Tell The House To Oppose H.Con.Res. 152

Jerusalem “Reunification” Bill Disregards the Peace Process, Disregards the 40 year Occupation of Palestinian Land, and Disregards the Rights of the Palestinian People

This bill was introduced by one of AIPAC’s star performers in Congress, Tom Lantos, a right wing Zionist of the Likud variety, who was also implicated in pushing the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act, which was obviously written in conjunction with Israel’s propaganda (hasbara) services. This bill, HR 152, is just another demonstration that Israel has considerable, dog wagging, influence within the US Congress and in the Whitehouse.

Washington, DC (June 5, 2007) – Today, the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on House Concurrent Resolution 152: Relating to the 40th Anniversary of the Reunification of the City of Jerusalem, which was introduced by Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA), chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. The resolution congratulates Israeli citizens on the anniversary of the Six Day War and the residents of Jerusalem on the reunification of that historic city. The bill is scheduled to come up for 1-minute debate under suspension of the rules after the House reconvenes at 2 pm and will be voted on after 6 pm today.

The resolution reiterates the commitment to the provisions of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, which calls for the American embassy to be relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem essentially recognizing the holy city as the capital of Israel, ignoring the city’s importance to Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike. Although H.Con.Res. 152 must pass both the House and Senate, it does not become public law; however, the Council for the National Interest believes that the provisions of this resolution obstruct the potential for peace by failing to recognize the reality of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

H.Con.Res. 152 fails to embrace the conditions necessary for an enduring peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. What Congress must understand is that the key for a lasting peace in the region is a two-state solution, with Jerusalem serving as the capital for both Israel and a future state of Palestine. That aim cannot be achieved as if the entire city of Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel. Although this resolution is expected to be mostly symbolic, it is important to let the President and Congress know that the American public supports Secretary Rice’s endeavors to promote negotiations for a two-state solution. The future of Jerusalem can only be determined through discussion between the Israelis and Palestinians.

ACT NOW! Please call your representative NOW!

Call the House switchboard toll-free at 877-851-6437

If you don’t know your representative in Congress, look it up here: http://www.house.gov/writerep/

Talking Points

·Ask your Representative to oppose H.Con.Res. 152, and support a balanced U.S. policy.
·The status of Jerusalem should be determined through negotiations.
·Encourage your representative to support Secretary Rice’s efforts to promote a two-state solution to the conflict.

Another way to voice your opinion to President Bush and Congress is by attending the “The World Says No to the Israeli Occupation” rally on June 10th and 11th here in Washington, DC. Sponsored by the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and United for Peace and Justice, this two-day event will include a rally, teach-in, and lobbying day. This is a great opportunity to get involved and protest the 40th anniversary of Israel’s illegal occupation.

You can also attend local End the Occupation activities on June 10-11 in a large number of cities throughout the United States and around the world.