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This appeal from the Council for the National Interest Foundation was distributed today to help pay for a New York Times ad which will appear in the New York Times on the 40th anniversary of Israel’s Occupation of the Palestinian people. Its main focus will be on peeling Democrats running for the presidency away from the influence of right wing Zionist organizations, especially, AIPAC. The cartoons shown here were part of past CNI ads in the New York Times.

To mark the fortieth anniversary of Israel’s brutal military occupation next week, the Council for the National Interest Foundation (CNI) will be publishing a new full-page ad in the June 10th, Sunday New York Times, opposite the editorial page inside the “Week in Review” section. The ad is timed to coincide with the day of a mass protest rally and march on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol Building calling for an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights, which is expected to be attended by tens of thousands of people.

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The Sunday, June 10th, full-page ad (not yet available) will be one of the CNI Foundation’s most important advertising efforts since the New York Times first agreed to run one of our ads in 2002. We need your financial support. We are currently drafting the ad around the need for restoring U.S. credibility around the world by seriously engaging our full diplomatic, economic, and political attention to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We will have a cartoon in the ad that shows the top six presidential contenders scrambling to get to an AIPAC podium to express their “undying support” to the state of Israel.

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We have just concluded a very successful campaign in the New York Times. Over the last year we published six full-page ads, one every two months, in the Sunday “Week in Review” section. These ads have covered such taboo subjects as the Israel lobby’s near stranglehold on U.S. foreign policy, the worrisome rise of Christian Zionism, the need to exit Iraq and prevent possible war with Iran, and, of course, Israel’s refusal to end the occupation and make peace with her neighbors.

Our ads provoked the usual smears from apologists for the right wing in Israel, and naturally a lot of vicious hate mail. But they also revealed, through countless heartfelt letters and generous contributions we received, that there is large and growing support among ordinary Americans for an end to the occupation, an end to Israeli apartheid over the Palestinians, and, instead, for serious U.S. efforts at making real peace in the Middle East. You can see a copy of each of our previous full-page ads on our new website by clicking here.

Could you help us cover the cost of this ad, which will mark the fortieth anniversary of the occupation, by making a tax-deductible contribution of $35 to the CNI Foundation today? You can make a secure credit card donation online here or by calling us toll-free at 800-296-6958 and dialing extension 305. If you would like to send a check or money order, you can use the address at the bottom of this email and list “NY Times Ad” in the memo section.

This has been one of the most productive years in our history. By becoming a CNI Foundation donor, you can help us grow and continue our fight against the lobby!


Eugene Bird

Council for the National Interest Foundation
1250 4th Street SW, Suite WG-1 · Washington, DC 20024
800.296.6958 · 202.863.2951 · Fax: 202.863.2952