Maybe someone should investigate this lunacy. From Steve Clemons:
Multiple sources have reported that a senior aide on Vice President Cheney’s national security team has been meeting with policy hands of the American Enterprise Institute, one other think tank, and more than one national security consulting house and explicitly stating that Vice President Cheney does not support President Bush’s tack towards Condoleezza Rice’s diplomatic efforts and fears that the President is taking diplomacy with Iran too seriously.
This White House official has stated to several Washington insiders that Cheney is planning to deploy an “end run strategy” around the President if he and his team lose the policy argument.
The thinking on Cheney’s team is to collude with Israel, nudging Israel at some key moment in the ongoing standoff between Iran’s nuclear activities and international frustration over this to mount a small-scale conventional strike against Natanz using cruise missiles (i.e., not ballistic missiles).
This strategy would sidestep controversies over bomber aircraft and overflight rights over other Middle East nations and could be expected to trigger a sufficient Iranian counter-strike against US forces in the Gulf — which just became significantly larger — as to compel Bush to forgo the diplomatic track that the administration realists are advocating and engage in another war.
If this is true on any level, and I assume it is, we should have the Capitol police go up to the Naval Observatory and take Dick Cheney out in a straightjacket. The last time Israel fell for his grand schemes, they got their asses kicked in Lebanon.
Funny that Cheney wants to repeat the Bay of Pigs. Maybe he knows that, unlike Kennedy, Bush will fall right into the trap.
Steve is a pretty cautious but extranordinarily well-informed insider. Will Congress recognize the danger Cheney poses as they are meandering through the supplemental cave in before the weekend? Enable Bush. Enable Cheney. There is only one way to stop this madness mob. NO MORE MONEY!
Will Congress recognize the danger […]
If the last five or six years are any indication, then no, they won’t. Evidently, nothing short of Cheney storming the capitol and actually shooting people is enough to awaken Congress to the danger we’re facing.
Didn’t Cheney already shoot someone?
As I recall, the person shot apologized.
you read it here first in today’s Newsbucket at 1.35:24 PM EST. We do break stories with scant attention or recognition.
Another alarming Story of the Day GO READ THE WH Press Release dated May 9, 2007
Two weeks ago, by Executive Order No 51, King George has anointed himself to take over the entire Government and nary a word is reported by lazy MSM.
By George, in the UK this would not stand. Parliament would rise up. Off to the Tower of London.
I’d hate to say that I was betting on George Bush’s ego, but I am hoping and praying that Shrub is too proud at this point to be manipulated.
When Bush was elected, he was given a “keeper.” He suddenly realized he was president after 9/11. That was both good and bad. He occasionally bucked Cheney, but his own judgment wasn’t good at all.
There have been points in the last few months where he seemed to exert his own influence. My guess is that Condoleeza has a sense that a war with Iran is stupid.
Will Cheney win? Only if Bush has not yet realized that he is evil incarnate.
and Bush is nothing but an empty suit
Even if Cheney is prevented from pulling the End Around, it will only come to the next President to force this on the world, I’m afraid. It’s the policy of empire.
Anyone notice John Stewart carrying water for military recruiters last night? I’m a huge fan, but I think when it comes down to it, many anti-Iraq War ‘heroes’ will come to disappoint the practical and pacifistic come time to engage Iran and/or Syria.
John: ‘Where can I get one of those flight jackets?’
Air Force Guy: ‘You have to come fly with us!’
Time to dust of the old “F–k You, Iran!” Mickey Mouse shirts. Remember, a Bush armed them as well, so we must be headed for war with them. That pattern is well established.
Cheney sleeps with Elliot Abrams (not literally of course but) and from that flows all the “Isrmerica” plots,plans and intrigues against the evil oily Arabs…and oh yea..treason.
Besides, Abrams has all the goods on Bush Sr.’s knowledge of Iran Contra when it was taking place…so what are they gonna do, piss him off?
I am betting on September for the next terrier attack and a wag the dog war. The fop dems have pushed Iraq to September and interesting enough the FBI called the AIPAC defendents bluff and is going to “declasify” “classified” intelligence information so the trial can go forward…but that too has been postponed from June to September at the defendents request.
September seems to be the magic month for some reason.
We make fun of cheney being evil but, honestly, this guy scares the shit out of me.
I told my husband I never think of him as the vp. When I think of Cheney, I think of those horror movies that show a black swirling cloud of evil. that is Cheney.
No? Didn’t think so.
The man plots a treason against the United States that would make Aaron Burr blush in shame, and we STILL can’t remove him from office?
Ah, what did you expect from the Vichy Dems.
I know many in Israel realize that, as does Booman, but the reality-denying neocons seems to have largely taken over the govt there as they have here.
Great post!