
Bill O’Reilly: But do you understand what the New York Times wants, and the
far-left want? They want to break down the white, Christian, male power structure, which you’re a part, and so am I, and they want to bring in millions of foreign nationals to basically break down the structure that we have. In that regard, Pat Buchanan is right. So I say you’ve got to cap with a number.

John McCain: In America today we’ve got a very strong economy and low unemployment, so we need addition farm workers, including by the way agriculture, but there may come a time where we have an economic downturn,
and we don’t need so many.


O’Reilly: But in this bill, you guys have got to cap it. Because estimation is 12 million, there may be 20 [million]. You don’t know, I don’t know.
We’ve got to cap it.

McCain: We do, we do. *I agree with you.*

It’s near the end.

I’m a white, male kind of a guy and I was raised in a Christian family. And I just don’t give a shit about whether or not I get to be part of some white, male, Christian ‘power structure’. Now, considering that Hispanics are predominately Christian and the fact that illegal immigration is heavily biased towards people of the male variety, I can only see this as a problem with skin color and, to some degree, language.

So, O’Reilly is really saying that he wants to protect the status quo which favors white people, people that happen to be, at the same time, guys, and has some advantages for Christians of the non-brown variety.

It’s a fairly naked appeal for a society that white, male, Christians can dominate. And it is pretty revealing that O’Reilly is so vexed about the demographic changes and immigration policies that threaten that wonder bread and miracle whip reality of his idealized childhood in the Long Island ‘burbs.

Now, when I was growing up Catholics suffered a good degree of discrimination, although much less than in the years before I was born. And an infusion of 12 million mostly Catholic people would ordinarily be seen as a positive development because it would increase the power of Catholics within the ‘power structure’. But, not so, if they happen to be of the non-white type. O’Reilly’s appeal is nakedly racist.

Now, I know that a lot of white people get uncomfortable when they see people congregating in parks, playing soccer and volleyball, and looking and sounding a little different. Trust me…it will be okay. Xenophobia is an ugly and distasteful emotion and should be suppressed.

In the meantime, how many more Republican candidates want to pander to this shrinking demographic of anxious, white dudes?

And what will the ladies say?