My 3 y.o. great nephew is still asleep so I’ve got a little time before he wakes up and starts wanting me to watch cartoons with him. There is definitely no slacking when he’s around.
Good morning, Andi!
We’re still ‘here’.
Finally managed to get us online last night. Mostly sunny, a few thundershowers last night. Rained overnight, my sandals are wet.
What have you been up to this weekend?
Hope you didn’t work the whole time and got to enjoy some of that sun.
Very quiet weekend here — long walk, bike ride, reading. We’re hoping for another bike ride today but there’s more rain coming so it looks iffy. Fortunately, the Pack, Jim, and I all like to go for walks in the rain.
She hasn’t been too much of a slave driver. We made quite some progress, but plenty of outdoor time as well. Young asklet is in the pool most of the day (there’s one in this complex).
We haven’t had any rain for three weeks so it’s been kinda droughty here too. I expect the farmers wouldn’t look too kindly on my giving away their rain.
wow, 3 more weeks? We have finals on Friday and Monday and then out for the summer. Both boys will be home and then O moves down here next week – so I’ll have all 3 boys here and no girl. 🙁 I guess that means that I remain Queen.
Morning all! Its a rainy, slackerly day here – Mrs. Dem is still asleep. Andi, thanks for the Tiptree Jr./Sheldon reading recommend earlier this year. She was an amazing writer. I haven’t gotten her bio yet, but did find Her Smoke Rose Up Forever at the library. We both enjoyed it very much.
Oooo. I love Tiptree. I have everything she’s ever written.
I think she best epitomizes the Freudian school of SciFi, where everything is about basic impulses – with “otherness” only serving to unmask those impluses and radical realities that civilization obfuscates.
That’s a fascinating book, both disheartening and uplifting. It rather made me hate corn — which is quite the sin in Indiana (only thing worse would be to hate basketball).
But that’s one of the main points of the book, that even if you don’t eat corn (and it’d be a sin not to eat corn on the cob), you’re eating corn-fed meat, corn sweeteners, and corn processed into every food imaginable. All of which cause great damage to soils, rivers, farmers, animals, and ultimately consumer’s health. Oh, and it’s all fuelled by oil, and which puts commodity corn hand in hand with the military industrial complex.
I had a small flock of angora goats clear almost five acres of wild blackberry in less than two years. Such is the transformative power of goats. 😉
Luna seems to be getting over her sore throat problem (touch wood) and is eating some dry kibble again. She’s also put on about eight pounds on the mainly raw meat “diet”. More suspicious types than I might think that she was just holding out for the good stuff.
I think George is going through the same thing. His appetite has fallen off, but when the good stuff shows up he’ll chow it on down. I think he’s playing me. 🙂
Yep and he’s asleep right now, so I’m basking in the quiet. I was thinking once he get up, I’ll give him a pan and a spoon and tell him to go into his grandparents room and starting beating it. Have him tell them he’s starting a parade and he wants them to join. 🙂
Can’t do that. He’s one of the shakers who’ll grab your arm and say Uncle FM did you see that, Uncle FM are you awake. It seem each year he get older I can’t fool him with the nuh-huh. 🙁
I think I need a mojito…what are you all doing?
Making Sunday brunch (mojito-free, I’m afraid).
Shortly, we’ll be leaving for an hour-and-a-half drive to the south of the state, for Imogen’s Aunt’s 50 birthday celebration.
The weather’s beautiful.
Hope everybody can get out and about to enjoy it.
Good morning Andi and everyone.
I’ve got a brother, s-i-l and my 3 y.o. great nephew here today. It looks like my slacking time has come to an end for a little while. 🙁
Good morning, evening and afternoon everyone.
My 3 y.o. great nephew is still asleep so I’ve got a little time before he wakes up and starts wanting me to watch cartoons with him. There is definitely no slacking when he’s around.
Hope everyone’s day is going good.
Good morning, FM!
Seems like you’re having a great time with your great nephew.
We’ve finally been getting some rain. Bad for the holiday weekend but good for everything else.
