Oldest asklet was considering doing the AIDS-walk in Central Park today – she’s still in bed, though – so I don’t know…
The young one will stay, busy on the Playstation since 7.
Hi Folks!!!! Quick update on me. I am moving today and staying with a friend for a few days. I have a couple of leads on jobs and am trying to rebuild. Wish me luck!!!!
I’ll bet he knows where every single slip of paper is, too. I know someone like that who has the messiest office and in ten seconds can find anything he needs.
Been keeping busy in Real Life, so not much time to cruise the Internets.
Watching a couple of old “Countdowns” so I can finally delete them from the DVR. Hoping to get to bed relatively early since I’ve got a lot to do tomorrow to get ready for my mini-getaway late this week.
I am taking some time off this morning but unfortunately it’s to go get my annual physical.
I haven’t been back in the car since I got home so right and we’ve gone for walks in the woods but I’m betting I’ll get the “look” when I get in the car to go to the doctor.
How’s the planning for your New Zealand trip going?
We’re going to have to sit down a figure it out soon, so that we can get our bus/train pass while they’re still on sale (though the end of May). Probably an activity for some evening this week – but not tonight because Imogen got home late.
We’ve had some decent rains in the last week or so. Nothing sustained, but enough to keep us going. I’ll be working on our rain water system again tomorrow, after I go to Hobart to get some more parts. Other than that, and working on the new fence, there’s not much to report.
I think the smoke from the FL/GA fires is in our neighborhood. A picture I took a few minutes ago. Hard to believe the fires are over 480 miles from us.
It makes the pond look mysterious. Nice pictures. One day last week we had strong winds from the south and everyone started calling the fire dept. saying they smelled smoke.
I saw on the weather yesterday that the winds were coming from the Southeast this way, so I kind of expected it, but it is kind of heavy. I can just imagine what the people who live around the fire are experiencing.
Just walking with the neighbors, working on a messy project, and probably drinking liberally this evening. Oh, and annoying my teenager. How about you?
BTW, thanks for posting a news bucket yesterday. 🙂
Back to the early schedule now? I’m heading out for my walk after nine (too many idiots in SUVs who think they should drive to work at high speeds on little country roads before that).
Are you travelling again soon, or all done for a while?
which is definitely the nicest time to walk. I like the early morning best because the light is wonderful and the woods are full of bird singing. (And I don’t have to worry about any speeders other than deer.)
At least two more trips coming up in the next 2-5 weeks. Yuck.
I remember when I used to live in cities that just going out and driving in the country was a nice diversion. Of course with gas prices the way they are now, I guess a walk in the park would be good.
I would be up to see it either way but I could be walking earlier (and longer) if it weren’t for DST. Of course, we should really be on central time which is a big part of the darkness problem.
I never figured out why you aren’t in Central. I’ve sometimes wondered instead of the dawn coming across the land evenly, does the sun rise in a jagged pattern? Most confusing. 🙂
For reasons I’ve never understood, the local powers that be thought it would be better to be on the same time as New York instead of Chicago and the federal powers that be let them be that stupid.
Have I mentioned recently how much I hate Daylight Savings Time? Not the consept, mind you, as it does save energy, but the actual experience of it.
Hi all.
Until I lit the fire a few hours ago, our top inside temp today only got up to around 12C/55F. I spent the day in a sweatshirt and jacket. Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit warmer – I may actually get down to just a long sleeve shirt.
Albert spent his day following Mr. Sunbeam across the floor.
I know what you mean. Regardless of the time change, I usually wake up at the same time. My biggest complaint is going to sleep. Since I go to sleep fairly early, I hate it when it’s still daylight outside.
Here’s a new thread to celebrate with-
Good morning, CG.
We lost connection @ curly’s last night – an hour with tech support to no avail. Frustrating.
Home now, waiting for the young one.
That is frustrating.
I just sent the CBs off with their dad…now I’m free of responsibilities until the baseball game at noon tomorrow!
Any big plans after the young asklet arrives?
Great news, big sister coming too.
He has a big math test coming up, so some review is in order.
Hope you have a frivolous, enjoyable day off!
Good morning, Andi!
I like the way the light is playing on the trunk.
Hi Ask. Are you spending the day with the asklets?
Oldest asklet was considering doing the AIDS-walk in Central Park today – she’s still in bed, though – so I don’t know…
The young one will stay, busy on the Playstation since 7.
At 9.30: still asleep in bed, phone rings.
At 9.43: already out the door, dressed (somewhat).
I guess regular weekday mornings are like that as well…
I think kids having all the energy is wrong. The FSM should have made it so in old age you get to keep some of you childhood energy.
