With word coming out that William ‘Freezer Cash’ Jefferson will soon be indicted, we should prepare ourselves for a special election in Louisiana’s 2nd District. One compelling candidate is Derrick Shepherd, who has an interesting biography. He was Navy Medic in the Persian Gulf War. He returned home and promptly earned an undergraduate degree in economics and a law degree. He then became a JAG officer in the Naval Reserves. He’s the first African-American to ever be elected to the State Senate from Jefferson Parish. He placed third in the 2006 election, losing the chance to be in the runoff against Rep. Jefferson by less than 4,000 votes.
Rahm Emanuel will be looking to DLC-Champion Karen Carter to run again for the 2nd district seat. I think Shepherd would be a more progressive voice in Congress. Although, I do have to wonder about his proposed bill to ban saggy drawers. As the ACLU said:
His bill would punish anyone caught wearing low-riding pants with a fine of as much as $500 or as many as six months in jail, or both.
An ACLU spokesman says the bill goes too far. He says, “I can think of a lot of workers, plumbers, who are working and expose their buttocks.”
In any case, get ready to say goodbye to Freezer Cash Jefferson.
I’m with Shepherd..just say no to crack. š
My only thing–why the heck did it take a year? Other than that: Ha-HA. There is SERIOUS work that must be done, both in Louisiana and nationally and his corrupt ass needs to be shown the door. Buh-Bye, Dollar Bill.
he may be saying goodbye for a very long time:
and this is just the tip of the iceberg…the others just haven’t been caught yet.
clik images for info
to baggy pants back when his daughter was in high school — take his staple gun and staple them securely to the boy’s hips. Let’s just say my niece didn’t do a whole lot of dating in high school… š
$80.00 an hour and the plumber still can’t afford a belt.
What I want to know is, where can I find a plumber for only $80/hr?
For example on May 22, 2006, CNN had this report.
The money was divided among various frozen food containers, according to the heavily redacted affidavit.
Jefferson very well is guilty. But the pattern of misinformation in the Department of Justice is such to put their credibility in doubt.
One note: Emanuel doesn’t run the DCCC anymore.
From his bio:
“Jefferson is an active and senior member of the powerful Ways and Means Committee and its subcommittee on Trade. He is also a member of the House Committee on the Budget.”
You’ll notice it doesn’t say he’s chairman of the Ways and Means Committee or the House Committee on the Budget. You know why that is? Because last year when the FBI raided hs office Pelosi stripped him of his leadership positions.
The Democratic party did it’s best to oust him in the primary and run off elections but the people down there don’t much trust outsiders telling them who to elect I guess.
Contrast that with Denny Hastert’s shrieking over the raid on Jefferson’s office and his years’ long cover up of Mark Foley’s scandals. And how about Boehner appointing Ken Calvert to the Appropriations’ Committee when John Doolittle had to step down pending his indictment? Turns out the FBI is delving into Calvert’s records too. Jerry Lewis, House Appropriations ranking member is not long for congress either.
If you’re keeping score at home here’s some info for you:
Congress.Org Jefferson’s Power Rank Standings
Power Ranking: 439
Power Score: -2.50
Rank in Chamber: 439
Rank in State: 7
Rank in Party: 237
Rank in Class of 1990: 19
Past Power Rankings
2005 Rankings: 412 2006 Rankings: 436
Man he’s last in the party and the entire chamber! This guy not only has less pull than any Democrat or Republican but with a -2.50 power rating he could probably cause your bill to spontaneously burst into flames by glancing approvingly at it!
Compare that to 4th ranking Repub Jerry Lewis Power Rank Standings
Power Ranking: 118
Power Score: 19.53
Rank in Chamber: 118
Rank in State: 19
Rank in Party: 4
Rank in Class of 1978: 1
Lewis is probably going to retire next year before of course he’s indicted first in the Duke Cunningham scandal. Like the disgraced traitor Duke – and that’s what people who bilk the national security apparatus of the US ought to be considered – Lewis is going to find out that resigning doesn’t make much difference to honest feds (but who knows how many of those are left in Gonzalez’s DOJ?) when it comes to felony charges.
And yet there sits Lewis as ranking minority member on the Appropriations Committee. 4th most powerful Repub and 118th most powerful member in the House.
Why doesn’t Boehner force him to step down? LOL, have you seen the Republican House caucus? Replacing Jesse James with Billy the Kid isn’t going to curb crime in
Dodge City.
thanks for pointing out that Rahm stepped down at DCCC. Too much on my mind lately.
Makes the jar of pennies nice and cold, and then my landlord says “Yipes!” when I pour them into her hands.