Let’s assume the whole Iraq funding fight for Congress was just “political foreplay,” as a “Democratic leadership source” told CNN on Tuesday (emphasis added throughout):
A senior Democratic senator said late last week the last-minute attempts by Democrats to get a withdrawal timeline was “political foreplay.”
A Democratic leadership source told CNN some two months ago that Democratic leaders knew they would have to send the president a war funding bill without a timeline, and that would likely mean a bill with significant Democratic defections and GOP support.
The maneuvering over the past several weeks has been a Democratic attempt to show their anti-war base that party leaders were trying until the 11th hour to stand up to the president, the source said.
Okay, that’s bad enough, but my question for blogland is, “Was Dailykos in on the political foreplay?” Because it’s pretty damn disturbing that Dailykos was virtually mum on the cave in from May 15 to 21 while it was being put together.
Yes, in case many of you didn’t know, Progressive Democrats of America found out about the deal on May 15 and shouted about it:
May 15, 2007, Washington, DC
Your Senators will vote today on a plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq. They will vote next week on the $95 billion war funding bill. …
Next week, the Senate will vote on a new version of the supplemental war funding bill. We don’t know the details yet, but it looks like the Senate will give the President $95 billion for the war without any fixed timeline for the withdrawal of our troops. Call your Senator today, and next week to tell them to vote against the supplemental war funding bill, which amounts to a blank check for Bush/Cheney!
Me, my little pip squeak voice (since I’ve been banned from dailykos (no reason, or check my diaries and comments and you tell me) it’s even pipsqueakier), I was shouting as loud as I could about the PDA revelations (look at my diaries here, here, and here) but I was ignored of course. Obviously such would not have been the case if front pagers at kos had blogged repeatedly about this betrayal before it came down. Why didn’t they?
So yeah, we’ve seen the whining outpour on May 21 and after by illustrious dailykossacks Meteor Blades, mcjoan, and devilstower, but what were they doing when it mattered? What were they doing — from the time a reliable ‘deal’ rumor came down and up till the betrayal was finally hammered out — to sway the powers that be by warning and rallying antiwarriors everywhere, speaking from the big megaphone dailykos site? A grand total of one post, by mcjoan, late Friday, May 18.
Time Out for reassuring words from Greg Sargent, by way of mcjoan on May 18:
… the Dem leadership insists it’s committed to not giving Bush a blank check, and it has consistently hung much tougher than anyone expected and has steadily defied expectations in the process.
Meteor Blades and Devilstower wrote nothing May 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 on the unconditional funding sell out. Mcjoan wrote nothing about impending Iraq capitulation on May 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20. Why not? Those three are supposed to be big time ‘liberal’ members of the dailykos frontpage. Don’t tell me they probably weren’t aware (not the ‘stupid and incompetent’ excuse again), or that such a deal — in flux and still influence-able by us outsiders — wasn’t important. No, just tell me they were being good, cautious insider boys and girls. That rings most true, based on my experience there.
By your reasoning, BMT was also in on it, with the exception of this post, the only such example here during that period. Assuming that your statement about dkos haveing only one post is correct, BMT would have an equivalent number during the same time interval. Could it be simply that some blogs had their attention directed elsewhere?
Yes, that’s the ‘stupid and incompetent’ possibility I describe at the end of my post. I think it’s the second most credible of the three I propose.
why didn’t people notice PDA’s May 15 announcement? Isn’t PDA the major progressive Democrat organization???
It’s new to me.
maybe the PDA scoop would’ve gotten more attention in orangeland. But there’s no excuse for liberal kos frontpagers not to be clued in to what seems to me to be the major organization of progressive democrats. Here are what some important political insiders and outsiders say aboutProgressive Democrats of America:
“PDA is focused on getting out a progressive message, even while the Democrats seem to be going in the opposite direction. Diverse, inclusive, strategic — thank goodness for PDA!”
— Kim Gandy, President, National Organization for Women (NOW)
“Hopeful, progressive, reformist, coalition builders, committed and active–that’s the message of PDA and they’re setting the pace for all other Democrats. Keep up the good work. You’re absolutely necessary.”
— Rep. Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.
“PDA gets the job done. Their commitment to promoting progressive values has brought results at the local and national level. PDA organized grassroots support for my resolution calling for American troops to be brought home from Iraq, and presented me with a petition that I delivered to the White House of over 20,000 signatures. Every day that I am on Capitol Hill fighting for economic justice, environmental protections, and a more peaceful and secure world, I know that PDA is right there with me.”
— Rep. Lynn Woolsey
“PDA’s effort to reach out and build coalitions is the cornerstone to returning the Democratic Party back to the people.”
— Rep. Raul Grijalva
“Devastated by the results of the 2004 election, I was looking for a group that would help unite progressive Democrats with others, like the Greens, to form a ‘big tent’ for those who believe in social justice and peace. . .PDA has proven to be a creative, dynamic force for everything from electoral reform to ending the war in Iraq. I’m honored to be on the PDA board.”
— Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK, Global Exchange
“PDA is performing an invaluable service to our country and the world by focusing public attention on the deepening crisis in Iraq, and by insisting that the Democratic Party take the lead in bringing a responsible end to the U.S. occupation.”
—David Cortright, Win Without War
“The strategic activism of Progressive Democrats of America gives me new hope that the Democratic Party and our country can be turned around. Out of the ashes and despair of the 2004 election, PDA has been carrying the torch for progressive activism — PDA is working hard to establish chapters in every congressional district. I was there when PDA launched in Roxbury, Mass., and I’m spreading the word about PDA everywhere I go.”
— Rep. Barbara Lee
“PDA is the most dynamic progressive organization in the U.S. They are principled, fearless, and proud.”
— Bob Fertik, President, Democrats.com
“PDA combines progressive idealism with tough-minded pragmatism. Whether pro-war corporate boosters continue to dominate the Party may depend, in large measure, on whether PDA can keep growing.“
— Norman Solomon, columnist and author of War Made Easy
PDA suspicions on May 16, as I noted on May 17. Okay, it’s possible their incompetence caused them to be unaware of Congressional Quarterly.
A senior Democratic senator
since this senator has no name we have no reason to believe he exists. don’t believe journalists when they pull this stunt
and really, this is just anti-Orange hysteria.
Well…if they actually quoted Lieberman it would be less convincing….j/k.
Actually, we have known this is coming for a while. It was dictated by Senate Democrats, particularly members of the Armed Services committee. Specifically, Carl Levin and 8 other members of the AS committee would not support any further games of chicken. I understand their reasoning, because the whole thing would have been vetoed anyway, and then we would have been in the same situation but this time with the troops actually being harmed and the Pentagon’s energies dedicated to penny-pinching and moving money around.
They never would agree to sign on for that and that left Reid with little choice. His only real option was to refuse to even bring forward a bill or to waste time by re-introducing the old one. Neither of those strategies would have moved any Republicans into our corner.
He swallowed hard and punted.
presumably excludes Lieberman, unless I’m not privy to who the ‘real’ leadership is. Levin seems a reasonable bet.
I understand their reasoning too, and I would imagine the final outcome was widely ‘known’ inside the beltway.
a better bet is that it was manufactured.
really, how often are we going to fall for the “let’s you and him fight” fraud with anonymous sources?
no source, no story
My story is the progressive blogosphere ignoring the 5/15 PDA announcement and the 5/16 Congressional Quarterly report. It is not credible that nobody reads CQ.com, is it? It was the top story on their site on May 16, and I admit it was very frustrating that I seemed to be the only person who noticed.