you all again, here at BT, and also in other venues.
I’ll especially miss your gorgeous sky photos.
Thanks SN, maybe I’ll just have sneak a sky link in once in a while if’n we can find the right venue to do it. I’m happy you’ve appreciated them.
Looks like the World/Open thread (or whatever it might end up being called) is going to be place to hang out. Stop on by and bring a few of your favorite treeless expanses with you. 🙂
I show up for a hogshead of diet Squirt and the place is all shuttered. I guess I’ll have to go see what’s on TV.
Seriously, I like the idea of putting a Lounge up on the top bar, possibly to replace the World/Open Permanent Thread. I once proposed creating The Oldest Continuous Permanent Floating Crap Game On The Web, an open thread where once the thread got to a certain number of posts (here at FBC, say 200) the first 100 posts would be moved to an archive or deleted, making way for a new batch. Maybe something like that would be worth trying.
I’m sorry to see that the FBC is closing. I will admit to not having participated much lately, as I’ve been distracted with other things (working far too many hours, for one) but it never occurred to me that various people who kept it going were getting overworked as well. Thanks to those of you who posted as Froggybottom and kept the Cafe going all that time. I appreciated having a place to come and blow off steam or just goof around with the gang.