And without scale that looks like it could be a giant redwood.
and how perceptive you are — that’s exactly what I loved about the picture.
See, we were separated at birth. Except that in the womb I stole most of your nutrition and you stole most of my energy and work ethic.
Apparently you’ve forgotten that I was a chubby baby and chubby kid while you were a skinny one. 😉
And I was an energetic, skinny kid…maybe these things take decades to show up.
Have you been for your walk yet?
I don’t get going that early on weekends but Giddy was just pointing out that it was past time to go.
See ya later.
Hi Folks!!!! Quick update on me. I am moving today and staying with a friend for a few days. I have a couple of leads on jobs and am trying to rebuild. Wish me luck!!!!
I am wishing you more luck than you can handle!
Thank you!!!! I am cautious but hopeful. LOL
Good morning everyone.
Refinish I’m really happy to hear things maybe are starting to turn up for you. I’m sending along my luck with SN.
Thank you FamilyMan!!!
Good morning, rf (and SN & FM)!
That’s good news – keep it coming!
Good morning ask.
Are ya’ll having a slackerly weekend?
Hey, doing my best. Still in bed, thanks to wireless.
I’ve got wireless, but hardly ever take my laptop from my desk. I guess I’m defeating the whole purpose of wireless. 🙂
Is it running OK now?
Yep it is. I might have to try some patio blogging here sometimes.
There you go – wish I had one of those.
Being the slackerly person I am, I look at it as it’s nice to have one, but too much work sometimes.
Gotta go. I thought I had everybody settled for the morning, but guess not.
Have a good day in the pond.
Hey Refinish,
Look here http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1622338_1363003,00.html
Isnt’ that one of your Cinco de Mayo frogs crawling up Al Gore’s wall?
I love looking at that picture. I get to feel like such a neat freak; that is not a feeling I usually experience.
I’ll bet he knows where every single slip of paper is, too. I know someone like that who has the messiest office and in ten seconds can find anything he needs.
It’s a long weekend here in Canada and we’ve been working outside. What’s new?
Long weekends are great – what’s the occasion?
The occasion is Victoria Day.
I always take a personal day on the Monday and enjoy a long weekend. How are things down your way?
Long time no see … Did you watch the game today? 🙁
I listened and restrained from yelling many bad words in front of the boy. Your guys are just sitting around waiting and relaxing.
Victoria’s that is … heh
I’m off to sleep. See everyone later.
Been keeping busy in Real Life, so not much time to cruise the Internets.
Watching a couple of old “Countdowns” so I can finally delete them from the DVR. Hoping to get to bed relatively early since I’ve got a lot to do tomorrow to get ready for my mini-getaway late this week.
Miss you all… 🙂
Morning Andi.
After your trip away last week, surely you’re getting some time off this week. Right? It’s a good arguement anyway.
Have the dogs forgiven you yet, and/or stopped giving you suspicious looks everytime you get in the car?
I am taking some time off this morning but unfortunately it’s to go get my annual physical.
I haven’t been back in the car since I got home so right and we’ve gone for walks in the woods but I’m betting I’ll get the “look” when I get in the car to go to the doctor.
How’s the planning for your New Zealand trip going?
We’re going to have to sit down a figure it out soon, so that we can get our bus/train pass while they’re still on sale (though the end of May). Probably an activity for some evening this week – but not tonight because Imogen got home late.
We’ve had some decent rains in the last week or so. Nothing sustained, but enough to keep us going. I’ll be working on our rain water system again tomorrow, after I go to Hobart to get some more parts. Other than that, and working on the new fence, there’s not much to report.
Good morning, Andi and keres!
Too bad back to bed is not an option….
Good morning everyone.
Hope it’s a good Monday starting out for those that have to work, and a good three-day-weekend for those at home today.
It is Monday isn’t it?
I have no idea what day it is. 🙂
Morning SN.
I say we say today is Saturday and we all take it easy.
I think it will just be you and me – the two original and confirmed slackers.
We’ll just have to show everyone what they’re missing. 🙂
I think the smoke from the FL/GA fires is in our neighborhood. A picture I took a few minutes ago. Hard to believe the fires are over 480 miles from us.
Right click, view picture for a larger image.
It makes the pond look mysterious. Nice pictures. One day last week we had strong winds from the south and everyone started calling the fire dept. saying they smelled smoke.
I saw on the weather yesterday that the winds were coming from the Southeast this way, so I kind of expected it, but it is kind of heavy. I can just imagine what the people who live around the fire are experiencing.
Gotta go.
Have a good day in the pond.
Good morning, Andi!
I’m already looking forward to the (extra) long weekend. curly and I will take off Friday as well, then to the Berkeshires.
