Crossposted from Left Toon Lane & My Left Wing
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We are in a war longer than World War 2 and the GOP candidates only speak of escalation. Kill, torture, bomb – those are supposed to equal Freedom<sup>TM</sup>!
During the last Republican debate in South Carolina, in an effort to outdo the last asshole to speak, Mitt Romney blurts out “I want to double Gitmo!” Isn’t that nice. Not only are we becoming the laughing stock of the world, our current crop of GOP candidates have no fear of making the situation worse. I will say John McCain was the stark exception who was unwilling to use torture on the Yellow Brick Road to the Apocalypse.
I guess that is something.
Clueless? Sounds like he’s eminently qualified to run for President as the Republican nominee. After all, Bush has certainly lowered the bar in that area, hasn’t he?
His Dad said that he was “brainwashed” by the folks who showed him around Nam, and that was the end of his Presidential aspirations. I can think of a few adjectives to describe Mitt’s mental state, but I will refrain.