Via Senate 2008 Guru we have new poll numbers for Senators up for reeelection in 2008. And the numbers prove that the Democrats are not hurting themselves by opposing the President…while Republican fortunes continue to plummet.
New approval ratings – (11/22/06 approvals in parenthesis):
On the Republican side:
Norm Coleman: 53-41 (48-43)
John Cornyn: 43-40 (45-42)
Pete Domenici: 54-38 (68-25)
Mitch McConnell: 53-40 (54-39)
Pat Roberts: 48-39 (51-36)
Jeff Sessions: 54-36 (58-32)
Gordon Smith: 51-41 (54-37)
John Warner: 55-33 (60-28)
On the Democratic side:
Tom Harkin: 57-38 (53-40)
John Kerry: 54-41 (48-50)
Only Norm Coleman seems to be treading water. The rest of the Republicans are listing badly, and Kerry and Harkin seem to be doing fine.
Pete Domenici and John Cornyn are in real trouble.
Domenici in real trouble. Music to my ears.
Someone should let them know – we are having a Senate election this year in Maine.
I suspect Coleman has improved since November because he expressed some disagreement with his party ONCE on the Iraq war. He did not really change positions though and is now proving to be a a consistent Bush boot-licker once again. Once word really gets around to the average folks (it takes a while to get through to the faithful) they will turn back around and gravitate to Al Franken to replace Coleman.
It’s also nice to see the polls so high across the board for Amy Klobuchar, who we just sent to fill Dayton’s seat last November. She is very well liked around here and she beat Mark Kennedy (who is ALOT like Coleman) handily. She just had the right message, when Kennedy tried to run on smear and fear (like Coleman will.) Kennedy was reasonably well-liked until he tried that card, the one Republicans always try when they drop in polls.
The only group that may be able to save Coleman from the inevitable death spiral he will find himself in are the overly religious pro-lifers that saved Gov. Pawlenty from defeat in the final days of the last election. They did nasty radio ads about baby killing and spread word through churches that Pawlenty was committed to protecting babies and Hatch was for abortion-on-demand killings of babies. Up until then, Hatch was doing really well.