The House failed (220-203) to override the President’s veto. You can compare the roll call to the original vote (218-212). Not much of interest changed. Wayne Gilchrest and Walter Jones remain the only two Republicans to vote in favor of the supplemental funding bill. Pete Stark, who had never previously voted for a war funding bill (voting ‘present’ to the bill the first time), voted to override the veto. Kucinich switched places with Stark. He had originally voted against the supplemental…this time he voted ‘present’.
Maxine Waters, John Lewis, Diane Watson, and Michael Michaud all voted against the supplemental and then flipped to support an override.
The Blue Dogs that voted against the bill: Barrow (GA), Boren (OK), L. Davis (TN), McNulty (NY), Taylor (MS), Matheson (UT), Marshall (GA).
Given how unpopular the war is, there’s a good chance that in voting against the bill, those Blue Dogs defied the wishes of the majority of their constituents. Given that they also defied their own party, that makes them ignominious indeed.
Speaker Pelosi’s statement prior to the vote to override:
send it back…let the R’s keep voting against it, and Bush keep vetoing it. Constitutional Crisis?…Bring it on
Are there any local groups that can pressure the Dems who voted to continue sending off the troops to be killed and maimed? Obviously it doesn’t matter for this but there will be another bill soon and we need to make sure they don’t turncoat and support a bill to give in to the President’s crazy whims.