Forgive me in advance for violating all sorts of bloggeration rules. I’m kind of copying my own comment to stormbear’s Olbermann diary because I’m fucking depressed.
This is a big WTF moment for Pelosi and Reid. I just wonder if they stuck their respective heads up their own ass, or if they stuck their heads up one another’s. Cuz these two are in the fucking dark.
Why in the hell couldn’t they bring themselves to pronounce with every breath that the Congress, representing the American people, is fully funding the troops, and that it’s the stubborn, childish, idiotic Liar-in-Chief who is willing to not fund the troops with his threatened veto? And during the debate to overturn the veto to proclaim that it is the Republicans slavishly following their deiscredited President who are putting our troops at risk by not overturning said veto.
I don’t know of one rational human being who believes anything the current occupier of the White House says. Now, I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to turn up one human being who will even volunteer to help Reid and Pelosi track down their spines.
I didn’t know one could blink with one’s head up one’s ass. But these two wusses just did.
Do you think our dynamic duo could wrench their heads out of whence they placed them to explain themselves on Booman Tribune? Yeah right. If they don’t have the courage of a conviction they wouldn’t even have the courage of dispatching an intern to take the heat here.
The Cumaean Sibyl offered nine books of prophecies to King Tarquin; and as the king declined to purchase them, owing to the exorbitant price she demanded, she burned three and offered the remaining six to Tarquin at the same stiff price, which he again refused, whereupon she burned three more and repeated her offer. Tarquin then relented and purchased the last three at the full original price (Dion. Halic. 4.62), (another version has the price doubling each time.)
It would appear that Nancy and Harry never studies the classics. They should have sent him a funding bill to veto that he likes less than the last one.
How long would it have taken him to figure out he’d better sign sooner than later ?
I cannot, for the life of me understand why, with more than seven out of ten Americans wanting the troops home now, they caved in to Bush. We elected Democrats to end the occupation. What happened ? Can somebody explain it to me ?
I cannot, for the life of me understand why, with more than seven out of ten Americans wanting the troops home now, they caved in to Bush. We elected Democrats to end the occupation. What happened ? Can somebody explain it to me ?
Oil is essential to the American economy. It is our crack habit, and we aren’t giving it up.
For a while we got our oil through dollar diplomacy–soft power.
Bushco thought that was sissy (or maybe no longer workable). They prefered guns and bombs–hard power.
The War was launched.
“What’s done cannot be undone.”–Lady Macbeth.
The War cannot be unlaunched.
Iraq is part of the War for Oil. Somalia is part of the War for Oil. Dafur is part of the War for Oil.
Iran will be.
We ride this one to the bottom. The United States will be destroyed. Much else will be destroyed too.
If you want to eat, start planting your organic garden.
Survival? A wild gamble no matter what you do. Disconnecting from government/corporate lies and making your own plan is key.
You are right of course. Why would I let myself hope for anything better. I’m the most cynical person I know, and I can’t keep up.
America is an imperialistic empire, and they’re all in on it. Those permanent bases are part of the War for Oil, too, fortresses from which to intimidate the whole Middle East.
I’m going to stand vigil again with the Women In Black this weekend, but my heart’s not in it. I have hoped to effect change, but now it seems all I’m doing is advertising that it’s not my fault.
We’ve been clearing ground for that garden.
Thanks, Gaianne.