The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that several Americans have been arrested for plotting a coup against the government of Laos, had purchased weapons and ammunition and were trying to get Stinger missiles.
Nine California residents, including a retired California National Guard lieutenant colonel and a former Laotian general, were arrested this morning and accused of conspiring to overthrow the government of Laos, court records obtained by The Chronicle show.
The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives filed a criminal complaint in U.S. District Court in Sacramento alleging that the men violated the federal Neutrality Act by raising money to buy military equipment including Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, machine guns and other high-powered weaponry that was to be used against “both military and civilian officials of Laos.”
Sounds like Forsyth’s “Dogs of War”, doesn’t it? Or a classic 19th century filibustering expedition. I’m glad that even under this incompetent regime the BATF hears about attempts to buy Stingers.
Unlike the recent domestic “terrorism” threats, where people were arrested for not much more than big talk, this group actually HAD weapons and money.
Also arrested was Vang Pao of Westminster (Orange County), a general under the former Laotian government who came to the United States in 1975. The complaint identifies him as the head of the Neo Hom, a movement opposing the Laotian government…The defendants allegedly had already bought 125 AK-47s, 20,000 rounds of ammunition
But I can’t believe this was a serious plot; Laos may be small and poor but its army could certainly handle 125 rebels. Not much is said about what connections and support the troublemakers might have had in Laos; did the ex-General really think he could take over? I’m not sure why neither the court nor the news story calls these guys “terrorists”.
Crossposted in orange, where there are already some good comments.
Vang Pao Charged in Laos Plot
Minnestoa is home to one of the largest Hmong communities in the country and the U.S.’s highest ranking Hmong elected official.
State Senator Mee Moua
here’s the newest from the Chronicle. The money quote:
I remembered the Hmong-CIA connection from the Vietnam war when I wrote this yesterday, but didn’t want to go there; that’s tinfoil hat land. I don’t believe the CIA is involved in this; I’m guessing that Gen. Vang Pao told it to his men and they believed it. But because of the historical connection, it isn’t quite impossible…
Money quote 2:
Yesterday I wrote that I didn’t believe this was a serious plot, guess that was premature. With or without CIA backing, if they really had $10M, that’s serious. Where’d all that money come from? Vang Pao and some of the other accused are leaders of Hmong community organizations, did they steal the money from those groups?
Many Hmong contribute to Pao’s organization Neo Hmo (sp?)and there’s probably other front organizations that money flows to from the community.
With high level political connections too! Former US Attorney Tom Heflinger who was forced out for Rachel Paluose in the “Attorney Gate” scandal may lead Vao’s defense team.
There’s also opium and heroin and lions and tigers and oh my!
The feds are also looking at a former Wisconsin State Senator (a democrat).
Vang Charges Very Serious
Vang Pao Timeline
Many Hmong don’t back General
thanks! I did see mention of that state senator – publicly accused but not charged, that’s always interesting.