Good morning ask and Andi.
How is everyone today?
It’s a gorgeous morning here today.
Good morning CG.
It’s looking to be a beautiful day here too.
Got a big day planned?
Just walking with the neighbors, working on a messy project, and probably drinking liberally this evening. Oh, and annoying my teenager. How about you?
BTW, thanks for posting a news bucket yesterday. 🙂
The usual going on here today – not much. 🙂
Ask did do a good job on the New Bucket didn’t he?
Clearly, CG needs more coffee this morning…
:::hangs head sheepishly:::
Hey when you’re jumping back and forth between the News Bucket and here, things get jumbled.
Speaking of coffee, I think I could use more. 🙂
That must be it. No yard work today?
My lawn is getting jungle-like in it’s proportions…
Actually my yard got done over the weekend. I figure I’ll finally get over all that effort by Thursday.
So far, the only good thing I’ve seen about the drought here, is the grass doesn’t grow that fast.
No prob.
I had a little chuckle, estrogen vision…
glad I could provide this morning’s entertainement. 🙂
Sorry, couldn’t help myself!
My true opinion on this was attached to your comment in the News Bucket.
Gotta agree with CG; it was beautiful out in the woods this a.m.
Hope you have lovely weather in the berkshires, Ask.
Back to the early schedule now? I’m heading out for my walk after nine (too many idiots in SUVs who think they should drive to work at high speeds on little country roads before that).
Are you travelling again soon, or all done for a while?
which is definitely the nicest time to walk. I like the early morning best because the light is wonderful and the woods are full of bird singing. (And I don’t have to worry about any speeders other than deer.)
At least two more trips coming up in the next 2-5 weeks. Yuck.
Thanks Andi!
I suspect curly has numerous chores lined up (as the place is being sold), so little time to enjoy the surroundings.
Now that’s a bummer. To go away for the weekend and have to work.
And an extra long weekend, to boot!
But it is so refreshing to get away, just for a few days,
I remember when I used to live in cities that just going out and driving in the country was a nice diversion. Of course with gas prices the way they are now, I guess a walk in the park would be good.
George is whinning to go out, and I’ve got to start on the house.
Have a good day in the pond.
as far as I can tell in the dark. Feh on daylight savings time.
Good morning Andi.
Dark here too, but it is nice to see the sunrise.
I would be up to see it either way but I could be walking earlier (and longer) if it weren’t for DST. Of course, we should really be on central time which is a big part of the darkness problem.
I never figured out why you aren’t in Central. I’ve sometimes wondered instead of the dawn coming across the land evenly, does the sun rise in a jagged pattern? Most confusing. 🙂
For reasons I’ve never understood, the local powers that be thought it would be better to be on the same time as New York instead of Chicago and the federal powers that be let them be that stupid.
Ah, it’s light enough to go walk. See ya later.
See ya Andi.
Have I mentioned recently how much I hate Daylight Savings Time? Not the consept, mind you, as it does save energy, but the actual experience of it.
Hi all.
Until I lit the fire a few hours ago, our top inside temp today only got up to around 12C/55F. I spent the day in a sweatshirt and jacket. Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit warmer – I may actually get down to just a long sleeve shirt.
Albert spent his day following Mr. Sunbeam across the floor.
Hi keres,
I think the only part of Daylight Savings Time that anyone likes is the “Fall Back” part.
We’re starting to get up into the 90’s here and it’s not even mid-summer. Albert following a sunbeam – such a nice picture. 🙂
Actually I hate it both ways. My internal clock is very precise, and hates that it has to adjust to the external one shifting a whole hour.
I know what you mean. Regardless of the time change, I usually wake up at the same time. My biggest complaint is going to sleep. Since I go to sleep fairly early, I hate it when it’s still daylight outside.
And on that note: we’re off to bed (in the very pitch black – or at least it wil be when I power down the computer and turn off the lights).
Night keres, sweet dreams.
Good morning, Andi, FM and keres!
YAHD! We’ll get there.
Morning ask.
ahem, I’m already there. 🙂
But you’re always there…
Where’s the excitement?
You’re right! Of course I could be cynical about that.
Monday – Oh God, I’ve got to go back to work.
Wednesday – Half way there and another two days.
Friday – Will this day ever end.
I think I’ll just keep with floating peacefully through the week. 🙂
Everybody ready for a new thread? I’ll change it shortly if you are…
Morning CG.
I think a new thread would be good.
Sure, we’re hitting close to 100 comments in this one.
Are the old threads archived in some fashion, or simply scratched by the new thread?
I haven’t been able to figure out where they go yet… 🙂