The saga adjourned yesterday. Will today end with a deal or a plain vanilla, You’re fired?
We’ve made a deal. He resigns.
Yesterday – it was reported worldwide,- here’s a sample headline, Financial Times, UK
Wolfowitz working on resignation deal
“Paul Wolfowitz on Wednesday began discussing possible terms for his resignation as president of the World Bank.
Although the White House was publicly standing by Mr Wolfowitz, his position looked tenuous, as the US administration appeared close to giving up the fight to keep him in office.
However, officials said that his agreed departure should not be taken for granted if he could not secure satisfactory terms”
We pick up with Wolfowitz’ lawyer:
How does Wolfowitz and friends make a deal?
Well, there’s this little raid, reported at Thinkprogress
Bank Counsel Hired By Wolfowitz Is Best Friends With Riza, Attempted To Block Investigation
“As last week’s Board meeting on Riza-gate was about to commence, Mr. Wolfowitz and Mmes. Cleveland and Palacio barged into the Board room and demanded to participate in the closed-door Board session.
An argument ensued between the Board and the executive triumvirate. … Ms. Palacio demanded to stay because she claimed she had a right to remain as counsel to the board. … A needless debate that lasted close to an hour followed and MS. PALACIO REFUSED TO LEAVE THE BOARD ROOM! The board was then forced to adjourn the meeting.”
The well sourced Steve Clemons and Forbes opines, “Wolfowitz is done.”
Yes. Stick a fork?
Oh my, his `ethical’ challenges aside, what went wrong?
What Happened to Wolfowitz the Strategist?
“Paul Wolfowitz has all but conceded that he is leaving his perch as CEO of the World Bank. The only question that remains is what gets scribbled in the last paragraph of the story on whether the “blame” for his departure is shared — and whether he resigned under his own steam or was actually, formally fired.
What is odd about this entire encounter is that “Wolfowitz the strategist” seems to be missing — and that may have been the problem all along.
Even one of Wolfowitz’s closest friends and the not-often discussed third political appointee (the other two were the more controversial Kevin Kellems and Robin Cleveland) brought in by Wolfowitz, Karl Jackson, has reportedly told numerous World Bank and diplomatic pals of his that “Paul has no plan. Everything is ad hoc, reactive — first we go this way, then we go that.” If his friends are saying that, imagine what Wolfowitz’s enemies think.
And in this sad public battle over whether Wolfowitz acted appropriately or not regarding the employment options, compensation, and performance evaluations of his girlfriend, Wolfowitz also seemed to operate in exactly the mode Jackson describes — without a plan, reactive, ad hoc, first this way and then that.
Seems Mr. Wolfowitz also has a on-the-job performance challenges. As Mr. Clemons opines:
“Whichever way the Bank’s board goes today in either allowing him honor as he exits, or just leaving things messy and not nicely packaged, Wolfowitz is done.”
Can Wolfowitz really expect to carry on as CEO?
Next up: Alberto Gonzales What is currently in the main stream may just be the tip of an iceberg.
Yep. Wolfowitz is defiant and isolated with no reservoir of goodwill.
We are governed by men with big egos who don’t care a fig for the institutions under their charge.
AT the 2:00 PM hour Reuters reports Wolfowitz a dead man walking. Bush said, “I regret it has come to this.”
It’s lack of leadership stupid.
Wolfowitz crisis challenges U.S. leadership
“WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The likely ouster of Paul Wolfowitz as World Bank president in the face of bitter European opposition poses an unprecedented challenge to the United States’ global financial leadership.
Weakened by chaos in Iraq, low popularity and his lame-duck status, President George W. Bush appears unable to prevent Wolfowitz’s departure — the first ever of a World Bank president — after weeks of resistance and public acrimony over his promotion of a companion.
Some U.S. officials and experts expressed alarm that the controversy could force the United States to give up its World Bank preeminence and long tradition of appointing the president, perhaps creating an opening for rising power China.[.]
Others argued that a radical overhaul of the system of selecting the president and bank lending policies is the only way for the institution to regain credibility.
“There is growing discomfort with this idea that the United States should hand pick the World Bank president with no consultation,” said Kenneth Rogoff, former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund.”
So is that how you get obscenely rich exit packages?
when you don’t believe in government is it any wonder that you staff the government and bureaucracy with cronies and flunkies?
Hey, thanks for dropping by.
As you noted earlier; friends and foes alike – “we just want it to be over.”
Can we fast forward January, 2009.
sidney blumenthal has a look at wolfowitz, as part of a commentary on the cult of loyalty that has driven BushCo™ during the past 6 years, that characterizes his MO:
what a piece of work. the man is an egocentric, bullying cretin, and power junky who exemplifies the mind set of the entire neo-con cabal.
it will be interesting to see if this results a revision to the way the president of the world bank has been appointed. it’s unlikely that after this kerfuffle that aWol will get a free hand.
from npr: / Embattled World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz has resigned, in a move that will take effect in June. Until then, he is on administrative leave…
… but looks like a lot of /face saving
compromises were made.
