They were mad at me because I was getting into the car (this was just a day or two after I’d gotten back from being out of town and getting into the car was still being greeting with great suspicion).
Luna has this funny relationship with the car. When I go to put her in it, she often balks because she doesn’t want to sit in it while I’m off doing something (although she falls asleep right after I get out). But if I go to get in the car without taking her, she’s like “hey, what about me?”
Giddy likes being where we are so she likes going in the car. Of the six dogs we’ve had, she’s the only one who has. Hopeful absolutely hates the car and any trip where he doesn’t throw-up is a major success.
Our neighbors across the street drive their trash down a hundred foot drive. Granted it’s a very steep drive (a bit steeper than ours), but the full barrels would go downhill and the empty ones uphill. We have to trudge our full ones up. Besides, they have kids and should make them do it.
I’ve walked the trash down a few times — it’s excellent exercise (we have two steep portions) but it’s really awkward, slow-going, and hard on my back. Maybe I should get a little cart and hitch it up to Giddy.
I made a sulky for my first Pyr, Ursula. She used to pull me around on it as well. I’m pretty sure I could remember the plans if you or Jim wanted to build one. It was pretty simple – made out of a bent electical conduit frame and bicycle wheels.
Well that would still leave me driving the trash to the end of the road. 🙂 Anyway, Giddy doesn’t need Sniff’s help. Thanks to the arthritis medication, she still gets around just fine (complain the moles, chipmunks and squirrels).
I’m glad to hear that Giddy is staying spry, if a bit less of a sled dog than she used to be.
Which reminds me that I’ve got to get started on sewing Luna’s pulling harness, so that she can help me with the firewood. I’ve got an old wetsuit for neoprene padding, and nylon webbing for the straps. She’ll hate it of course.
I’ve recently become a Wikipedian, and I have a secret agenda of getting Luna into as many of the photos I submit as possible.
I’ll post them here as I put them in. So far I’ve mostly added photos of birds and local highways/bridges. Oh, and of the Southeast Cape (both photos are mine).
A couple of pictures of my cat Zoe. She died very suddenly and unexpectedly on Monday afternoon.
Zoe was a stray we found 10 years ago under the stoop of my old apartment building on Walnut street in Philadelphia. She never quite stopped being feral, but she was adorable and silly and fierce and cute and strange and we loved her.
I’m glad you decided to memorialise Zoe here (in case you didn’t already know it, “Zoe” means “life”, and thanks to you it looks like she had a good one).
BTW, I also had a white-tux-orange-tiger-cat, also a stray that I picked up while living in an apartment. His name was Brian, and he was the best cat I ever had. He too was a bit strange and we used to joke that he was actually an Alien in a cat suit.
on May 10, 2007 at 2:32 am
I am sorry for your loss. It is funny how cats, such vigorous creatures, can die unexpectedly.
The shelters are overflowing with cats, which are much more efficient at reproducing than dogs. What I am saying is that if you could love a cat, you do not have to wait until another stray comes along to bring another one into your life.
Thanks. Yeah that’s definitely the route we will take if we get another cat. We’ll probably wait a while though. Whenever I’ve had a pet die, I always go through a period where I feel like I can’t go through it again. It will pass, but not for a bit.
I’m so sorry you lost Zoe – she was a beautiful cat.. It’s hard enough when you’re expecting it, but when it comes suddenly it’s beyond awful. Back in February we lost one cat (almost 18) to old age between when we checked on him at 3 a.m. & 7 a.m. when we found that he wouldn’t wake up again. The next day when we took the 14 year old in for a check up discovered that he had cancer that was too advanced for treatment and let him go gently rather than suffer. Three weeks ago, we went to a shelter adoption event and came home with a 6 year old cuddlebum who is helping to fill the humongous hole in our lives. I hope you can find another cat to help you through this. {{{HUGS}}}
That’s longer than I ever managed a handstand – and I have hands.
(I started taking gynastics when I was about 12yo, but by then I was at least 5’6″, which meant that I was hardly compact and “springy” and my floor exercises sucked. Fortunately I was good at the parallel bars.)
No, not “bad dog” or “bondage & disipline” (although Luna might argue for this one), but “bath day”.
Luna does not look happy.
She hates getting a bath. If there are other people at the dog wash she draws quite a few laughs with her attempts at not getting into the tub.
She does like a vigorous toweling off, so that helps.
except for Hopeful because he’s asleep.
Plus they definitely talk to me.
P.S. the pony is definitely deserving of cute overload
Those are “hurry up and take the picture” faces.
Luna says more with her eyebrows than any dog I’ve ever had. Albert mostly glares, but then he swears a lot.
They were mad at me because I was getting into the car (this was just a day or two after I’d gotten back from being out of town and getting into the car was still being greeting with great suspicion).
Luna has this funny relationship with the car. When I go to put her in it, she often balks because she doesn’t want to sit in it while I’m off doing something (although she falls asleep right after I get out). But if I go to get in the car without taking her, she’s like “hey, what about me?”
Giddy likes being where we are so she likes going in the car. Of the six dogs we’ve had, she’s the only one who has. Hopeful absolutely hates the car and any trip where he doesn’t throw-up is a major success.
Most of my dogs liked going in the car, especially when I had a pickup truck with a shell on it. Lot’s of room to spread out.
Forunately, Luna is one of the two Pyrs I’ve had that don’t get carsick. One more reason to like bunnies, they can’t throw up.
I love that picture. They look like the welcoming crew.
