Cross posted in orange

Please bow your heads with me and repeat:

Praise be to FUBAR who art in Washington.
Thy destruction come.
Thy servants’  meekness be done
In principles as it be done in Never Never Land.

Give us more funds to waste without consequence.
And celebrate with us our irrelevance
As we accuse others of the incompetence we have proudly demonstrated to others

And lead us not into integrity;
But render us unto calamity.
For thine is the spinelessness, the hypocrisy. and the failure

For 527 days and no more to come

Amen (& women)

Are you new to FUBAR?  Curious about what FUBAR is and how it can change your life … utterly?

From Wikipedia:

FUBAR is an acronym that commonly means “fucked up beyond any repair,” “fucked up beyond all repair,” or “fucked up beyond all recognition”; see below for other variations. It is attested in the United States Army and other military settings, as well as civilian environments.

Join me in celebrating FUBAR. Together we will affirm it’s commandment and understand those who would seek to corrupt it with solutions and principles.

First, let us examine an example of how  FUBAR is now heart and center of our government–praise be unto FUBAR.

Yesterday AP reported in an article mischievously  titled Bush To Be Pressed on Troop Withdrawal.  In that article, we learn that the noble misadventure that is the Iraq Occupation–praise FUBAR, is going well and horribly at the same time.  That our nation’s military who gloriously find ways to bring others freedom through their destruction will both surge and reduce their numbers.  And that passing a bill that continues to fund this war for peace–praise FUBAR, is how one can actually oppose what the bill allows:

Even as Pentagon planners search for ways to shift the Iraq mission from combat to support with fewer U.S. troops, Democrats plan to raise their pressure on President Bush to end U.S. involvement in the unpopular war.

Bush signed a war spending bill late Friday that does not set a date for U.S. troop withdrawals. It was a defeat for Democrats who want the president to start pulling troops out of Iraq — an idea roundly rejected by administration officials.

FUBAR’s 1st Commandment:  

After surrendering its principles to another party, the first party will act as if such surrender never happened in order to assure us all that wisdom and leadership go hand in hand

And as the article continues we learn that one senator who had the temerity to challenge FUBAR’s legitimacy, is busy at work again, seeking in his willful hubris to ruin all that is rightfully craven and injust–praise FUBAR:

“This isn’t the first time the administration has talked about redeploying troops from Iraq, but actions speak far louder than off-the-record words,” said Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis.

“While any plan to reduce our military presence in Iraq is a step in the right direction,” he said, “leaving substantial numbers of U.S. troops in the middle of Iraq’s civil war indefinitely is unacceptable.”

FUBAR’s 2nd Commandment:  

Sound judgement should be avoided and its proponents marginalized even if they be of you and stand by your side.

In a recent post by Glenn Greenwald, we learn how how redeploying our military should be properly communicated  His point of departure, a brave and credible attempt by the New York Times to obfuscate our memory and enthrall us with hope and promise ever recycled:

The Bush administration is developing what are described as concepts for reducing American combat forces in Iraq by as much as half next year, according to senior administration officials in the midst of the internal debate.

It is the first indication that growing political pressure is forcing the White House to turn its attention to what happens after the current troop increase runs its course.

But read Greenwald’s piece with caution for he documents with anger and outrage how this story has been repeated many times over with no such outcome–praise FUBAR.  But Glenn Greenwald lambastes FUBAR with such clarity that he transgresses FUBAR’s 3rd Commandment:

Speak no truth, for truth shall surely work evil in the land.

And know this, Greenwald and others like him will be ridiculed in the name of FUBAR.  And shamed.  And brought to the public court of injustice where we will face their outrage with disinformation and distraction.  

Blessed be FUBAR.  And it’s riches  bestowed upon elites.  And may they be defended from both patrons of Right and Left who in their zeal assure that FUBAR wil reign supreme now and hereafter.