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Question for everyone:
favorite way of staying cool during the summer?
favorite way of staying cool during the summer?
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May the 4’s be with you
Say hello to the newest member of the Frog Pond:
My answer to the question: never ever leaving my air-conditioned bubble 🙂 On a fun note, though, I try to make it to SunSplash at least once during the Fires of Hell (aka the AZ summer)
Here’s some bait to lure out the lurkers 😉
chocolate chip mint, and sailing (or yachting, or motorboating)…just get me on the water in some kind of boat.
me too, chocolate chip mint.
But for staying cool, my broken temperature regulator needs air conditioning. However, I can be tempted out for a snow ball.
And DCup already made her (? – fan, or owner?) first comment.
She’s a she – the link is broken in the top comment for her homepage.
Hi – I’m late to comments tonight. It’s been a long day!
Wow – thanks for the welcome. This is really cool.
Booman got me with his post yesterday about the overheating laptop. I’ve been lurking for a few months now, but finally got off my lazy bum and registered so I could comment.
Hi DCup, glad you joined up! I bought one of those laptop cool-pads after reading that thread. My gateway runs real hot so hopefully it’ll help.
Welcome to DCup! I like your blog, and your moniker too.
hi lil! hope you’re havin’ a great Wednesday
Howdy ManEe– it’s better now that I’m getting ready to go home. Thanks for putting up the Welcome Wagon! Or thanks to whoever was responsible. It’s nice to see everyone here.
We’re here every Wednesday!
Also looking for additional Welcome Wagon hosts, so if there are any interested BooTribbers, please send me or AndiF an email.
I’ll give you a break and do next Wednesday’s.
(And hi)
(Hi back!)
Sounds like a plan.
I’m so glad you guys are keeping this up.
You showed back up just in time for me to say good night. I woke up at 3:30 a.m. this morning and I’ve hit geezer time early tonight.
Hope you stop back by next week.
And I need to remind FM that he said he’d do one.
Hi, Lil! Thanks for the welcome. Thanks for checking out the blog. And I’m glad you like the name. I used to be offended when an old boss called me DCup. Now I answer to it.
When I’m seriously hot, I get into my Mazda and pump up the a/c. (at least briefly)
almost entering the period where all Az Drivers are forced to operate a steering wheel with four fingertips, at the risk of third-degree burns, so your penchance to get in a vehicle to cool off is amusing to me 🙂
Gotta use one of those folding windshield visors. Or is that only for us easterners?
You mean the shiny thing-a-mob we use to cook lunch with after focusing the sunrays? Sure 🙂
what ManEgee owns a car without tinted windows..how else are you suppose to hide the hookah before you get pulled over?
the trick is having a hookah at each of the regular pit stops – and besides, they’re not illegal….yet. 😉
Remember where I’m writing from, KS/MO it just has to look illegal and the next thing you know your wiping ink off your fingertips.
Kayaking or tubing down the creek, preferably a shady one.
Not to mention the blood orange and bittersweet chocolate gelato.
mmmm gelato.
[drool emits]
Frozen Margaritas. The best part being that after a couple of them, you’ll be too drunk to care about the heat. :>)
FM will like this;
Sit still – sit very, very still.
(I don’t have AC at home – a couple of fans, though.)
Even if it isn’t that cool, it’s always kewl.
I keep coming back just to look at it!
Hi Manny, Andi, CabinGirl and everyone else I slid past on my way down to making my very own Froggy Comment.
I’m at work, but I snuck in looking for SecondNature. Does she ever stop in anymore?
She was in the Carnacki thread earlier.
Hi Boran, Thanks, I’ll run over there. It’s good to see you. I totally forgot that this is Wednesday (I’m always off a day on holiday weeks — I didn’t even make it to Manny’s place until this morning!)
Good to see you!
Tis indeed Wednesday! It makes the weekend that much closer 🙂 Hope you’re doing good!
I’m doing fine. I must be, I’m so chatty today!!
How have you been?
i’ve been trying to dip my toes back into the blogging waters this week, the past few weeks have been nuts in real life. always good to see you around here
[goes searching for the big green 4]
How ya doing?
(SN was around earlier but she seems to have been gone all afternoon.)
{{Andi}} Hi! I’m doing great. What about you? You were traveling the last time I stopped in.
Glad to hear it.
I’m doing pretty good, except I’ve got more traveling coming up. 🙁
icecream: french vanilla w/ fresh raspberries, a dash of cinnamon and maple syrup…a late summer treat!
cooling off?…at altitude is best, plus you get some exercise, and coming down is always easier.
lake isabelle…just above timberline….11,600± elev.
it’s close by, the water’s always cold, it’s always breezy, and, generally, there’s nobody else around.
clik images for info
Wow, that you live close to this, that’s wonderful.
yo d! that looks like paradise; would love to hike that area someday.
it’s in the Arapahoe Nat’l Forest, about a 30 min drive to the trailhead from here. there’s a chain of lakes..brainard, long, blue, mitchell and isabelle….a moderate hike with a fair amount of elev gain, but once you get beyond the brainard rec area….brainard being the lowest lake, elev wise, in the chain, there’s relatively few people around….good XC and snowshoe area in the winter too…but get’s pretty crowded on weekends.
the door’s always open, manny…bring a cam and appropriate gear….l doubt Bud would appreciate it tho.
later, mi amigo
clik images for info
I am jealous.
Coming from you that’s really saying something Andi.
Talk about jealous, I’m always jealous of your woods and your pix. Not too jealous though– until my computer weirded out on me I had one of your pictures on the desktop.
NOT to take away from dada’s lake picture. I agree, it’s gorgeous.
Good to see you. Been getting in any scifi reading?
I love my woods and I wouldn’t trade them for anything but hiking in mountains is glorious and I never get to spend enough time in them.
If you want a new woodsy wallpaper for your desktop, the ones at the link below ought to be high enough resolution.
But which picture to use? The Hollow in spring is quite lovely, but so are the others.
I haven’t read any more of the sci-fi we were discussing recently except for re-reading Lincoln’s Dreams. Last night I started re-reading Harry Potter, getting ready for the end of the saga.
Re-reading seems to be a theme here, hmm. I think in troubled times I seek comfort in the tried and true when it comes to stories.
As for the mountains I’m looking forward to a long weekend in the high Sierra in September. And maybe in July too. It’s been too long.
I do almost no re-reading — the only absolute belief I hold is that there are too many books and too little time. I mean, what if I were to re-read a book and then kick off before I had a chance to read the book that I would have loved most if only I hadn’t taken the time to re-read the book that I thought I loved most.
I know what you mean. For years I believed my dying thought would be of the books I hadn’t read. But even when I was a kid there were books I visited time after time. I almost wrote tome after tome, hah.
Now it’s time to face my moody offspring home from her art class. Good night!
A good book gets beter with each read. A bad book gets worse.
Oh I forgot to say, Thank you for the link Andi!