Anyone have an opinion on this immigration bill?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
They need to denounce any idiocy involving touch back provisions (meaning the head of household must return to their home country before entering the system), they need to restore the weight that family ties have always had in our system, they need to ditch the Z visas and ensure a path to citizenship if a worker chooses it. They need to stop building walls and creating a police-state situation in the border region and start working on economic stabilization.
If you were to make a paper air plane out of a dollar bill, and fly it from Nogales, Arizona to Nogales, Sonora – it would be worth 10 times its original amount when it lands. That’s why we’re in this situation, all the while, the poorest of the poor reap the dust-devil
To that I would add equal pay. We are not just cheap labor. If Americans don’t like to d the shity, back breaking jobs, we are glad to do it, but pay us what we deserve.
I would also add, the federal government needs to stop funding covert operations against liberals in Latin America, and needs to tie aid not to items that allow for private profits there, but to programs that assure the citizens of Latin American countries will get healthcare, environmental safety, and a living wage.
Yes I have an opinion – much like the “Gay Marriage” issue in the last presidential elections, it will be used to distract the public from the war during the next elections.
it sucks.
It creates a permanent underclass of low-wage workers who will compete with americans for the ever-shrinking pool of jobs.
I have nothign against immigrants, but this bill sucks. It makes them into slaves, and puts the rest of us out i the street. damned if I’ll suppport this filthy piece of shit.
Ah, come on, the Washington IT trade magazines are already advertizing for bids on the billion dollar biometric IDs, database management services and infrastructure engineering it will take to document who is who in Scamerica. We are talking big biz here.
The bill and some of the amendments would throw open the gate to a massive increase in the number of H-1Bs. The high-tech employment picture is dire enough right now. We don’t need to increase the number of persons who will come in and depress the high-tech labor market.
You get the feeling this is, partly, a kick at the middle class. They have already depressed the wages of the lower income workers by paying under the table wages.
Amnesty or bust, and no temporary visas in between.
Where is the provision that throws business owners in jail for three years for each illegal hired? That would be the end of it, period.
But owners, chairpeople and shareholders might end up being held responsible. Can’t have them take responsibility for their own personal (and personel) actions, can we?
I have been listening to C-SPAN in the mornings, and I am appalled at the level of mindless hostility expressed by Republicans, Independents AND Democrats regarding the issue of immigration. Not since the Civil Rights Movement have I heard such blatant, self righteous dehumanization. They want unpapered workers rounded up, shipped out, punished and shot if possible. I have waited in vain for a caller who would point out that these are PEOPLE we are talking about; these are the people who, for very little money pick out crops, care for our children, build our decks, clip our hedges, and clean our toilets. What will happen to the families when the breadwinner must return to his/her country of origin to wait and learn English and develop more desirable skills? Where will a struggling family of four get $29,000.00 to buy themselves out of illegality? This bill is cruel, punitive and unworkable.