What would you do if you woke up in your hospital bed and saw Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card leering at you?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
That I had died and gone to hell.
I’d think I had died and gone to hell.
Left Coaster finds Alberto is busted
“After James Comey’s testimony yesterday about the effort by the White House, specifically Alberto Gonzales and Andy Card to get a bed-ridden John Ashcroft to authorize the domestic spying program both he and Comey had rejected, Democratic senators Schumer, Feingold, Durbin, and Kennedy busted Alberto today for his past lies before the committee. The text of the letter is here:
Dear Mr. Attorney General:”
In very dramatic testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, former Deputy Attorney General James Comey testified that in March 2004, when you served as White House Counsel, you were involved in “an effort to take advantage of a very sick man,” referring to then-Attorney General John Ashcroft.”
Ouch. Go read the whole thing.
Gonzo is right behind Wolfowitz.
Why I do believe I would crook my finger beckoning their pudgy faces closer and then go for their throats!
Scream. Scream again.
probably re-enct a scene from the exorcist…
Pray for a another shot of morphine.
P.S.: Anyone else totally jonesing for a newsbucket?
i) Pray for a another shot of morphine. – LOL, double dose, please!
ii) P.S.: Anyone else totally jonesing for a newsbucket? – Yes! I’ve been missing it the last few days (shame on me for not posting one). It’s not fair to leave it all to CG, and she has said that if it is not up by 8 (or, is it 9?) – then anyone should feel free to post one.
Will you do one tomorrow, if CG doesn’t?
miss it too
8 Eastern or Pacific? If I’m up early tomorrow and don’t see one, I’ll take care of it… 🙂
Goes by the diary owner’s time zone, I guess.
So, you’ll have to get up very early.
I would, but I can’t even figure out how to post a link, much less a cool box or graphic. That and the fact that all my “news” comes from Raw Story, which is sad. ;>) Every once in a while, I see a story that I would like to put in the newsbucket, but being a complete technodunce, I’m too ashamed to even try!
Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t complaining or nothing, just giving a shout out to say I missed it and hope to see it’s return.
I posted one just for all of you who miss it…
It’s been really busy here at Chez Cabin this week.
Depending on the circumstances, (a) start thinking of my “safe word,” (b) buzz the nurse, (c) bite down on the cyanide capsule.
Or clear the room by asking, “OK, boys. Which of you is the top and which is the bottom? Let’s get this over with.”
collect $200
I’d have them change my filthy bedpan by sipping the contents and swallowing same.
PG-13 comment: Knowing what we know now, I would wonder were they fondling me while I was asleep.
Beg them to pull the plug
I would go over to firedoglake and read this post:
what’s it going to take shirl….wtf is enough?