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Question for everyone:
which TV character reminds you the most of yourself?
which TV character reminds you the most of yourself?
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My answer to the question: Ray Romano from Everybody Loves Raymond – I have a chronic foot-in-mouth disease that strikes at any time. One of the side-effects is digging a deeper hole when I should just shut my mouth and say the magic words: “You’re right”
Now it’s your turn!
Hiya Manny.
I’d have to say a combination of two characters. 95% Randy the brother on My Name is Earl and 5% Mr. Spock. In other words, every now and then a flash of brilliance, but most of the time I’m amazed by the simplest things.
Welcome to the pond Drewsky.
Hi Family Man – hilarious combination. I haven’t watched much of Earl but what I’ve seen is really funny.
That one of the few weekly shows I look for. As I said, I identify with Randy. 🙂
How’s your week been going? Are you getting to a point you can slow down and slack a little?
The week is going alright, I am still slammed pretty hard. Wish I could elaborate but there are some goons in real life who are trolling for info.
I hope to start blogging more soon, I miss the interaction with everyone.
Take it easy and stay away from the goons.
We miss your interaction too.
my boyfriend is ray romanos character…he looks like him, he whines like him, he begs for sex like him….and his parents are exactly like the barones.
i remind myself of roseanne when she was funny.
hi anna, you have my sympathies (i think?) 😉
Roseanne was a great show, imo. The Halloween episodes were always my favorite.
Hi Anna.
You know I never did get into watching Everybody Love Ray or for that matter Seinfeld. Don’t know why, but I never could get interested in them.
Hope you’ve been doing well.
Hey, that’s not fair! You stole my character! Rosanne was the first one that came to my mind too. Big and loudmouthed…yup, that’s me. :>)
Come to think of it, my entire family identified with the Loud family from SNL.
Joel Fleischman, MD, from Northern Exposure, except that I do even more whining.
I sort of had a crush on that whiney little nerd…but of course the John Corbett character was way hotter.
Ellen from her old show before they let her come out. I dress like her, I have her sense of humor, and I’m clumsy and clueless sometimes but overall way smarter than anyone I know. And humble…
Yep I can see the humbleness shinning through.
I knew you would. And I can totally see you as Randy.
Thank you very much. 🙂
Get any rain today?
We’re getting plenty now!
Thundershowers started around 3 (I got wet on my way home a while ago).
curly is on her way in now, and it’s pouring down and lots of thunder out. I guess I need to get some hot toddy ready…
It started raining last night before I went to bed and didn’t stop until mid-morning. We really needed it.
Hot toddy? I’ll have 27 please.
Good your water situation has improved.
Don’t know if we actually need it, or not. But I hope it’s done before the morning.
27 coming up.
The way it has been moving, I think it should be past ya’ll by in the morning.
The last hot drink I had with alcohol in it was Glühwein, in Austria back in the mid 80’s. It only took about three or four of those to get me wobbling.
The last hot drink I had with alcohol in it was Glühwein
Funny, the toddy talk made me think of the Scandinavian version of Glühwein – known as Gløgg.
So, I’m kinda at a loss for answering the question.
When I was a kid, I was alternately compared to Spock and any movie character being played by Jody Foster: i.e. I was a very logical tomboy.
hmmmm…tv character, eh
living or dead?
That’s a great link d … love the film noir connection.
And nice tie … 🙂
I think I am a combination of Grace and Karen on Will and Grace.