This won’t surprise anyone, but it has to be said. William Kristol has no respect for the rule of law:
I FEEL TERRIBLE for Scooter Libby’s family. Millions of Americans feel terrible for Scooter Libby’s family. But we can’t do anything about the injustice that has been done. Nor can we do anything to avert a further injustice looming on the horizon–Judge Reggie Walton seems inclined not to let Libby remain free pending appeal.
Unlike the rest of us, however, George W. Bush is president. Article II, Section Two of the Constitution gives him the pardon power. George W. Bush can do something to begin to make up for the injustice a prosecutor appointed by his own administration brought down on Scooter Libby. And he can do something to avert the further injustice of a prison term.
Whatever happened to the idea that government officials, especially Bill Clinton, must tell the truth under oath?
Again, this is not a surprise. But it is still absolutely pathetic.
Who are these millions of Americans that feel terrible for Scooter’s family?
I do. Can you imagine having to live with this man?
do the math….28% approval X 300,000,000 pop ± X .5 [eligible voters] X .49 [# that actually vote] = 20,580,000
aka: the lunatic fringe, dobsonites, wingers, rapturists, neo-cons, aipac’rs….lots of them out there sn…and fools they may well be, but they still listen/watch the likes of Kristol
you have to really question the intellectual capacity of the general populace when the pew and usat/gallup polls come up with numbers like this on the current crop of presidential candidates:
via steve soto @ the left coaster
wtf indeed
clik images for info
Whenever I see that name Kristol I think of a guy hanging by piano wire. I know it’s ungodlike to think such thoughts but that’s my first impression of this man’s character.
Actually, it is very godlike (see Flood, Noah).
I guarantee he is correct about the millions.
There are also 3 million Americans that read over 100 romance novels a year (per an XM Public Radio show).
So what?
Both subsets of the population are just in it for the emotional thrill.
I got some red meat for all you frustrated housewives (stereotyping), how about a U. S. President in the dock for War Crimes.
Sounds like a novella, starring Laura.
Fuck him and fuck Scooter Libby too. You know, if my boss asked me to cover up for him and lie to a grand jury on an issue of national importance, I would tell him to fuck off and I would look for a new job. I wouldn’t risk going to jail and I would have thought about my child before I lied. Libby fucked up and he knew as he was lying that he could go to jail, but he chose to fuck his family and put his life on the line for his fucking master. He’s a fucking loser and he asked for prison when he fucking lied.
P.S.: I’m watching a great documentary on the word “fuck”, so I felt compelled to drop the fuck bomb. :>)
what Kamakhya said, plus it appears Scooter Libby doesn’t care about his family or he wouldn’t have lied to the protect Cheney.So if Scooter doesn’t care why should I. He brought these upon himself…whatever happen to the Republican motto of personal responsibility? If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime.
Think about it.
Crime pays in America.
Crime does pay, but not even for a fucking 3 million would I ditch my kids. It’s a sad fuck who would. :>)
Only seven responses in the first 2 hours since this was posted. Says alot re those that are following your postings Mr Boo. Your position question is the problem. whoever controls the government, it is immaterial when discussing the idea that the members of the govt tell the truth! There is no relationship at all. The telling of the truth is so far removed from this administration and its minions that it is comical to assume that any member would willingly tell the truth about anything.
The controlling factor is administration survival. At all cost.
ps- and what the hell is the reference to clinton?
Fortunately for Libby, Cheney, Bush, and the rest of the Little Rascals, most Americans haven’t really paid attention to this sordid affair and have little conception of Libby as a stooge of Darth Vader (aka Dick Cheney).
Therefore, after some careful polling to determine if people will react with outrage if Bush pardons Libby (most won’t; the general reaction will be “Scooter who?”), and some careful preparatory work (public testimonials to the basic decency of Scooter Libby…expect lots of photographs of him rescuing stray puppies and then giving them to orphans), Bush WILL grant Libby a pardon on Christmas, 2007 in the spirit of Christian compassion and blah blah blah. By that time, Libby will, at most, have served about six months in jail (and I don’t think he’s going to serve one day), and will be well taken care of once his pardo comes floating down from Mount Olympus.
We law-and-order types will be hopping mad and screech and jump up and down, as we do at every transgression of the gang of criminals who are in charge of America, Inc…but then that, too, shall pass, and life will go on.
Sorry to be so cynical, but, to quote the American philosopher Lily Tomlin, “No matter who cynical I am, I just can’t keep up.”
So I made a resolution to myself. I was going to listen to record the Leher Hour to my XM and start listening to that a bit along with my Air America, to try to get some “real journalism” along with my favorite liberal talking hedz. So I did. And I was listening along. And on the first day of my making good on my resolution, they had a panel. And on the panel, do you know who was on the panel?
Bill Kristol.
After all that’s been said and done and done, and they had Bill Kristol on. How the hell can any real journalist take anything this man says seriously? As in, without laughing his fool head off?
Resolution schmezolution. From that day on, no more Leher. I will get my news from Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann, thankew. And of course from the left of the blogosphere.