More journalmalism from Dan Balz and Perry Bacon Jr. and the headline writers at the Washington Post. In this morning’s Sunday newspaper they have an article entitled, Unflattering Books Cause Hardly a Ripple. This refers to two books: “A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton,” by Carl Bernstein; and “Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton,” by Jeff Gerth and Don Van Natta Jr. Apparently, these books have not caused any ripples in Hillary’s campaign. You have to read down to the fifth paragraph to figure out why.
Neither book has been officially released. When they are in early June, both will be backed by major publicity tours and advertising.
So, wouldn’t a better headline have been, Books Have Potential to Cause Ripples in Campaign, or maybe Unreleased and Unread Books Tend Not to Cause Ripples in Campaigns, or something like that?
Any anti-Clinton book is preaching to the choir of people who hate him, her and Chelsea too. She has the highest unfavorables of any Dem candidate and probably these books won’t change that.
I much prefer discussing her politics (war hawk and neoliberal economics) than I do discussing her personal life. But of course, there’s a market for dissing liberals as Ann Coulter knows full well, and in their mind and the minds of their readers, HC and BC will always bee the leaders of that Satanic religion. My guess is that these books won’t be extreme enough for the real Clinton haters.
A better headline might be “Attempts by has-been reporters to cash in on Hillary fail.” What’s new? She said in her book, and so did Bill, that they considered divorce. That she thought there were conspirators out to get her? That’s in her book too.
She’s not my primary candidate, but that’s because of her political positions, not the color of her nail polish.
Since 1999 the Punditariat has gotten a pass to be slack and lazy about Hillary.
Panty sniffers like Broder, Gerth, and Van Natta breing absolutely nothing new to the table. Nothing of value, and nothing worthy of their salaries.
It’s 1999 again, when any lie, any snigger, and any put-down is eagerly sucked up by the commercial media and amplified into complete hysteria…..anything to sully and smear the legacy of the very popular and productive Bill Clinton and his administration.
this isn’t so much about Hillary as it is about old news recycled for political consumption….and that is cheap, lazy and dishonest.
Why are men scared of strong women? Is it the sex thing? Christy Hardin Smith had a zinger up that cuts to the chase….”Question: What is a ‘slut?'” “Answer: anyone who is getting more sex than you are, and likes it.”
It’s time to disregard panty sniffing, dumpster diver loons called ‘respected pundits’ who are too lazy or too stupid to address the failings of Bush’s Wars, or Hillary’s odd ‘neo-liberal’ economics phantasms.
They may be correct regarding a limited response to the two books but let me tell ya, That piece of garbage c mathews is now suffering from a continuing woody as a result of these books. I don’t recall how much hardball time the pig spent on them but I can tell you that pig boy spent not less that 12 minutes time on them this Sunday AM. (out of not much more than 20 minutes time) I guess that he feels that he should have gotten a Monica special also!
They got rid of Imus and guess what, they should get rid of pig boy as well. He is not only a disgrace but it is his kind of sludge mouth that is tragically resulting in the gigantic negatives world wide that this once great country is experiencing!!
I would imagine the Clintons would have no trouble obtaining advance copies, given their connections. It’s not wrong to suggest that they are aware of the contents of the two books. In fact, I would be surprised if they weren’t.
Whether the Clintons would discuss the books with Hillary’s campaign staff is another matter.
Why should they make comment on old news from the 90’s?
How amny times do we need horseshit like Whitewater, vince foster, and concerns about whether Hillary is getting any? What’s with the panty sniffing by the pundits? Are they out of Viagra, or not wanking properly?
The best headline would have been: We Have Nothing to Say, But Can’t Stop Our Gums from Flapping Anyway. This is a classic non-story.
Wake up.
WaPo is an official Clinton propaganda station.
They are just doing their job.
Elections are a matter of percentages. If they can reduce the impact of these books by even a few percentage p[oints, then the employees of said propaganda outlet have done their job.
Business as usual.
The Spin Cycle Iis ON!!!
can really screw up a story.