GOP voters are anxiously awaiting the presidential candidacy of Fred Thompson. In response to a Thought Theater survey, the following are the top ten reasons they prefer Fred Thompson be the Republican nominee:
- If you’re going to tell American voters tall tales, you need to nominate the tallest candidate.
- GOP voters expect their politicians to tell them what they want to hear…and they insist that the nominee is able to execute that task well and with flair.
- GOP voters are skittish about men like John McCain…they prefer that their presidential candidates either have no military experience or that they know how to fake it.
- He has experience with partisan presidential politics…he starred in The Hunt For Red October…which should translate well into a red November.
- Rudi Giuliani brought law and order to New York City…but Fred Thompson brought Law & Order to every American home.
- He would do a much better job with natural disasters like Katrina…he learned the dangers of wind and water when filming Cape Fear.
- Actors make the best GOP candidates…you give them a script, they memorize it, and they repeat it over and over again.
- He won’t be afraid to continue the Bush administration’s torture policy…he’s already threatened to give Michael Moore electro-shock therapy in Cuba.
- Mitt Romney may have Ronald Reagan’s hair…but Fred Thompson can be counted on to continue the Reagan tradition of having only one wife at a time.
- Since the Clinton presidency, GOP voters want to be sure that their president prefers to smoke his cigars.
LOL — Recommended.
he’d fire all the lesbians.