Well…here’s a stunningly bad idea:
US Vice President Dick Cheney leaves Tuesday on a four-country visit of the Middle East, looking to shore up support for Iraq among its neighbors and increase pressure on Iran, US officials say.
Cheney’s May 8-14 trip to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan comes amid tensions between the United States and its staunch Saudi allies over Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s fragile government.
I don’t know why Condi Rice even bothered traveling to the Middle East. Swinging Dick Cheney seems intent on reassuring everyone that she doesn’t speak for Bush. Generalissimo Francisco Franco may still be dead, but neoconservatism lives. Expect nothing but mischief and resulting ill will.
I knew a cop that other cops hated — absolutely loathed — him going on calls with them because they’d have a domestic or neighborhood dispute calmed down and he’d show up and get everybody fighting worse than before. Dick Cheney on a “diplomacy” tour reminds me of that cop.
He reminds me of a cop that responds to a domestic violence call and punches the wife in the head.
I have to say, it reminds me more of some idiot trying to patch the hole in the Titanic with bubble gum as it’s going down. However, in this scenario the captain and idiot have a boat ready to whisk them off to safety while telling everyone the bubble gum is working.
Halliburton is moving to Dubai…
Perhaps Cheney will negotiate for his old job back?
Perhaps he’ll look for retirement properties nearby?
Do any of these countries have extradition treaties with the US? If we ever get around to impeaching him for War Crimes, he’ll probably run like the 5-deferment coward he is. Having his hidey-hole prepared would fit someone so obsessed with security and control.
What puzzles me is why anyone over there allows Cheney to come visit. Do Arab foreign ministers really have so much free time on their hands that they have a day or two to listen to Dick Cheney say the same old shit he’s been saying for the last seven years? Does he arrive with a briefcase full of cash and a tourbus full of whores, or what?
It’s Libby sentencing time – DUH
Like it’s a mystery why he picked this time to travel?
As if there is anything that Cheney can do to develop American good will? Maybe there’s some charm underneath that gruff exterior that completely escapes the American public.
He went on the Asian tour when Libby was finishing up defense testimony, closing arguments and jury verdict rendering.
But I will predict that he will remain in the country and host the pardon party.