I was on my way out but they were still looking just like that when I got back (I was only taking the trash out to the end of the drive.)
How long is your drive?
Which reminds me, I have to fetch our empty trash barrels before they blow a few kilometers up the road.
a little over 1000 ft.
I suppose that’s justified then.
Our neighbors across the street drive their trash down a hundred foot drive. Granted it’s a very steep drive (a bit steeper than ours), but the full barrels would go downhill and the empty ones uphill. We have to trudge our full ones up. Besides, they have kids and should make them do it.
I’ve walked the trash down a few times — it’s excellent exercise (we have two steep portions) but it’s really awkward, slow-going, and hard on my back. Maybe I should get a little cart and hitch it up to Giddy.
That’s just what I was thinking.
I made a sulky for my first Pyr, Ursula. She used to pull me around on it as well. I’m pretty sure I could remember the plans if you or Jim wanted to build one. It was pretty simple – made out of a bent electical conduit frame and bicycle wheels.
I’ll have to find a photo of that sometime.
I’d really like to see the photo but we won’t been needing the plans since Giddy isn’t available for dogcart duty — she has arthritis.
You could size it down and get Sniff to pull Giddy around.
Well that would still leave me driving the trash to the end of the road. 🙂 Anyway, Giddy doesn’t need Sniff’s help. Thanks to the arthritis medication, she still gets around just fine (complain the moles, chipmunks and squirrels).
I’m glad to hear that Giddy is staying spry, if a bit less of a sled dog than she used to be.
Which reminds me that I’ve got to get started on sewing Luna’s pulling harness, so that she can help me with the firewood. I’ve got an old wetsuit for neoprene padding, and nylon webbing for the straps. She’ll hate it of course.
We’ll be needing pictures of that.
But of course!
I’ve recently become a Wikipedian, and I have a secret agenda of getting Luna into as many of the photos I submit as possible.
I’ll post them here as I put them in. So far I’ve mostly added photos of birds and local highways/bridges. Oh, and of the Southeast Cape (both photos are mine).
I remember the one with Imogen. It’s one of my favorites.
Here are some of my recent additions.
One of the many hundreds that live there year round.
you need “all of the above” for me to vote.
Ah, sorry. I’ll add it.
Darn. The edit function doesn’t seem to work on the poll.
A panorama I just finished. Taken from the Bridgewater Bridge causeway across the Derwent River(where I took the swan photo).
A couple of pictures of my cat Zoe. She died very suddenly and unexpectedly on Monday afternoon.
Zoe was a stray we found 10 years ago under the stoop of my old apartment building on Walnut street in Philadelphia. She never quite stopped being feral, but she was adorable and silly and fierce and cute and strange and we loved her.
Hi Chris.
I’m glad you decided to memorialise Zoe here (in case you didn’t already know it, “Zoe” means “life”, and thanks to you it looks like she had a good one).
BTW, I also had a white-tux-orange-tiger-cat, also a stray that I picked up while living in an apartment. His name was Brian, and he was the best cat I ever had. He too was a bit strange and we used to joke that he was actually an Alien in a cat suit.
I am sorry for your loss. It is funny how cats, such vigorous creatures, can die unexpectedly.
The shelters are overflowing with cats, which are much more efficient at reproducing than dogs. What I am saying is that if you could love a cat, you do not have to wait until another stray comes along to bring another one into your life.
Thanks. Yeah that’s definitely the route we will take if we get another cat. We’ll probably wait a while though. Whenever I’ve had a pet die, I always go through a period where I feel like I can’t go through it again. It will pass, but not for a bit.
I’ve been through this three times with our dogs. It never gets any easier or less sad but I’ve been grateful for being able to share their lives.
And thanks for sharing your photos of Zoe.
it’s especially hard to lose a companion suddenly. sending condolences to you and your family.
peace and blessings
I’m so sorry you lost Zoe – she was a beautiful cat.. It’s hard enough when you’re expecting it, but when it comes suddenly it’s beyond awful. Back in February we lost one cat (almost 18) to old age between when we checked on him at 3 a.m. & 7 a.m. when we found that he wouldn’t wake up again. The next day when we took the 14 year old in for a check up discovered that he had cancer that was too advanced for treatment and let him go gently rather than suffer. Three weeks ago, we went to a shelter adoption event and came home with a 6 year old cuddlebum who is helping to fill the humongous hole in our lives. I hope you can find another cat to help you through this. {{{HUGS}}}
That is one adorable ass pony. I think it deserves its own “No, you can’t have a pony” poster.
Sort of like this, but better.
a slight refinement –
for travellin’ birds….houses on wheels [another missive from bro and the jfi shop]
the Pop-up Camper:
© jfi shop 2007
clik to enlarge
the * Retro Classic*:
© jfi shop 2007
clik to enlarge
Bro is a man after my own heart. Witty and well-crafted.
Witty and well-crafted.
I ment the boxes. I don’t know how well-crafted your brother is.
Stumpy Jake’s the three-legger that I’ve posted about on occasion. He had a big day today.


Always good to see stumpy Jake. And yes, he’s extra special handsome with a good haircut.
(Of course, now I’ve got his hilarious “handstand” video in my head again.)
His handstand “hang time” record is almost seven seconds 🙂
That’s longer than I ever managed a handstand – and I have hands.
(I started taking gynastics when I was about 12yo, but by then I was at least 5’6″, which meant that I was hardly compact and “springy” and my floor exercises sucked. Fortunately I was good at the parallel bars.)