As Israel’s Apartheid Wall continues its course, confiscating more and more Palestinian land, cutting off villagers from their farmlands and orchards, trapping Palestinian villages and towns on the “wrong” side of the Wall, imprisoning other cities like Bethlehem, Qalqiliya, Habla, and many others, to say nothing about the incessant military occupation/colonization, house demolitions, deaths, and further land grabs that continue elsewhere such as in the Jordan Valley, far away from the Wall….
it is hard to believe that some Palestinians can still find time to laugh.
These photos of Apartheid Wall art are reprinted by permission of Fayyad of KABOBFest. Fayyad lives in Jenin, Palestine and the photos were reportedly taken by his cousin.
Thanks Fayyad.
I firmly believe that those who can laugh will survive. If you can laugh at your oppressors, you have already triumphed over them.
Good point.
Laugh to keep from crying……The Wall ‘art’ only serve to make it seem more hideous in some respects. The humor and whimsy in the art point up even more the huge starkness of the Wall.
Thank you again shergald for your continuing diaries about what life is like for the Palestinians and what is happening to them.
You’re welcome. Do what I can. Did you see Sabbah’s diary on Daily Kos today? It gives another perspective of what is going on in the West Bank: nonviolent protest and Israel’s typical military response to it. Reminded some commenters of protesting Black people in the 1960’s South being hosed down and attacked by police officers and dogs.
No I didn’t read that but that’s because I never go to Kos…but I can see how those remarks are relevant as I’ve thought that myself.