Did you get some good weather in the Berkshires, ask?
Hope you are enjoying your nephew, FM.
Good morning, Andi!
We’re still ‘here’.
Finally managed to get us online last night. Mostly sunny, a few thundershowers last night. Rained overnight, my sandals are wet.
What have you been up to this weekend?
Hope you didn’t work the whole time and got to enjoy some of that sun.
Very quiet weekend here — long walk, bike ride, reading. We’re hoping for another bike ride today but there’s more rain coming so it looks iffy. Fortunately, the Pack, Jim, and I all like to go for walks in the rain.
She hasn’t been too much of a slave driver. We made quite some progress, but plenty of outdoor time as well. Young asklet is in the pool most of the day (there’s one in this complex).
That’s good. Holiday weekends should be holidays.
Ugh! You must be a patient person.
A lot of time needed to read blogs via dial-up…
Well when the choice is no connection at all or dial-up, the patience just comes as a given.
Good morning, everyone. Send some rain my way – it’s very droughty here.
We haven’t had any rain for three weeks so it’s been kinda droughty here too. I expect the farmers wouldn’t look too kindly on my giving away their rain.
We should have sent out thunderstorm your way last night…it POURED here.
There truly is no dilemma…
Good morning everybody! Enjoying the weekend?
We went to yearly Carnacki and stayed overnight so we could go to the International Spy Museum yesterday. The museum was great…even CBtE enjoyed it!
Today is yard work day…
Sounds like a good time.
Thanks to the rain, no yard work here (actually, there’s never any yard work here but I wanted to feel included).
So, I guess that means I should plan on a rain day for tomorrow?
How has your weekend been? When is Jim done school? We still have 3 more weeks. Ugh.
wow, 3 more weeks? We have finals on Friday and Monday and then out for the summer. Both boys will be home and then O moves down here next week – so I’ll have all 3 boys here and no girl. 🙁 I guess that means that I remain Queen.
did you forget someone? ;P
Oops, apparently I did. I still can’t get used to being so old…next thing you know I’ll be a grandmother.
Well, just so long as it doesn’t happen once she’s arrived, I think it will all be okay.
Oh it will happen. O’s wife will be one of those who has the m-i-l horror stories. 🙂
I could loan you my m-i-l if you’d like some lessons in being the bestest mom-in-law in the whole world.
Next week already? Wow, the time has flown by.
You must be so excited…I’m sorry Ryan won’t be around.
Signs point to yes
Jim is done this week and very happy about it.
He’s probably thinking what a wonderful help he can be to you around the house. 🙂
Morning all! Its a rainy, slackerly day here – Mrs. Dem is still asleep. Andi, thanks for the Tiptree Jr./Sheldon reading recommend earlier this year. She was an amazing writer. I haven’t gotten her bio yet, but did find Her Smoke Rose Up Forever at the library. We both enjoyed it very much.
Morning ID.
I thought I was getting a break, but the nephew is back up. See ya later.
Happy cartoon watching;-)
Glad you enjoyed her. Some of her short stories are available online. Here are couple:
The Women Men Don’t See
Screwfly Solution
Oooo. I love Tiptree. I have everything she’s ever written.
I think she best epitomizes the Freudian school of SciFi, where everything is about basic impulses – with “otherness” only serving to unmask those impluses and radical realities that civilization obfuscates.
Houston, Houston, Do You Read? is probably my favorite.
I’m rather fond of her myself.
If you haven’t read the Julie Phillips’ excellent biography that I had recommended to IndianaDem, put it up at the top of your TBR list.
I’ve always like to read at the end of a boot.
Geeze I mention a beer and the book club closes. 🙂
The hockey game is on … I have to watch it so I can help olivia worry.
What do you worry about? Broken teeth? High-sticking?
It’s not even on any of the channels down here. You would think they would put it on since there will be some good fights.
I forgot the hockey game. Shame, shame, shame is me.
Who’s ahead?
ottawa 1-0 in the first period
I wonder how many eclairs Olivia has gotten down yet? 🙂
It tied 1-1. There probably aren’t enough eclairs in all of Canada to get her through this.
