Newbies, Lurkers, and Splashers
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*A momily is a saying or sermon delivered by a mother
to her child. Wisdom is optional. π
to her child. Wisdom is optional. π
We’d love to have other folks at BT host the Welcome Wagon. If you are interested in hosting email AndiF at and-ng at earthlink dot net and we’ll pick a date.
Don’t be shy! Now’s your chance to de-lurk and say hello!
Two of my favorites:
. Women have children to do all the things they don’t want to do.
. Behave yourself. I don’t want people to think I didn’t raise you right.
From my mom:
“Everything you do today prepares you for tomorrow.”
“When you’re feeling down and out, lift up your head and shout: Somebody’s going to pay for this!”
If I were a mother, the first one would be “Everything you do today gives you a reason to want to avoid tomorrow.”
Be careful or you’ll fall down and crack your head open.
So which did you do — be careful or crack your head?
Depends on which time you’re refering to.
I never liked being careful — which is probably why I had a childhood of cracking things open (though only 2 or three times for my head).
Uhh, too much pain.
No nice Momilys but here’s the one I heard most often:
Nobody ever said you have to LIKE your children.
Heh, you’ll notice I didn’t have any nice ones either.
My mom had the corollary to yours: some day you’ll have children of your own and then you’ll be sorry. (Of course, I have pointed out to her on occasion that it was pretty easy to figure out how to avoid that particular problem).
I saw your note at FamilyMan’s place, but I thought I’d have a better chance of catching you here. It being Wednesday and all…
Darn, missed you again — I’d already gone to bed.
Well, if you’re getting up at 4AM, it’s no wonder. Where are you hanging out these days?
My favorite is more an utterance of surprise, and she doesn’t even realize she says it a lot of times. She’ll say “I’llllllllll Suwannee!” I think it has to do with the Suwannee River. It pronounced with the I’ll being drawn out and the Suwannee said fast. Don’t ask me what it means, it’s a Southern thing.
You sure it’s not just her way of saying “I swan”?
Yep I’m sure. Plus “I swan” wouldn’t make any sense. π
I thought I was the only one who didn’t know what “I swan” meant.
Me thinks Andi is trying to create Southernisms. π
A good southern lady never swears.
I thought it fit since when I’ve heard it used it’s been as an exclamation like “oh my” or “good heavens” or “I declare.”
Now that’s something. I’ve never heard just “I swan” by itself. I guess that’s a Northern think. π
or rural southern indiana
Now we’ve got a saying almost the same in two separate rural area. Kind of interesting.
Jim’s mom is of the people one who uses the expression and she is from a small town just on the other side of the ohio from kentucky. A lot of people in that area have roots back in the south.
Ah, we’re getting closer in proximity with the saying. π
We might be getting closer in proximity but people around here (and down there) still mostly just say “Well, I swan” and don’t make it part of a sentence.
may have actually liked me because I can’t remember anything negative, or positive for that matter that she said to me, but I remember her saying this most of all – when we’d ask what she wanted for mother’s day or christmas she’d always say “a few kind words and a hail mary.’ She got lots of those because they were free!
That was sweet.
My favorite from my mother when we stubbed a toe or just in general got just a tiny bit hurt…
“Go get me a knife and I will cut it off”. Didn’t hurt so bad after that…
and my all time personal fav
“Come here so I can smack you”. (none of us were ever really that naive…had a few friends that were however and no it didn’t hurt :D)
Boy that really makes her sound like such a loving person doesn’t it? π Thinking about it though gets me giggling!
One I say to my son…
“Just because you can, does not mean you should”.
Happy Mothers day everyone
Can I trade mothers with you? π
Nah wouldn’t trade her for the world. π But I can share her…
Cake what you say to your son makes too much sense. You need a momily that makes no sense, but conveys a message. π
heh well…I had to have something nice to counter the others lol
Grandma, referring to her 20 odd grandchildren,
“All these kids, and not an ugly one in the bunch.”
I know what you mean, except my grandma turned the mirrors around in the house when we came to visit. π