If anyone can bring impeachment into the public discourse it is the very well-connected Moveon.org.
If you’re impeachment-inclined please read the message below from activist/author/cab driver and Beach Impeach organizer Brad Newsham, about an effor to get MoveOn leaders to poll the membership about impeachment. With Brad’s permission I am posting below an email I received from him today:
“LIKE MANY OF YOU, I am typically dubious about the usefulness of online petitions, but the one I’m about to ask you to sign is different. …
The petition launched just this morning, Tuesday, May 8, targets a small group of people — the handful of individuals at the inner circle of MoveOn.org, who until very, very recently, have seemed committed to not ever publicly mentioning the possibility of (or even the word) impeachment.
Many of us in the impeachment movement have for some time been asking MoveOn to move away from the cozy bosom of the Democratic Party elite (“Impeachment is off the table”) and to speak for the masses. (MoveOn portrays itself as a member-driven organization. Zogby polls show that a solid majority of Americans support impeachment. It does not seem possible that MoveOn’s membership could be LESS in favor of impeachment than the general populace.) And on April 21, MoveOn took a tentative first step by sending a “Do-you-favor-impeachment?” poll to 20,000 randomly selected MoveOn members. The results of that poll have not been released.
The petition (link below) launched this morning asks MoveOn to poll its entire membership on impeachment, to release the results, and then act on them.
MoveOn has over 3 million members (like many of you, I have been a member since the day I first heard of MoveOn.), a vast network of connections on Capitol Hill and elsewhere, and the kind of financial resources that can make a real difference (like many of you, I have given untold hundreds of dollars to causes championed by MoveOn [these in addition to my $15 monthly contribution], and our donations combined with our other work are widely credited with delivering the Congress to the Democrats in November.)
It takes less than 30 seconds to sign the petition, and about two minutes to read it. Please sign the petition today (a huge initial outburst always gets attention and sets a tone), and please forward it widely.
If the people at the heart of MoveOn hear from enough of us, there is the very real possibility that we can nudge the course of history back in the direction of sanity.
Did people stop listening to moveon? I have to admit that politics has definitely taken a back seat in light of the news I may get one more summer to enjoy myself.
Three days after the election Pelosi endorsed Bush’s endless global war on terror by passing HR 1, the anti-terror bill. Not the change I wanted, just another cop out to big biz.
One more summer? That sounds like some kind of bad news. What’s going on?
Really,I’m 51, a native born here in the US, Boy Scout, all American WASP. I hate, no loathe my/ no not my, government. Yes there is lot’s going on. Would you like the red pill or the blue pill?
I share your pain about the U.S. government but I gave up pills.
Yesterday Pelosi said that if Bush issues a signing statement when he signs the war funding bill, she can take him to court. So she still is not considering the only remedy for that kind of abuse of power—impeachment.
I really can’t understand why she can’t admit to herself that the Dems aren’t going to be able to get anything done so long as Bush and Cheney are in the White House. The only thing I can think of is that impeachment would make the cocktail party scene in Washington unpleasant.
I think Nancy Pelosi has more on her mind (and up her metaphorical sleeve) than cocktail parties.
We’ve got to do better than this. Please sign the petition and pass it on!