Maybe if they started a poutine iv her, she might come through. 🙂
It didn’t close.
We only took a break while I was in the bath – with a book – The Omnivores Dilemma, a “must read”.
I read what was on the link and it sounds pretty interesting.
That’s a fascinating book, both disheartening and uplifting. It rather made me hate corn — which is quite the sin in Indiana (only thing worse would be to hate basketball).
Never been a big corn person myself, except for grits of course. 🙂
But that’s one of the main points of the book, that even if you don’t eat corn (and it’d be a sin not to eat corn on the cob), you’re eating corn-fed meat, corn sweeteners, and corn processed into every food imaginable. All of which cause great damage to soils, rivers, farmers, animals, and ultimately consumer’s health. Oh, and it’s all fuelled by oil, and which puts commodity corn hand in hand with the military industrial complex.
Too bad Kudzu isn’t a staple.
Goats will eat it. Maybe you need a goat.
I had a small flock of angora goats clear almost five acres of wild blackberry in less than two years. Such is the transformative power of goats. 😉
Luna seems to be getting over her sore throat problem (touch wood) and is eating some dry kibble again. She’s also put on about eight pounds on the mainly raw meat “diet”. More suspicious types than I might think that she was just holding out for the good stuff.
I think George is going through the same thing. His appetite has fallen off, but when the good stuff shows up he’ll chow it on down. I think he’s playing me. 🙂
Pwned by our very own pets, who would believe it!?!
Well knowing me, I would.
Past my bedtime, so I’ll say good night.
Have a good night in the pond everyone.
Morning Everyone.
It another &()(&*^ work day. Gosh how I hate to go to work after a three day weekend. Oh wait, never mind.
at being obnoxious. 😛
Some days it’s just easier than others. 🙂
How are you today?
but it looks like I slept better than you.
Is the great nephew still there?
Yep and he’s asleep right now, so I’m basking in the quiet. I was thinking once he get up, I’ll give him a pan and a spoon and tell him to go into his grandparents room and starting beating it. Have him tell them he’s starting a parade and he wants them to join. 🙂
They’re grandparents — nothing he does will upset them. They’ll just be wishing they had a camera with them so they could get a picture.
Yep but at least it will get them awake so they can watch cartoon with him this morning. Sorry to say, but I’m not a big cartoon watcher.
You just need to learn to mumble nuh-huh in your sleep so he’ll think you’re watching right along with him.
Can’t do that. He’s one of the shakers who’ll grab your arm and say Uncle FM did you see that, Uncle FM are you awake. It seem each year he get older I can’t fool him with the nuh-huh. 🙁
Congrats on having a clever great nephew.
Enjoy your cartoons. I’m off to enjoy the woods.
See ya Andi.
It’s about time for him to be up. I gotta go too.
Good morning, all!
Even tougher after a 4-day weekend…
Good morning ask.
Get all the cleaning done?
Good progress made – but we need to go again in two weeks.
How long is the nephew there for?
I guess you can rest up from your working weekend now that you’re (almost) back at work.
An extended leave is what is needed!
But it’s soon summer vacation.
to be up at such an obscene time of day?
Sorry, Andi!
I had the opposite experience this morning – slept till 6.30.
I can smell the weekend from here.
Morning/afternoon/evening all.
Good morning!
Yes, we’re getting close…
Ugh, I have to get in early today.
Morning meeting? Back in the dim past when I used to work in an office, I hated those.
Yes, an early one.
Gotta get moving.
Geeze does anybody ever come into the cafe anymore. I’m ready for a beer.
Hey there, FM!
OK – I’m ready to indulge; but only to indulge you 😉
Hi ask.
I’m ready to indulge too. How things been going?
It’s been a mixed bag lately.
But I’m already home, slacking (well, except for the diary I wrote – which was fairly effortless, anyway).
As long as you’re slacking it can’t all be bad. Speaking of slacking, mine just stopped. FMom and nephew need something.
Back in awhile.