Dada, where’s my popcorn?
shit! knew l was forgetting something…think we’re gonna need a cart before the scandals are over…
clik to enlarge
that’s 1 of, hopefully, many to go….
Thanks for the nice delivery….Hmmm delicious.. but order up 5 more carts…..we’ll be needing at least that many.
Next up is Gonzales. Not looking good.
Dems seek no-confidence vote on Gonzales
10 GOP senators are on board.
A thorough investigation could lead to wholesale impeachments. Bring it on.
We have BREAKING NEWS: Reuters
World Bank’s Wolfowitz to resign effective June 30 – Board statement 6:10pm ET.
One down 4 to go.
Here is the statement:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Paul Wolfowitz resigned as World Bank president on Thursday, agreeing to step down as of June 30, the bank’s board said in a statement.”
“The executive directors acknowledge Mr. Wolfowitz’s decision to resign as president of the World Bank group,” the board said in a statement, adding that it would immediately start the search for a successor.”
It was his leadership. The girl-friend conflict of interest saga was a gift to the Board.
Worth a read is this Forbes article
We have seen the back of him as the Brits would say.
Good riddance.
Official Statement
Problems with resignation
As I noted in post citing Steve Clemons, who is well sourced and The Financial Times, UK, as well…
“The only question that remains is what gets scribbled in the last paragraph of the story on whether the “blame” for his departure is shared — and whether he resigned under his own steam or was actually, formally fired.”
From day one when negotiations commenced Wolfy tried to save his departure parachute – one year’s salary: $375,000.
Wolfy cannot be rehabilitated. This was not all about his girlfriend but his leadership at the Bank. What self-respecting CEO would strong arm colleagues?
See Dada’s comment upthread.
Wolfie, let the door hit you on the way out.
Unfortunately it will, and it will bat him straight into a high-paying (if not, initially, high-publicity) job in the “private sector.”
May 14 – Second Report of the Ad Hoc Group (pdf file)
May 15 – Statement of Paul Wolfowitz to Executive (pdf file)
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Great Oui, thnx.
Prof. Juan Cole has a good catch not seen anywhere else.
Ding, Dong, the Witz has Fled
The reaction among World Bank employees at the news:
‘ “Everyone ran into the hallways and were clapping and hugging each other,” one employee, who declined to be named, said.” ‘
Bush earlier today complained about journalists dancing on Tony Blair’s political grave. He didn’t know the half of it.
Linked to his Salon piece this week, Wolfowitz’s Fatal Flaw gives a good idea of his unwelcome. (highlight added)
Reads like it’s the manual for the whole criminal gang. His attempt to neo-con the World Bank failed.
Next up Gonzo Watch.
It’s important to realize this wasn’t really about a woman or a salary–it was a gift for the Board to have that excuse. Here’s a bit of the subtext:
Wolfowitz came to the bank with an attitude. There were good countries and bad. The bad ones were rife with corruption, and like the good neocon he was, he was going to punish them.
Wolfowitz came to the bank with an agenda and an attitude: The Bank was corrupt, many of its partners were corrupt, he was going to fix things. His cultural blindness got him in trouble almost from the get-go. Here’s a quote from a senior vice president:
Bank officials called his attitude “messianic.” (Deja vu all over again?)
Like most Bushite morality, appearances were deceiving.
He suspended a billion dollar program for family planning in India (evidentally pushing abstinence only!) The Board stepped in. Then they “handcuffed” his ability to do more mischief by changing their policies and procedures.
But the “straw” that broke the Board’s collective tolerance seems to be a proposed move to funnel World Bank funds into Iraq. He planned to station a full time director for those funds in Baghdad. According to a Bank Director in February:
According to this would have been a new source of funds for the contractors doing “dubious” reconstruction projects there–the Bushies.
Nice gift.
Hopefully there’ll be more before December.
Watch the battle for Gonzales.
BushCo™ never stops with the in your face crap…throw wolfie under the bus and then float these guys as his replacement?!
talk about your Le(a)d Zeppelin
extra popcorn carts on order.
Europeans are calling for reform on the appointment process. The USA leadership has been damaged.
From FT
Europeans may insist on reforms so, Tony Blair! could be a compromised appointment. Perish the thought that the World Bank becomes a rehab for the discredited.
l doubt rehabilitation is part of the plan…too much $ at stake, and more than likely, too many things yet uncovered that a lot of people would like to see stay that way, at least untill jan 09.
Blair’s considered an long shot:
from The Guardian UK:
there are also some other interesting names being speculated on, such as Bolton and Rumsfeld…and l was about to express relief that Bolton wasn’t being considered…silly me…and a good compendium of related links, including this one on Oxfam’s call for an end to u.s control over the appointment of the WB president:
as well as an interesting analysis of the subject from the BBC the ties in the connection and politics of the WB and the IMF…an interesting read and something l had not considered.
this may end up being rather more complicated than BushCo™ and the neo-con sycophants envisage.
WH says they’re wanting someone who’s demonstrated a longstanding commitment to ending poverty.
I think that makes Rummy a shoe-in — he has the best record in the GOP for eliminating poverty… or at least poor people.
too bad Pol Pot’s, eh.
l think he’s the current record holder in that event.