I originally wrote this post in reply to boran2’s Henry Kissinger: Still Delusional After All These Years. I do not mean to cast aspersions on boran2, but I think that the post I reference underestimates Henry Kissinger’s…and by extension, the entire Permanent Government’s…real craft and success.

We have had over 50 YEARS of this “delusion”, friends. When are we going to realize that the only delusion is on the side of the consistent losers?


Well-meaning, indeed. And losing almost every time.

New-realitied into near non-existence.

Always playing the same role as did the hapless Washington Generals, perennial losers to the Harlem Globetrotters. (What irony abounds in the choice of THOSE two names!!!)

It seems as if every time I see the PermaGov team and the so-called opposition come out on the floor of the public media I can hear that goddamned whistling version of Sweet Georgia Brown that was the theme song of the fixed Globetrotters/Generals games for forty years or more.

Same fix, different venue.

But we keep buying tickets!!!

And we dare to call the owners and promoters of the GAME deluded?

Give me a break.

Read on for more.
Henry Kissinger?


Not really.

I don’t believe it.

On the evidence.

Look at where we are.

Fighting the Realpolitik fight. All over the world.

Just as Henry wanted, 40+ years ago.

Henry Kissinger.


“Administrations of both political parties perceived the survival of South Vietnam as a significant national interest.”

This sounds completely wrong-headed. But it is NOT. It is the flat-out truth of the matter. ESPECIALLY the ” both political parties” part, as our lovely set of DemocRat legislators has once again recently proven to us.

We foolish plebes misconstrue what the real movers and shakers in the PermaGov mean by “national interest”.

It is in “the national interest” to consistently focus as much force as it is possible for the economy and society of this country to bear on every client state in every client area that has the temerity to oppose our hegemony in that area.

Right up to…but not past…the absolute limits of:

1-The cohesion of U.S. society.

2-The ability of the U.S. economy to fund such efforts without total societal breakdown.


3-The eventual armed resistance of forces that can effectively oppose said efforts past U.S. ability to resist without unleashing Pandora the Nuclear Princess.

The “I will FUCK YOU UP!!!” approach to international relations.

Crazy Joey Gallo Goes To Washington.

This is a tightrope walk. I work in circus bands sometimes, and one observation that I have made repeatedly  is that even the riskiest performer…no net, daring tricks 100 feet above the sawdust…is in reality a cold, calculating son of a bitch at heart.

Or…he/she is a dead tightrope walker. May I point out here that Mr. K. is neither dead nor in jail?  He walks a pretty good tightrope, folks. Yes he does.

They talk and act a good game…

“OHHHHHHHH!!!” goes the crowd.

8 or 10 shows a week, 40+ weeks a year, for years.

The good ones.

But they only take it so far and no further.

Ditto the U.S. economic imperialists and their brain trusts.

Once the going gets TOO tough…to the point where they will lose sufficient support at home to keep getting re-elected, to the point that the economy is threatening to totally tank, to the point where the armed forces themselves are beginning to rebel…then it’s always the same conversation in some leather-lined office in DC.

“Well, Mr. B.J., I think that we have made our point. That we will TOTALLY fuck up any small country that offers true opposition to our international economic aims. Time to get the fuck out and spread some oil on the troubled waters at home. Whaddaya say?’

“Why certainly, Mr. J. B. Right on the money.”

They are ALWAYS right.

On the money.

That’s why opposition to their policies has been almost a total failure since the Korean War.

They have the money.

And we get the shaft.

WHY do we get the shaft?

Besides the fact that we have no power over massive finances such as those controlled by the dominant corporate interests in the world?


They are not “delusional”.

They are master liars.

Master producers of “new realities”.

Bet on it.

And Kissinger is the best of the best in these matters.

He wrote the book.

If the true rot that comprises the base of this whole system ever comes to light, ol’ Henry’s prints will be ALL OVER IT.

He is nothing less than a genius of what could quite literally be considered from the standpoint of human morality and the overall survival of the human race evil.

“All for us, as little as possible for you. By any means necessary. By any means practical. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.”

THAT kind of evil.

But “deluded”?

I think not.

Do not underestimate these people or turn them into cartoon figures.

They prop UP cartoon figures to take the brunt of our hatred.

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But ol’ Henry The K?

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Still in there cogitating after all these years.

Give him his props, folks.

Know thine enemy.

Or…get thine ass royally kicked.

45 years since Eisenhower first publicly warned us of the military-industrial complex?

Have we even had ONE President or legislature that was not almost totally owned by those corporate interests?

With the possible partial exceptions of JFK and Carter? And look where that position got THEM!!!


Doesn’t look like it to me.

Not by a LONG shot.
